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1、 主谓一致用法归纳主谓一致用法三原则 : 语法一致原则 概念一致原则 就近一致原则主谓一致是指句子的谓语动词和主语在人 称和数上应保持一致,它主要有三个原则:一、语法一致原则主语是单数时,谓语用单数;主语是复数 时,谓语用复数。但注意以下几点:1、凡以-ies结尾表示学科名称的名词, 如politics, physics, mathematics等作主语 ,谓语动词用单数。Mathematics is a science. 数学是一门科学。 Politics is taught in middle school.中学里教政治。2、以“s”结尾表示单数概念的国名、人名、 书名、组织机构等专有名词

2、作主语时,谓语动 词用单数。 The United States lies in North America. The United Nations was founded in 1945. 3、以“s”结尾表示单数意义的名词news, means, works等作主语时,谓语动词用单数 。 Every means has been done to prevent the air from being polluted.A chemical works is being built now. 4、表示时间、金钱、距离、重量的复数名词 表示单位数量用作主语时,谓语动词用单数 。Sixty yea

3、rs is a long time. Ten dollars is enough for him. Three thousand miles is a long distance. Fifty kilos is not too heavy to be carries. 注意:如果强调过了多少日,谓语动词用复数 。如: Fifty years have passed since the founding of the Peoples Republic of China. 自中华人民共和国诞生以来,已走过了50年。5、主语后面如果有as well as, besides, except, but,

4、 like, with, no less than, including, as much as, rather than等引导的 短语时, 谓语动词与主语保持一致。The teacher as much as the parents is to blame.My brother, together with Mike and Tom, is gone.Nobody but students was here.6、由any- every- some- no- 构成的复 合不定代词都当作单数看。 Someone is asking you on the phone. Something is w

5、rong with my watch.但它们的反意疑问句的附加问句用单复数 均可。如:Everyone was watching TV, wasnt he? Everyone was watching TV, werent they? 都在看电视,是吗?7、被each和every限定的主语,谓语动 词用单数。但each作复数主语的同位语时,谓 语动词用复数。 Every/Each student has a dictionary. The boys each have a dictionary.8、结构everyand every , eachand each , noand no(后跟 单数

6、或不可数名词)等分别作主语时,谓语 动词用单数。 Each boy and each girl has been invited to the party. Every hour and every minute is important. No bus and no truck was seen at that time.9、在算术运算中,谓语动词用单复数均可。Nine minus four is/are five. Two times fifty is/are one hundred.10、more than one 作主语或主语的定语时,尽管 意义上是“不止一个”,但语法上的主语是单数,

7、谓语 用单数;many a/an 表示“许多”,但谓语动词用单数 ;one and a half 作定语时,后面名词用复数,可谓 语动词用单数。One or two + 复数名词 作主语时, 谓语动词用复数。Many a man has tried it before. More than one has told me so. More than one boy has been there. One and a half apples has been left on it. There are one or two things I want to talk over with you.

8、11、动词不定式、动名词及从句作主语时,谓 语动词用单数。 To obey laws is everybodys duty. Reading aloud is very important in learning . Why he did it was not clear. 注意:who, what, which以及what, who引 导的主语从句作主语时,谓语动词根据意义 可用单、复数。如: Who is /are waiting for us at the gate? Which is /are right? what is /are to be done to solve the pr

9、oblem. What we need here is an engineer. are two English teachers.二、概念/意义一致原则 1、单词all, most, any, what, who, which等 ,它们既可以表示单数,也可以表示复数,因 此它们作主语时,谓语动词要根据它们在句中 的逻辑概念来决定。 All is going well. All have gone to Beijing. There are many apples in the basket, most are good. 2、代词或名词如half, more, some, part, the

10、 rest等可以指可数名词复数,也可指不可数名 词,它们作主语,谓语动词要与它们所指的 名词一致。 Part of the story is not true. Part of the apples are bad. 3、有些集体名词cattle, people, police, militia(民兵),poultry(家禽)等形式上 是单数,但意义有时是复数,谓语动词用复数 。People 作“民族”解,谓语动词用单数。 Traffic police are always busy. The Chinese people is a great people. The police are r

11、unning after a thief.Most of his time is spent travelling.Most of the students come from South China. 同样名词前有lots of, plenty of, heaps of, loads of等时,谓语动词的确定也是如此 。Lots of people like seeing films. Plenty of time is a waste of playing football on the playground.4、clothes, trousers, shoes, glasses, sci

12、ssors(剪刀)等作主语时,谓语动词用复 数;在倒装句中,可用单数形式的动词表示单 数概念;这类词前加上a pair of(一双/付/把) ,a suit of(一套)等单位词时,谓语动词用单 数。My trousers have been stolen. Where is my glasses? A pair of trousers is what I need now. There are two pairs of scissors on the table. 5、the+形容词/分词表示一类人时,如the old / young, the rich / poor, the dead /

13、 blind / living / deaf / wounded, the English / Chinese 等作主语, 谓语用复数;表示一种抽 象概念或品质时,谓语动词用单数。6、用and连接起来的两个单数名词,在意义上 指同一个人、物或 概念时,或者两种不同材料 构成的东西作为整体时,谓语动词用单数。The poet and writer has come. Bread and milk is healthful food. Much mud and sand was washed by the flood.The young are usually very active. The g

14、ood in him is great than the bad. The beautiful is not always the useful. The English like to be with their families at Christmas.7、用and连接起来的两个单数名词互相并立而 无附属关系或两个代词作主语时,谓语动词 用复数。 Tom and Jim are good friends. Bread and butter are sold in that stop.8、有些集体名词如family, class, group, team, crew(船员),committ

15、ee(委员会 ), company, crowd(人群), enemy, government, public, population, 等作主语 时,若看作一个整体,谓语动词用单数;若 强调整体中的个体成员,谓语动词用复数。 His family is a small one. His family are all music lovers. The population of the city is less than 200,000. One part of the population here are workers.三、就近一致原则1、由具有选择意味的连词如or, eitheror

16、, neithernor, nor, whetheror等连接两 个并列主语时,谓语动词与最近的主语保持一致 。Neither Mr Li nor I am to meet them at the station. He or his brothers were to blame. Are either you or she wrong?2、由not onlybut also连接两个并列 主语时,谓语动词应遵循就近原则。但与as well as不同。 Not only the students but also their teacher has come. Cf. The teacher as well as his students has come. (as well as his students是附带成分) 3、不定代词作主语,谓语动词用单数;e



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