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1、Welcome to our classWelcome to our classUnit 1 FriendshipNothing in the world is better and more pleasing than friendship. Without it, the world would lose the sun. 世界上没有比友谊更好,更令人愉快得东西了,没有友谊,世 界仿佛失去了太阳。Introduce oneselfIntroduce oneself Hello everybody .My English name is Gloria Hello everybody .My

2、English name is Gloria and I graduated Anshan Normal University . I and I graduated Anshan Normal University . I come from Kazuo in Liaoning province .I am come from Kazuo in Liaoning province .I am very happy to study with you .Its really great very happy to study with you .Its really great to talk

3、 about ourselves and get to know each to talk about ourselves and get to know each other . Im interested in sports ,music and other . Im interested in sports ,music and mountain climbing .I also enjoy playing mountain climbing .I also enjoy playing basketball .I would love to play with you basketbal

4、l .I would love to play with you sometimes . I hope I can become your friend sometimes . I hope I can become your friend soon .Thank you very much.soon .Thank you very much.Talking about friendsAre you good at making friends?Do you have friends?What should a good friend be like?Describe yourself in

5、three words and then describe one of your friendsI think I am _,_and _.I think he/she is _,_and _.You can use the following words: Kind honest brave loyal happy wise strong beautiful handsome rich smart funnyRome Wasnt Built in a Day Learning English is like building a house .Laying a strong foundat

6、ion (坚实的基础)is the first and most important step(重要步骤) .In other words 换句话说 ,you should read and speak English every day .Memorizing new words and phrases is also helpful .Like building a house ,learning English takes some time .So dont be impatient .Remember ,Rome wasnt built in a day 学英语就像建造房屋一样。打下

7、良好的基础是第一部也 是重要的一步。换句话说,你应该每天读英文说英文。背 诵新的单词和短语也是很有帮助的。像盖房子一样,掌握 英文需要一些时间。因此要有充分的耐心。记住:罗马不 是一天造成的。English has become an international language .Where you go ,English is always commonly used. It is convenient to know the language. 英语已经成为国际语言,无论你走到哪里,英语总是被广泛地使用着 ,懂英语时非常方便的。 o Since English is not your n

8、ative tongue , you must develop the muscles of your speech organs to produce unfamiliar sounds .When you read ,read as loudly as possible as clearly as possible and as quickly as possible .Tongue muscles training is of great importance in learning any foreign language. o 因为英语不是你的母语,所以你必须训练和发展你口腔 器官的

9、肌肉,以便发出陌生的(另外一种语言的)声音。 当你读的时候,要尽量大声,尽量清晰和尽量快速。口 腔肌肉训练在学习任何语言时都是非常重要的。Homework Prepare warming up Try you best to read the new words Thank you very much ; http:/ 深圳宣传片制作 psz94ntr 已经心满意足了啊!”耿正感激地说:“谢谢婶子,我们一定和叔叔好好干,争取大发财,发大财!可是,婶子您这二八十六 盘大菜,这,这做起来也太不容易了啊!”李妻笑着说:“只要你们喜欢,婶子就高兴!”李老乡也笑着说:“你们婶子是杭 州本地人,很会做菜的

10、。平日里如果哪天高兴了,就会给我和娃娃们做个新花样儿吃吃。不过啊,像今儿个这样隆隆重重全上 阵,还从来没有过呢!来来来,大家快入座了吃饭。你们三个都不会喝白酒,咱们今儿个只喝米酒!”李妻麻利地连着打开两 小坛米酒,一边开坛子还一边快嘴快语地说:“这米酒可以多喝的。你们叔叔准备了八坛子呢,咱们今天可要多多喝,喝好啊 !”高高兴兴吃完饭后,李老乡对兄妹三人说:“让你们婶子自己收拾洗刷吧,我带你们仨看看咱们的铺子去。你们婶子说, 那两个匠人做得挺仔细,已经拾掇得差不多了!对了,咱们的铺子挂个什么招牌啊?我那天从景德镇返回时走得太着急,没有 和你们商定了,所以现在还只做了招牌的框架和边饰。咱们必须得赶

11、快确定下来,待会儿就先去告诉牌匾制作铺子,让他们赶 明儿个后儿个的就给咱们把烫金大字加上去!”耿正兄妹三人互相望望,耿直说:“你们俩和李叔叔商量吧,我小娃娃家说了 不算的!”耿正说:“李叔叔,您看着确定就行了。您在这个行当多年了,比我们有经验啊!”李老乡说:“我这些年干的不 能算是这个行当,充其量只不过是敲边鼓的。还是你们有才情,我一定要听一听你们的意见!”耿正问妹妹:“英子你看呢? ”耿英问李老乡:“李叔叔,您看需要把咱们的姓氏加进去吗?”李老乡说:“不用加了吧。我看你们当年为自己的小饭店起 的那个名字就特别好!现在,也不妨就沿用这种思路,来给咱们的丝绸铺子起一个响当当的名字!”耿英说:“当

12、年,我们的 小饭店是我哥给起的名儿。咱们的丝绸铺子挂什么招牌好,哥你的意思呢?”耿正凝神想想,说:“叫昌盛丝绸行如何? 预示着我们的丝绸铺子越做越大,永远兴旺发达!”耿英笑着点一点头。李老乡则高兴地一拍大腿,说:“太好了,就叫昌 盛丝绸行!走,咱们这就告诉牌匾制作店铺去!”话音未落,他人已经大步跨出屋门,去马厩里牵骡子驾车去了。耿正兄妹 仨与李妻和两个孩子告辞出来,老乡四人坐车先去了离十字大街不远的牌匾制作铺子,请他们尽快把“昌盛丝绸行”这五个烫 金大字做上去。那铺子的老板爽快地答应了,说是后天上午肯定会派两名伙计将牌匾送到,并且帮着挂起来。然后,老乡四人 再坐车到城西来。在距离租住小院儿不足百步的繁华大街上,耿正兄妹三人第一次看到了李老乡为大家盘下的店铺。眼下,店 铺的内装修已经做到只差重新粉刷剩下不多的墙面了,两个中年汉子


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