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1、红酒培训方案xx酒业 什么是葡萄酒定义:根据国际葡萄与葡萄酒组织的规定(OIV,1996),葡萄酒只能 是破碎或未破碎的新鲜葡萄果实或葡萄汁经完全或部分酒精发酵后获 得的饮料,其酒度不能低于8.5%(V/V)含香物质-0.1%色素和单宁-0.3% 酸 -1% 糖分-0.1%干8%Sweet甜酒精-餐酒10%,加强葡萄酒20%水份-80%-90%注:以上为重量的大约百分比葡萄酒的分类 葡萄酒的分类.doc (按生产工艺分)气 泡 酒香槟( Champagne)加瓦(Cava)西班牙其他气泡酒(如意大利的阿斯蒂 酒)普通葡萄酒红葡萄酒白葡萄酒玫瑰红葡萄酒加强葡萄酒钵酒、雪利酒Red grapes

2、are first crushed and de-stemmed, then placed into a container.红葡萄 先去梗压榨,然后放入容器 The alcoholic fermentation will start, at the same time maceration is taking place 接下来,酒精发酵就开始了,浸渍也在同步进行 During that time the tannins, flavors and coloring substances will dissolve into what is going to become wine (the

3、must). 在此期间,丹宁、香味及颜色等物质逐渐溶解入即将产生的葡萄酒中 。Whilst red wines are fermented with the skins and pips, the specificity of whitewhite wine making process lies in the absence of maceration 红葡萄酒和籽,皮一起发酵, 白葡萄酒酿制过程的特别之处在 于没有浸渍。 When making a white wine, the juice is separated from the skins immediately 酿制白葡萄酒时,果

4、汁和果皮是压榨后马上分离的。酿酒时 ,只使用葡萄汁。If you allow only a few hours of maceration, the wine will pick up some coloration from the skins, and the wine is only slighted taintedslighted tainted.如果仅有短时间的浸渍,葡萄酒的颜色就不会很深Only Champagne can use the direct blending of white and red wines to produce Ros wines.只有香槟可以直接使用白葡

5、萄酒和红葡萄酒的混合来调制玫瑰葡萄 酒During a second fermentation, yeast converts sugar into alcohol and gas (Co2)在第二次发酵过程中,酵母把糖份转化为酒精和气体(二氧化碳)3 methods / 种方法 1 - Secondary fermentation in bottle瓶中二次发酵2 - Secondary fermentation in a tank桶中二次发酵3 - Carbonation二氧化碳法Wines in which grape based spirit is added either after

6、 the fermentation or during the fermentation. 在发酵后或发酵过程中,加入由白兰地This operation is called the fortification of the wineExamples: 1)Port (Fortified during fermentation)2)Sherry (Fortified after fermentation)这个过程叫做葡萄酒的加强。 例如:1)钵 酒 (发酵过程中加强) 葡萄牙2)雪利酒 (发酵后加强) 西班牙1)来自葡萄品种本身的主要香气 例如: 加本力苏维翁的黑加仑香气2)来自发酵过程的香气

7、 例如:莎当妮的牛油香3)来自陈酿过程的香气葡萄酒的香气葡萄酒的香气白葡萄酒的香气白葡萄酒的香气花香类: 茉莉,玫瑰,紫罗兰 果香类: 梨,苹果,荔枝,柑橘类 蔬菜类: 蘑菇, 甜点类: 蜂蜜,新鲜面包,黄油 辛香类: 肉桂,茴香 矿物质类: 打火石,粉笔红葡萄酒的香气红葡萄酒的香气果香类:草莓,樱桃,红莓 蔬菜类:蘑菇,土壤 甜点类:香草,烤面包 辛香类:肉桂,甘草,辣椒 动物类:熏肉,皮草 培烤类:焦油,咖啡侍酒培训内容 :1.怎样向客人推荐酒?2.怎样记录客人所点的酒?3.怎样在餐厅中持酒?4.侍酒温度?5.怎样向客人展示葡萄酒? 6.怎样开瓶?7.怎样品酒及检查质量问题?8.滤酒?9.

8、怎样倒酒?10.侍酒次序?11.倒多少?12.让您的客人再点酒怎样向客人推荐酒怎样向客人推荐酒How to recommend a wineHow to recommend a wine 先给客人足够的时间看酒单。当客 人要求推荐时,才根据菜肴及预算 向客人荐酒 一些简单的规则:白葡萄酒配清淡 类菜肴,红葡萄酒配口味较重的菜 肴 用相同地区的酒配菜怎样记录客人所点的酒怎样记录客人所点的酒How to take wine orderHow to take wine order 记住酒名及年份 如果客人人数超过5-6人,可建 议客人再点一瓶1.不要握住瓶颈2.如有可能,将酒瓶,品酒杯 ,和餐巾放在

9、托盘上3.白葡萄酒及汽泡葡萄酒应该 放在冰桶内怎样在餐厅中持酒怎样在餐厅中持酒 How to carry the bottle to the guest tableHow to carry the bottle to the guest table向客人展示葡萄酒酒标向客人报酒名,地区,及年份等信 息怎样向客人展示葡萄酒怎样向客人展示葡萄酒 How to present the wineHow to present the wine1.在客人面前开瓶2.不要背对客人3.用酒刀割开铝膜4.将瓶盖放在托盘内,酒瓶旁,或 将瓶塞及铝膜放在口袋内。千万不要 将铝膜及瓶塞留在餐桌上 怎样开瓶怎样开瓶 H

10、ow to open the bottleHow to open the bottle1.用餐巾擦拭酒瓶2.结束时,轻轻转动酒瓶3.侍者应站在客人右侧气怎样倒酒怎样倒酒 How to pour the wine, gesture and How to pour the wine, gesture and portionportion让点酒者先品尝,倒大约一汤勺按顺时针顺序,先给女士,再给 男士倒酒最后加满点酒者的酒杯宴会上的顺序香气侍酒次序侍酒次序 Service sequenceService sequence给每人倒同样量的酒红葡萄酒可比白葡萄酒略多,因为冰镇的 白葡萄酒易变热 “单杯酒”

11、 应倒150毫升倒多少倒多少 How much to pourHow much to pour葡萄酒侍酒温度表A brown sauce goes with a red wine褐色酱汁的菜肴与红酒搭配 A sauce based with lemon juice better matched witha crisp dry white.以柠檬汁为主的菜肴最好和干爽的白葡萄酒搭配 A creamy sauce needs a rich, fat wine 奶油汁的菜肴适于搭配丰满的葡萄酒 A mushroom sauce goes well with oaky wines菌类酱汁的菜肴与橡木味

12、重的葡萄酒搭配极佳 Bloody red meat demands a robust full-bodied wine full-bodied wine鲜肉应与酒体饱满、口感强劲的葡萄酒搭配 Roasted white meat are well matched with a red wine red wine烤白肉与红酒搭配极佳 Shell-fish and sea-food suit a white wine white wine 贝类及其他海鲜适合与白葡萄酒搭配Food and Wine Pairing 食物与葡萄酒的搭配The white wines are served before

13、 the red wines 白葡萄酒先饮,红葡萄酒后饮。 The young wines are served before the aged wines年轻的葡萄酒先饮,陈年葡萄酒后饮。 The dry wines are served before the sweet wines口感较干的葡萄酒先饮,口感较甜的葡萄酒后饮。Less alcoholic wines are served before the more alcoholicwines酒精度较低的葡萄酒先饮,较高的后饮。 Fresher, crisper wines are served before the room temp

14、erature wines温度较低的葡萄酒先饮,室温葡萄酒后饮。 Avoid more than three different types of wine on a same meal. 避免用三种以上不同的葡萄酒搭配同一道菜肴。Vertical Wine Balance 纵向搭配Sight:Sight: A. Analyze the AppearanceA. Analyze the Appearance视觉:分析外观视觉:分析外观 B. Smell: Analyze the NoseB. Smell: Analyze the Nose嗅觉:分析气味嗅觉:分析气味 C. Taste: Ana

15、lyze the PalateC. Taste: Analyze the Palate味觉:分析口感味觉:分析口感Wine Tasting Techniques葡萄酒品尝技巧Rim examination: it has to be glittering. A matt or cloudy rim is a very bad sign边缘:有葡萄酒的边缘光圈应是明亮宜人 的。阴暗模糊的边缘说明酒品质存在问题。 Transparency examination: use a plain white background. You can tell the age of the wine by the intensity or the clarity透明度:用一张平滑的白纸作背景。您可 以通过观察葡萄酒的色泽深浅和清澈度推测酒 的年份。Sight: Analyze of the Appearance 视觉:评价外观White wine: green reflections indicate a young wine. Topaz, yellow golden reflections show some evolution through age白葡萄酒:如色泽泛绿说明葡萄酒较年轻。浅黄褐色或


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