【中考夺分天天练(译林·全国)】2014素材化中考英语总复习课件(含13年试题):模块 16 unit 6%2c book 8b

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【中考夺分天天练(译林·全国)】2014素材化中考英语总复习课件(含13年试题):模块 16 unit 6%2c book 8b_第1页
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【中考夺分天天练(译林·全国)】2014素材化中考英语总复习课件(含13年试题):模块 16 unit 6%2c book 8b_第2页
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【中考夺分天天练(译林·全国)】2014素材化中考英语总复习课件(含13年试题):模块 16 unit 6%2c book 8b_第3页
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《【中考夺分天天练(译林·全国)】2014素材化中考英语总复习课件(含13年试题):模块 16 unit 6%2c book 8b》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【中考夺分天天练(译林·全国)】2014素材化中考英语总复习课件(含13年试题):模块 16 unit 6%2c book 8b(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 模块 16 Unit 6, Book 8B 模块16 Unit 6, Book 8B 基础精梳理 类别中考考点助记词汇拓展1. blind adj.瞎的,失明的 blindness (名词)2gentleman n先生 gentlemen (复数)3wise adj.明智的 wisely (副词)4fit adj.合适的 fitness (名词)5record v录音 recorder (名词)6rain n雨 rainy (形容词)7upstairs adv.在楼上 downstairs (反义词)模块16 Unit 6, Book 8B 类别中考考点助记短语 精选1. be known

2、as 作为而出名2a 100-kilometre trail 一条100千米的小径3get lost/lose ones way 迷路4look down on 轻视,瞧不起5even though/even if 即使模块16 Unit 6, Book 8B 类别中考考点助记短语精选6remember to do sth 记得要做某事7. walk through the park 步行穿过公园8groupinto 把分成9for further information欲知详情10contact sb ontelephone number拨打和某人联系模块16 Unit 6, Book 8B

3、 考点巧突破 考点 1 in/within/during 这三个词后都可以跟一段时间,但用法不同。 (1)in用在将来时中,表示在一段时间之后。 (2)within意为“在之内”,强调“不超过的范围”。 (3)during意为“在期间”,其长度明确,起止分明。典型例题 You mustnt put the medicine _ (在以内) childrens reach.within 模块16 Unit 6, Book 8B 考点 2 attention n. 注意,专心 点拨 (1)attention表示“注意,专心”时,是不可数名词,不能与不定冠词连用。 (2)pay attention

4、to, give attention to, bring attention to中 的to是介词,后面跟名词、代词或动名词。 典型例题 After that, her teacher_ (更多的关注) her. paid more attention to 模块16 Unit 6, Book 8B 考点 3 be known as作为而出名 点拨 表示“某人以某种身份而出名,某地以什么特色或地 方而出名”。 拓展 其同义短语为be famous as。典型例题 Jay Chou is known _ a great singer by people all over the world. A

5、. by B. as C. with D. forB 模块16 Unit 6, Book 8B 考点 4 cannot carry everything不能搬所有东西 点拨 not和all,both,every,everything等代词连用表示 不完全否定(即部分否定)。 典型例题 并非所有的学生都擅长运动。 _ are good at sports. Not all the students 模块16 Unit 6, Book 8B 考点 5 have sth left 把留下,剩下 拓展 have sb do sth 让某人做某事;have sth done让别人替自己做某事 典型例题

6、When are you going to have your hair _? This afternoon. A. cut Bto cut CcuttingA 解析 have sth done意为“让别人替自己做某事”。 模块16 Unit 6, Book 8B 智能双提升 基础过关 . 根据汉语提示完成句子 1You must try and keep your _ (精神) up. 2To take the _ (雨伞) is necessary, I think. 3She broke the _ (纪录) for long distance swimming. 4Take a map

7、 with you, or youll get _ (迷路) 5The teacher will _ (分组) the students into three teams. 6He didnt come to school yesterday because he had a _ (头痛)spirit umbrella record lost group headache 模块16 Unit 6, Book 8B . 用所给词的适当形式填空 1A map and a mobile phone will be _ (use), especially when you get lost. 2Whi

8、le she was washing clothes, she heard a noise. She stopped _ (look) up and saw a cat out of the room. 3I dont have much time _ (chat) with my friends. 4I dont know how _ (swim) 5Its necessary for us _ (practise) English every day. 6This task requires at _ (little) two days. 7My mother _(not cook) wh

9、en I got home that day. 8Its _ (mean) to help the poor people.useful to look to chat to swim to practise least wasnt cooking meaningful 模块16 Unit 6, Book 8B . 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空1. Daniel _ computer games. 2Knives _ cut things. 3Ill _ to improve my English. 4When does Trailwalker _ every year? 5The West

10、 Lake _ an excellent place of interest.is interested in are used to try my best take place is known as team spirit, groupinto, carrywith, be interested in, try ones best, take place, finish walking, be known as, be used to, a money-collecting event模块16 Unit 6, Book 8B 6The winners told us that _ hel

11、ped them succeed in the final of the game. 7A charity show is usually _ 8The disabled people are asked _ ten miles in the race. 9On rainy days we had better _ raincoats _ us. 10Now lets _ ourselves _ a team of four and play games.team spirit a money-collecting event to finish walking carry with grou

12、p into 模块16 Unit 6, Book 8B . 根据汉语意思完成句子 1对孩子们而言,得到父母的支持很重要。It is _ their parents _ 2你们带上地图会有帮助的。_ for you _ bring a map. 3它们会对你有帮助的,尤其是当你迷路时。Theyll be useful, _ when you _ 4学生们将自行分成四人一组。The students will _ groups of four. 5瞧不起残疾人是错误的。Its wrong _ the disabled people.important for children to get sup

13、port Itll be helpful to especially get lost/ lose your way group themselves into to look down on/upon 模块16 Unit 6, Book 8B 中考透视 根据所给提示完成句子 12013宁波 I offered my seat to a _ (盲的) woman on the bus yesterday. 22013泰州 Were talking about where _ (spend) our coming summer holiday. 32012北京 他们很难在这么短的时间内想出新的办法。_ a new way in such a short time.blind to spend Its difficult for them to come up with 模块16 Unit 6, Book 8B 42012宜昌 你在公共场合冒犯他是不对的。_ for you to offend him in public. 52012宜宾 学好汉语对我们来说很有必要。It is necessary _ u



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