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1、ODI :ODI is investment of domestic assets into foreign countries, is not investment in the stock markets or in the equity of firms, is composed of M&A and investment.向外直接投资:向外直接投资是国内固定资产投资到国外,是不是在股票市场或在公司的股权,为 MA 和投资组成的投资。T/T: cable transfer or wire transfer is the equivalent of a cash payment that

2、can be credited directly to the sellers account.(telegraphic transfer)电汇:电汇或银行转帐 - 是现金支付,可以直接存入卖家的帐户相同。 B/L: waybill or consignment note, and receipt (in postal or courier delivery) are collectively known as the transport documents. 提 单 ( bill of lading) :提单或运单,及收据(在邮局或快递公司送达)被统称为运输单证。L/C: It is the

3、 buyer who initiates the making of payment, by instructing his bank to issue a documentary credit in favor of the seller.信用证( Letter of Credit) :我是谁发起的买方支付的制作通过指示其银行开出以卖方受益人的跟单信用证。The foreign exchange market: It is a place to trade foreign exchange currency and for the transaction of all foreign cur

4、rency外汇市场:它是一个地方外汇交易货币和所有外国货币交易Commercial banks: is a type of financial intermediary. It offers both commercial and investment banking services for individual and business, such as deposits, credit cards, loans, trusts, mutual funds, treasury bills, insurances and so on.商业银行:是一种金融中介机构的类型。它为个人和企业的商业和

5、投资银行服务,如存款,信用卡,贷款,信托,互惠基金,国库券,保险等。Savings account: A savings account typically refers to an account in which one places money to earn a small amount of interest.储蓄帐户:储蓄帐户通常是指一个帐户,其中一个地方的钱赚取少量的兴趣。Checking accounts: A checking account is convenience; it can be used in place of cash to make payments as

6、 ATM cards or each electronic debit cards. 支票帐户:支票存款帐户是方便,它可用于现金的地方,使每一个在 ATM 卡或电子借记卡付款。Bankers acceptances: A bankers acceptance (or BA) is a short-term credit investment created by a non-financial firm and guaranteed by a bank to make payment in a foreign trade. 银行承兑汇票:一个银行家的接受(或 BA)是一个短期的信贷投入创造了一

7、个非金融公司和银行担保,使在外国贸易支付。Commercial paper: Commercial papers are unsecured, short-term loans. Only high credit rating and credit worthiness corporations have credit to issue commercial papers. 商业票据:商业本票为无抵押,短期贷款。只有高信用评级和信用企业的信贷发行商业票据。 Repos:Repos (also known as repurchase agreements or Sale and Repurcha

8、se Agreement) are a form of overnight borrowing backed by government securities.回购:回购协议(也称为回购协议或出售和回购协议称)是一种由政府担保隔夜拆借证券形式。A balance sheet: In financial accounting, a balance sheet (or statement of financial position) is a summary of a persons or organizations balances资产负债表:财务会计,资产负债表(或财务状况表)是一个人或组织的

9、结余摘要 The income statement:shows revenues and expenses of a company for a given period of time。损益表:显示收入和一个特定的时间内对公司的开支。简答:1) What do you understand by “open account business”?In an open account trade arrangement, the goods are shipped to a buyer without guarantee of payment. Quite often, the buyer do

10、es not pay the agreed time. Unless the buyers integrity is unquestionable, this trade arrangement is risky to the seller.1)你是怎样理解的“开户业务”? 在一个开放的帐户贸易安排,将货物运到买方不付款的保证。很多时候,买方不支付约定的时间。除非买方的诚信是不容置疑的,这种贸易安排是有风险的卖方。2) Benefits and costs of FDI1 Host-country benefitsThe main benefits of inward FDI for a ho

11、st country arise from resource-transfer effects, employment effects, and balance-of-payments effects.2 Host-country costsThese costs of FDI concern host countries. They arise from possible adverse effects on competition within the host nation, adverse effects on the balance of payments, and the perc

12、eived loss of national sovereignty and autonomy.3 Home-country benefitsThe benefits of FDI to the home country arise from three sources. First, the home countrys balance of payments benefits from the inward flow of foreign earnings.Second, benefits to the home country from outward FDI arise from emp

13、loyment effects. As with the balance of payments, positive employment effects arise when the foreign subsidiary creates demand for home-country exports.Third, benefits arise when the home-country MNE learns valuable skills from its exposure to foreign markets that can subsequently be transferred bac

14、k to the home country. This amounts to a reverse resource-transfer effect.4 Home-country costsAgainst these benefits must be set the apparent costs of FDI for the home country. The most important concerns center on the balance-of-payments and employment effects of outward FDI. First, the balance of

15、payments suffers from the initial capital outflow required to finance the FDI. Second, the current account of the balance of payments suffers if the purpose of the foreign investment is to serve the home market from a low-cost production location. Third, the current account of the balance of payment

16、s suffers if the FDI is a substitute for direct exports.2)外国直接投资的成本效益与 1 东道国福利 外来直接投资对东道国的主要好处源于资源转移效应,就业效应,平衡国际收支的影响。 2 东道国成本 外国直接投资的关注东道国这些费用。他们对竞争产生的不利影响可能在主办国,在国际收支,以及国家主权和自主权丧失知觉的不利影响。 3 母国利益 外国直接投资的好处本国来自三个来源。首先,母国的利益平衡国际收支的外汇收入来自外来流动。 其次,从对外直接投资的好处来自本国就业的影响。作为与国际收支的平衡,积极的就业影响时出现的外国子公司创造了母国出口的需求。 第三,福利问题时的母国从跨国公司学习,可以接触到后来调回本国国外市场有用的技能。这相当于一个反向资源转移效应。 4 母国成本 针对这些好处必须为本国的外国直接投资明显成本。最重要的关注中心,在平衡国际收支和对外直接投资的就业效应。首先,国际收支患有初始资本所需的经费外国直接投资流出。第二,国际收支经常账户遭受如果外国投资的目的是为从低生产成本在国



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