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1、1. Not so long ago, _ you avoided drinking water during a workout(训练),you were _ tough. Today, most experts agree you would be considered unintelligent.Even if you dont _ much or feel thirsty, and even if there is a nice wind, exercise experts say drinking water or something _ is necessary before, d

2、uring and after all warmerweather activities. _ a few years ago, many coaches discouraged _ from drinking anything during the game - they thought it was _ for them to rinse(漱口) their mouths, but swallowing anything might _ them down.ifsweatelseconsideredOnly players right slowNow, theres usually ple

3、nty of _ on the sidelines for athletes to drink. The National Hockey League _ goalkeepers to put water bottles on top of their nets.These new practices _ be lost on the recreational(消遣的) athlete. Some doctors _ you to drink about two cups of water 15 minutes or so after you start exercising and the

4、_ amount every 15 minutes. In some types of exercise-running, for _ -others encourage drinking a cup or two of water with the workout.Dont drink any more, experts say -too much fluid(液体)_ breathing and exercise uncomfortable. waterallowsshouldnt advisesameexamplemakesIn heavy , continuous hotweather

5、 exercise, an athlete can sweat and _ away 1.8 kilograms of _ an hour.Drinking water _ two things: restores some weight and allows you to keep sweating so that the skin can keep_. Doctors say drinking six or eight cups a day can _ digestion(消化).breathe water doescool help2.While you are reading this

6、 I would like you to _. And why am I asking you to _ a smile while you are in the office or on the train, or while _ out your cornflakes(玉米片)? Because I would like you to understand _ it is like to be a receptionist. I would like you to have some idea of how it _ to smile continually for most of the

7、 day.smile force pouringwhat feelsBut beneath this _ exterior(外表), the life of the receptionist is supposedly a miserable affair. It is like a famous actress _ her tragedy behind a shining face. For receptionists are b_, lonely and ,to be _, want a little respect.happyhiding bored honest3._is genera

8、lly accepted that the experiences of the child in his first years largely determine his character and later personality. Every _ teaches the child something and the effects are increasing . “Upbringing” (教养)normally used to _ _ the treatment and training of the child within the home. This is closely

9、 related to the treatment and training of the child in school, _ is usually distinguished(区 别)by the term “education”. In a society such as ours, both parents and _ are _ for the chances provided for the _ of the child, so that upbringing and education depend on each other.It experiencerefer towhich

10、teachers developmentresponsibleThe ideals and practices of child upbringing are _ from culture to culture. _, the more rural(农村的)the group, the more unchangeable the customs of child upbringing. In more technologically _ societies, childhood and adolescence(青春期)are likely to cover a long time, _ in

11、more chances for education and greater variety in _ development.Early upbringing in the home is naturally _ both by the cultural pattern of the group and by the parents ability and their aims and depends not only on upbringing and education but also on the _ abilities of the child. differentGenerall

12、ydevelopedresulting characteraffectedbornWide differences of intelligence(智力)and character _ even in children of the same family.Parents can find out what is normal in _, mental and social development, by _ _ some of the many books _ on scientific knowledge in these areas, or less dependable since t

13、he sample(实 例)is smaller, by comparing notes with friends and relatives who have_.existphysical referring to basedchildren; http:/ CPP流延膜厂家 wld51xoy 从院子里走来,走进一看,才看清来人正是被分配到七王爷府里的春兰。“春兰,你怎么来了?”“先别管我了,王爷是不是还把自己关在屋子 里不出来?”“是啊,王爷都把自己关在屋子里三天三夜了,连着几日不上朝,连太后的晨昏定省都给免了,刚刚皇上身边的夏公公还来传旨说 皇上要召见王爷,晚了要是皇上大怒,我们王爷不就

14、完了?”“既然你知道事情这么严重,那还站着干嘛?”“春兰姐,我不站着还能干嘛?王 爷又不让我进去。”“他不让你进你就真不进去啊?万一他有个什么三长两短,没等你主子怪罪,皇上先怪罪下来了。给我把门踹开。”“踹, 踹开!这样不好吧?”“不好,有什么不好的?出了事我替你担着,踹吧!”“好,那我踹了啊。”只听啪的一声,门被踹开,房间里熏天的 酒气传了出来。司马昭懿趴倒在桌子上,应该是喝多了。“王爷,这”无痕看着这样的情况一时不知道该说些什么,春兰看见顿时气不打一 处来。抄起堂上的茶壶,对着司马昭懿的脸就狠狠的浇下去,司马昭懿顿时清醒,破口就喊:“哪个混蛋敢对本王如此无礼,给我拉下去” 看见是春兰突然又

15、改口:“春兰姐,你怎么在这?”“酒醒了?要是没醒我继续给你浇水,让你一次喝个够。”“春兰姐,够了。”“我知道你 内心的哭,可我们谁又不是?平妃娘娘在天之灵看见你这个样子她也不会开心的,我们要为她报仇,你就要好好振作起来才对,你明白吗,王爷 ?”“报仇?哼,我拿什么报仇,我连仇人都不知道在哪?”“不,我告诉你。是皇上害死的平妃娘娘,因为他要给他最爱的雪皇贵妃报仇,而 雪皇贵妃就是雪城纪莫生的嫡亲女儿。难道你忘了你母亲是怎么死的吗?”“不,我没忘,我没忘。”“既然这样,你就给我振作起来,不然你 只会让亲者痛仇者快,你明白吗?”司马昭懿突然沉默了,但是原本灰暗的眼神又开始燃起了希望的光,渐渐的灼目。“无痕,随我进宫。”“ 王爷,您不换下衣服?”“不必了,耽误了这许久,想必父皇早就等不及了,既然如此,何必呢?”“是,属下这就去牵马。” 司马昭懿赶到御 书房已经是一个时辰后了。皇帝的表情严肃,御笔朱批着奏章,眉头紧皱不


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