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1、Unit 12 Dont eat in class3lKeep quiet and dont make noise.(吵闹) lDont speak loudly when you read the book. lYou cant take the book away. lYou can borrow(借) the book if you have a card.A. school rules B. classroom rules C. library rules D. traffic(交通) rulesuDont make your table dirty. uDont waste(浪费)

2、the food. uEach student has only one apple after meals uDont read books when you are having meals uLunch time begins at 12 oclock. uDont arrive late for the breakfast time. uIf you come after5:30pm. There is no foodYou can turn left.You cant turn left.You can turn right.You cant turn right.You can g

3、o straight.You cant go straight.You can walk.You cant walk.You can go straight or turn left.You can go straight or turn right.You have to go around.Do you know the rules for the school library?No talking!No talking!Can we talk in the library? We cant talk in the library. Dont talk!Do you know the ru

4、les for the school library?No wet umbrellas!No wet umbrellas!Can you take your umbrellas into the library? We cant take umbrellas.Dont take your umbrellas.Do you know the rules for the school library?No school bags!No school bags!You cant take your school bags in the library.Dont take your school ba

5、gs.Can we take school bags to the library?Do you know the rules for the school library?No food!No food!Dont eat food .You cant eat in the libraryDo you know the rules for the school library?No listening to music!You cant listen to music.Dont listen to music.No smoking!No photos!No drinking!No spitti

6、ng!No parking!Danger!the park rules1. Dont spit. / No spitting./We cant spit.2. Dont walk on the grass.3. Dont cut down trees. 4. Dont pick flowers.5. Dont draw on the walls.6. Dont litter about.7. Dont take pets into the park.the hospital rules1.No smoking.2.Keep quiet.3.No spitting.4.Dont litter a

7、bout.5.Dont jump the queue.6.We cant run in the hallways.HomeworkMake rules for Lianhua Supermarket.; http:/ 重庆时时平台 wld28xoy 的路又何止一条,我若是想走,多的是近路回东宫,既然七弟不希望愚兄在此,那愚兄就先走了。”说完就带着一行人浩浩汤汤的走了。“七 王爷,您也请回吧,这今天您是进不去的,不如还是改天再来探望吧。”“你们,哼。”司马昭懿冷哼一声拂袖离去,侍卫看着他的背影 渐渐消失在储秀宫外,长舒了一口气。 司马昭懿走在路上,用眼睛的余光斜睨了几眼,一个闪身就贴着一座宫墙一

8、跃而过。没错,这就是储秀 宫的后院。这座宫殿一直是平妃被软禁起来的冷宫,宫里一直都是人心暖的名利场所在地,拜高踩低乃是经常事。只是司马昭懿没想到,往日 金碧辉煌的储秀宫竟然会衰败至此。穿过几条回廊就听见有人在低低的啜泣,走进一看,竟是一个婢女模样打扮的女子在哭,看这身影,与司 马昭懿脑海中的某个片段人物不谋而合,他便悄悄的叫出声。“春兰姐姐。”那个叫春兰的丫鬟抬起头,满眼都是泪光,脸颊上还挂着两行清 泪。她本是平妃的贴身大丫鬟,看样子,是个知道什么内情的人物。“七王爷,你终于来了?”“春兰,你这是怎么了?告诉我姨母出了什么 事情?”“娘娘,娘娘她并不是病死的,而是皇上,皇上派了李公公,活活勒死

9、了娘娘,我当时躲在柜子里看到这一幕,我不敢出声,亲眼看 着娘娘就那么死在了我的面前,我要为娘娘报仇。七王爷,我们要为娘娘报仇。”“什么?父皇,父皇他居然如此残忍,这可是与他朝夕相伴 十余年的枕边人啊,不,我不信你骗我,你在骗我。”“七王爷,你冷静点。皇上决定的事情没有人能够阻拦,虽然我们储秀宫被整个软 禁,但是能在一夜之间被血洗还不透出消息的难道不奇怪吗?娘娘的尸身匆匆被处理,国师大人他拿着娘娘的头颅去献祭,真正残忍的是皇上 ,我们得强大起来,不然今天娘娘的下场就是我们的明天。”“不,不,我不信,我不信,你在骗我,你一定在骗我。”司马昭懿痛苦的跑了 出去。自从回到七王爷府,整日把自己关在府里,酒一坛一坛的往进送,却就是不见人出来,终日浑浑噩噩。而平妃,没有举办任何的葬礼, 尸身被拖去乱葬岗化了,服侍过她的婢女出宫的出宫,被遣返的遣返,而春兰,则又被分配到了七王爷府,这真不知道是好的开始还是坏的结 束。 第003章 雪美人千面雪城是一个独立于任何国度的存在,城中百姓安居乐业,自给自足还有富裕,有铁矿,金矿和潺潺不断的水源, 是一座浑然天成的室外桃源,而雪城最厉害的地方,就是雪城人的血可入药可做毒,随血液主人的体质而定,而雪城城主一家自然是最纯正的 血统,不过人人都是毒血,自纪雪芙出身以来,除了她是顺位第三继承人外,还有最重要的一点,她是药血,所以她的安全比什么都重要。国 师来到雪城


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