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1、Unit 5 Section AQuestions 1). Whats the international symbol of AIDS awareness? (The red ribbon,缎/丝带) 2). What do you do about World AIDS Day? (December,1st was established as World AIDS Day in 1988. ) 3). Whos most likely to become infected? (Anyone can become infected with HIV. HIV is transmitted

2、sexually or through drug use by contaminated blood.) 4). Have you ever met a patient of AIDS? What attitude should we adopt towards them? What should we do to prevent us , our family and friend from AIDS?diagnose: vt. 诊断; 判断 diagnose with Nearly half of those diagnosed with the virus are blacks and

3、Latinos. 被诊断感染艾滋病毒的人当中有一半是黑 人和来自拉丁美洲的美国人. Women will soon make up/account for 80 percent of those diagnosed with HIV. 妇女将占感染艾滋病病毒人口的80%. diagnose as The doctor diagnosed his condition as a stomach problem. 医生诊断他得了胃病. infect: vt. 感染;影响 The disease infected her eyes, and she became blind. 这种病使她眼睛受感染,

4、并致使她双目失明. be infected with The blood test shows that the man was infected with the HIV virus. 血检表明这个人染上了艾滋病毒 Be careful not to be infected with H1N1.constitute: vt. 组成 Seven days constitute a week. 一周有7天. 12 scientists constituted a research group to study air pollution. 12位科学家组成一个研究小组研究空气污 染. Real

5、familiarity with a 3,000 word vocabulary constitutes a good base for further English language learning. 真正掌握了3000单词, 就具备了进一步学习 英语的基础. implement: vt. 实施, 执行 The school is implementing its program of helping the poor students. 学校在实施扶助贫困生政策. Money is needed to implement our child-care programs. 要实施儿童保健

6、项目, 需要资金. emerge: vi. 出现 Many ideas are likely to emerge after such an interesting finding. 在发现这一有趣的现象之后, 许多想法都有 可能出现. Richard was waiting outside the door as Mary emerged. 玛丽出现时, 理查德正在门外等候. Vietnam has emerged as the worlds third biggest rice trader. 越南已成为世界第三大大米贸易国combat: vt. /n.斗争,打斗 The new gove

7、rnment promised to take measures to combat crime. 新政府承诺采取措施与犯罪行为作斗争. He took part in a street combat in which two people were killed. 他参与了一起街头打斗, 打斗中两个人被打 死. illustrate: vt. 说明 Let me give another example to illustrate this difficult point. 我再举个例子说明这个难点. The case illustrates that women can do much b

8、etter than men in some fields. 这个事例说明了妇女在某些领域可以比男 性干得出色得多. relate: vt. 讲述; 将联系起来 The traveler related his journey with joy. 那位旅行者愉快地讲述了他的旅途情况. After seeing the film, the student was able to relate every point in English. 看了电影之后, 那个学生能用英语讲述每一 个细节. redefine: vt. 重新说明 The scientist redefined the relati

9、ons between population and economic affairs. 这位科学家重新说明了人口和经济之间的 关系. The government was asked to redefined its program on birth control. 政府被要求重新考虑其人口控制计划. plague: vt. 缠绕, 烦绕 Fears about the war plagued nearly half the population in the country. 这个国家有一半的人害怕战争. He said he wasnt going to plague the teac

10、her with a lot of questions. 他说他不再提许多问题将老师的军了. plague: n. 瘟疫, 鼠疫, 灾难, 祸患. Air pollution is regarded as a plague of the nation. 空气污染被认为是这个国家的一大严重问 题. A plague killed nearly 100 thousand people in Sichuan last year. 去年一场灾难使四川近十万的人丧生. represent: He does not clearly represent the stages of painting a pi

11、cture. 他没讲清绘画的步骤. He got a chance to represent China at the Olympic Games last year. 他有机会在去年代表中国参加奥运会. Their actions represent a violation of the agreement. 他们的行为意味着违反协定. be slow in doing sth.: The man is getting on in years and he is slow in responding. 那个男人岁数大了, 反应慢了。 You are always slow in return

12、ing my messages. 你回复我的信息总是很慢。suffer from Within a few days, she has become seriously ill, suffering from great pain. 只几天时间, 她的病情加重了, 她被折磨得 痛苦不堪. He was diagnosed as suffering from AIDS. 他被诊断为染上了艾滋病. Her schoolwork suffered from all her social activities. 她的学业因她的大量社交活动而受到影响. at risk: 有风险, 有危险 The sty

13、lists also emphasize that everyone is at risk. 发型设计师也强调每个人都有危险. risk: n.风险性,危险 He thinks there is no risk of a war now. 他认为目前没有战争的风险。 This kind of crime constitutes a big risk to our nation. 此种犯罪构成了我们国家的巨大危险。risk vt. 冒险 The captain didnt want to risk taking his ship across the sea until he could see

14、 where he was going. 这位船长在了解其行驶方向之前不想冒险 驾船穿越大海。 Dont risk it. It isnt worth it. 不要冒险,这不值得。regardless of: 不顾, 不管. We decide to go out regardless of the weather. 不管天气如何, 我们都决定出门. Regardless of whether he is right or wrong, we have to obey his orders. 不管他是对还是错, 我们都得服从他的命令. guard against: 防止发生 This is a

15、n open house and there is little way to guard against strangers. 这是一幢开放式的房子,很难防范陌生人 的进入。threaten to do sth.扬言要 The fighting is threatening to turn into a war. 这场战斗有可能变成一场战争. The father threatened to punish the child if the child did not obey his orders. 父亲威胁说要是孩子不听话, 就要给以惩罚. distract sb. from sth. 使分心 Dont let social activities distract you from your study. 不要让社会活动影响你的学习。 The music soon distracted the boy from his homework. 音乐声很快使这个孩子分心了,以致不能 专心做作业了。sign up (for sth.): Ive signed up



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