高中时间状语从句复习课件--王衡英语 育英科技

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《高中时间状语从句复习课件--王衡英语 育英科技》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中时间状语从句复习课件--王衡英语 育英科技(40页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Revision of the Adverbial Clauses 复习状语从句复习目标: 通过复习使学生懂得状语从句的定义、句法功 能、分类、引导词,及各类状语从句的用法, 联系试题提高学生分析和解决问题的能力。 知晓状语从句的考查热点及做题方法。复习难点: 一些易混引导词的用法。复习方法: 自主学习;小组讨论;导学导练。Step 1: 自主梳理: 状语从句是在复合句里用来修饰主句中的 _动词、_动词、_、 _或整个句子。 状语从句一般由_引导。从句位于 _、_或_。位于_或 _时通常用逗号隔开,位于_时可 以不用逗号隔开。 状语从句一共有_种,他们是_。谓语非谓语形容词 副词连词 句首句

2、中句末句首 句中句末九条件状语条件状语原因状语原因状语目的状语目的状语地点状语地点状语比较状语比较状语结果状语结果状语时间状语时间状语让步状语让步状语方式状语方式状语状语从句有九种, 时地条件和原因, 目比结果方让步, 连词引导各不同; 主句通常前面走, 连词引导紧随后; 从句若在主前头, 主从之间有个逗。状语从句用法小结Back to school状语从句的常考点与重难点重点状语从句的时态问题;难点常考点时间状语从句各种从属连词的含义 及用法比较;状语从句的时态问题;各种从属连词的含义 及用法比较;时间状语从句状语从句的时态问题;各种从属连词的含义 及用法比较;状语从句的时态问题;各种从属连

3、词的含义 及用法比较;时间状语从句,让步状 语从句,条件状语从 句状语从句的时态问题;各种从属连词的含义 及用法比较;掌握状语从句的关键1.准确掌握每一个连词的含义。2.注意主句和从句的时态呼应。Step 2:Step 2: 重点研讨:重点研讨:Do you finish the sentences? 1. It was already eight oclock _we got there. 2. _ he was speaking, everybody listened carefully. 3. He had learned Chinese _ he came to China. 4. _

4、 the work was done, we sat down to sum up experience. 5. . I havent seen him _ he moved to the other side of the town. WhenwhilebeforeAftersinceDo you finish the sentences?6. I waited _ he came back. 7. I was about to go out _ a visitor came. 8. She sings _ she goes along. 9. The thieves ran away _

5、they caught sight of the police. 10. It was not _ he took off his eyeglasses that I recognized him. asas soon as whenuntiluntilDo you know the sentences?1. I felt bad the first time I talked to a group. 2. . I recognized you the moment I saw you at the airport. 3. By the time I was sixteen, my dream

6、 had come true. 4. Now whenever we go to the pub, we play our songs and buy drinks for the friends. 5. Hardly had he reached the school gate when the bell rang. 时间状语从句的常用引导词when, while, as, before, after, whenever, since,until / till, notuntil, as soon as, the moment, the minute, the second,the inst

7、ant, immediately, directly, instantly, hardly/scarcelywhen, no soonerthan every time, each time, every year, each year, the first /second/last time, the day, any time, by the time, every/each time, 完成句子,总结when的用法 1._(当电影结束时),the people went back._ (当我住在那里的时候), I used to go to the seashore.总结:when引导的

8、时间状语从句,其谓语动词可 以是延续的,也可以是瞬间的,可用于主句和 从句动作同时发生或从句动作先于主句动作。 2. We were having a class_ (突然有人闯了进来).We were about to set off _ (这时开始下雨了)总结:相当于and at this / that time。意思为 “正在/刚要这/那时(突然)”When the film endedWhen I lived therewhen someone broke inwhen it began to rain.3. It was foolish of you to take a taxi _

9、 you could easily walk there in five minutes How can he get good grades _ he wont study? 总结:“既然”,相当于since; considering that。常用于下列句式:be doing be about to do sth.be on the point of doing+ whenwhenwhenPRACTICE 1. We were swimming in the lake _ suddenly the storm started. (北京春) A. when B. while C. until

10、 D. before 2. He was about to tell me the secret _ someonepatted him on the shoulder. (上海) A. as B. until C. while D. when 3. He transplanted the little tree to the garden _ it was the best time for it. (上海) A. where B. when C. that D. until 4. Did Jack come back early last night? (福建) Yes. It was n

11、ot yet eight oclock _ he arrived home.A. Before B. when C. that D. untilADBB1. Please dont talk so loud while others are working. 2. While I accept the problem is difficult, I dontthink I wont work it out. 3. Some people waste food while others haventenough.虽然而/却当猜测词义,as用法小结1.As I left the house, I

12、forgot the key.2. As I get older, I get more optimistic.1.3. He hurried home, looking behind as he went.2.4. As the weather is so bad, we have to stay home.3.5. You can do it as you like.4.6. Old as he is, he is still energetic.5.7. He speaks English as fluently as a native speaker.当随着一边由于 像/按照尽管像一样

13、Judge the meanings of “as”.as用法小结1.引导时间状语从句:强调同时发生或紧接着 发生,动作无先后。当时候 一边一边 随着 2.引导原因状语从句:由于 3.引导方式状语从句:像,如 4.引导让步状语从句:虽然 5.引导比较状语从句:asas和一样 6.引导定语从句:如,像 7.介词:作为连接词when, while, as的用法区别1. When/While he was eating his lunch, the doorbell rang.When I stopped my car, a man came up to me. 小结:while引导的时间状语从句的

14、谓语动词必须是可 延续的,而when引导的时间状语从句的谓语动词是可 延续的,也可以是表短暂性动作的动词。 2. When you have finished your work, you may have a rest.小结:从句动作发生在主句动作之前时,只能用when 引导这个从句,不可用as或while。 3. When/While/As I was walking down the street, I came across an old friend of mine.小结:如果主句表示的是短暂动作,而从句用延续性 动作的进行时态表示在一段时间内正在进行的动作时 ,三者可互换使用。选w

15、hen?还是as比较像,选while吧 !崩溃ING!用while, when, as 填空: _ I was walking down the street, I noticed a police car in front of the store. _ John arrived, I was cooking lunch. _ he grew older, he lost interest in everything except gardening. How can he get good grades _ he wont study? (他不好好学习却能得高分,他是怎么做到的?When表示虽然) I was wandering through the street_ I caught sight of a tailors shop. _


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