【中考夺分天天练(译林·全国)】2014素材化中考英语总复习课件(含13年试题):专题 5 数词

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【中考夺分天天练(译林·全国)】2014素材化中考英语总复习课件(含13年试题):专题  5 数词_第1页
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《【中考夺分天天练(译林·全国)】2014素材化中考英语总复习课件(含13年试题):专题 5 数词》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【中考夺分天天练(译林·全国)】2014素材化中考英语总复习课件(含13年试题):专题 5 数词(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 专题 5 数词专题5 数词 考点直击点睛 表示数目多少或顺序先后的词叫数词。数词包括 基数词和序数词。 1 基数词的用法 1表示章、课、页码。如: Lesson One, Page 88 2表示房间号、门牌号、路、电话号码。如: Room 108, 108 Shanghai Road 3表示年代、日期、时刻。如: in the 1980s, 05:45 five forty-five 专题5 数词 4表示小数、百分数、分数、倍数。 (1)表示分数。分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大于一时,分母的序数词要用复数。表示几分之几的人或 物时,要用介词of,若该结构作主语,谓语动词与of后的名词在

2、数上保持一致。如: Three quarters of the students have passed the exam. 四分之三的学生考试及格了。 Two thirds of the money was spent on food.三分之二的钱都花在食物上了。专题5 数词 (2)表示百分数: 基数词percent。若表示百分之几或 百分之几十的人或物时要加of,该结构作主语时,谓语 动词的数与of后的名词在数上保持一致。如: Forty percent of the students wear glasses.百分之四十的学生戴眼镜。专题5 数词 2 序数词词的构成 1“第一”、“第二”

3、、“第三”分别是 first, second, third。 2“第四”到“第二十”序数词的构成:“第四”到“第二十”除了 fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth是特殊的拼写外,其余的都是在相应 基数词后面加-th构成。如: fourth 3整十序数词的构成。整十的序数词由相应的基数词变y为i,再加-eth;非整十的多位数,将个位数变成序数词即可。如: thirtieth, twenty-third 4hundred, thousand, million 等的序数词形式为 hundredth, thousandth, millionth。专题5 数词 3 序数词词的用法一般

4、情况下,序数词前要加定冠词the;若序数 词前用不定冠词a/an,则表示次数在原有基础上的增 加,意为“再一、又一”,相当于another。如:Im going to Australia a second time next month.下个月我打算再去一次澳大利亚。专题5 数词 4 数词词的其他用法 1表达“几十多岁”时用“in ones 整十位数的基数词的复数形式”。如:in his thirties 在他三十几岁的时候 2“基数词单数可数名词形容词”作定语修饰名词。如:an 800-metre-long bridge一座800米长的桥 3数词前加every, 表示“每一段时间/每隔一段时

5、间”。如:every ten days 每十天/每隔九天 4hundred, thousand, million的用法hundred, thousand, million等前面若有具体数字,其要用单数形式表示确数;它们后面若有of,则要用复数形式且前面不能加具体数字,表示约数。 专题5 数词 考点过关 基础过关 . 根据所给提示填空 1_ (千) of Japanese people lost their lives in the earthquake in 2011. Chinese people tried their best to help them. 2Our team won _

6、(第二名) prize in the competition. 3Ive lived in Liuzhou for_(十) years. 4In the_(第九) tree from the right there is a big bird.Thousands second ten ninth 专题5 数词 5Yesterday was Fathers Day and it was just my cousins _ (二十) birthday. 6Though my grandfather is in his _ (seventy), he has got a QQ number. 7I

7、have tried three times,and the teacher asks me to have a _ (four) try. 8Fathers Day is on the _ (three) Sunday of June.twentieth seventieth fourth third 专题5 数词 . 单项选择 ( )1. _volunteers will give out leaflets to ask people to protect the wetlands. A. Two hundreds B. Hundreds of C. Two hundred of D. H

8、undred of ( )2. There are_ days in a week and Tuesday is_ day of the week.A. seven; third B. seven; the thirdC. seventh; three D. the seventh; threeBB 专题5 数词 ( )3. There are _ teachers in our school, _ of them are women teachers.A. two hundreds; three fourth B. two hundred; three fourths C. two hund

9、red; three forthsD. two hundreds; three fourths( )4. Now, everyone, please go to the _ floor and enter the _room.A. second; fifth B. Two; fifthC. second; five D. Two; fiveBA解析 hundred 与具体数字连用时,用单数。分数表达法:分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于一时 ,分母用复数。 专题5 数词 中考透视 ( )1. 2013湛江 What day is it today?Its Monday, and its my

10、 _ birthday.A. fifteen B. fifteenth C. the fifteen D. the fifteenth ( )2. 2013宜宾 “Food Safety” has become one of the hottest topics recently. Yeah, it receives_ Internet hits (点击) a day. A. thousands B. thousand of C. thousands of D. ten thousands BC 专题5 数词 ( )3. 2013黄石 Its said that_ of the water a

11、round the world_ polluted.A. two third; has B. two thirds; have C. two third; are D. two thirds; isD解析分数表达法,分子用基数词,分母用序数 词,分子大于一时,分母加s。water为不可数名 词,故谓语动词用单数。 专题5 数词 ( )4. 2013 黄冈 What should we do now, Mr. Clark?Please turn to Page _ and look at the _ picture.A. Twelve; fifth B. Twelfth; fifthC. Twe

12、lve; five D. Twelfth; five ( )5. 2013雅安 We planted _ trees last year.Ahundreds of Bhundred ofCfive hundreds Dfive hundred ofAA专题5 数词 ( )1. In her _ birthday, I sent her a toy as a present.Aeight BeighthCthe eight Dthe eighth ( )2. 2013天津 Where is Class _?Its on the _ floor.ASix; third BSixth; thirdC

13、Six; three DSixth; threeB 语法专练 A 专题5 数词 ( )3. John lives on _ floor. He uses a lift to go up and down.Anine Bthe ninthCninth Da ninth ( )4. This is the _ time in _ days that he has made the same mistake.Asecond; third Btwo; threeCtwo; third Dsecond; threeB D专题5 数词 ( )5. The woman doesnt look her age

14、. I think shes _Ain her forty Bin the fortiethCin her forties Din forties( )6. 2012广东 Excuse me, sir. Heres a package for Lin Tao. Which room does he live in?_A308 Room BRoom 308CThe Room 308 DThe 308 RoomCB 解析几十多岁的表达为“inones整十位数的基 数词的复数形式”。 专题5 数词 ( )7. 2013济宁 The earthquake in Yaan left _ people homeless.Atwo thousands Bthousands ofCtwo thousands of Dtwo thousand of( )8. 2013贺州 This tall building has _floors. And Tony lives on the _floor.A. twelve; twelve B. twelfth; twelfthC. twelfth; twelve



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