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1、商务报告写作特点 如果说商务便函与便条是企业内部员工之间 的书面联系手段, 商务信函是企业对外进 行书面联络的手段,那么,商务报告的功能 则是兼而有之。换言之,商务报告既适用于 企业面向外界机构与人员进行业务往来,例 如向公司股东们呈交的年度报告、分红配股 报告等,亦适用于企业内部上下级之间、员 工之间的信息沟通,例如市场调查报告等。商务报告的内容与特点 I. 商务报告的标题 1. 标题应写为 Report on ,不能写为Report : 2. 应遵循以下原则: 标题应涵盖面小 (narrow) 标题应具体适中 (specific) 标题应突显报告的重要性 (significant)商务报告

2、的结构 商务报告的结构及常用句型 。 1. Introduction介绍写作背景,阐明报告要讨论的问题。 常用句型The aim/purpose/objective of this report is toThis report sets out to /aims toMr. X has asked me to report to investigate / evaluate / study / recommend / analyze / give feedback / estimate / assess As requested by/ Upon request of某人/某部门, I am

3、 submitting the following report aboutAs某人/某部门 requested on November 12, I am submitting the following report on Here is the report concerning We have done a survey showing that 2. Findings(调查结果) 常用句型 According to the recent market research / investigation / survey / the chart above / the table abov

4、e / undertaken, , The recent visit/investigation/survey showed that The table/chart above tells us that From the chart shown, we find/learn/notice that The table/chart above is showing that 3. Conclusion(结论)常用句型It was decided/agreed/felt thatNo conclusions were reached regarding也可直接陈述结论,例如:According

5、 to the findings above, it can be concluded that From the table shown, it can be concluded thatTherefore, it can be concluded that 4. Recommendations(建议) 1) 写作中注意事项建议必须是建立在结论的逻辑基础上,是结论的合理引申。 注意建议的合理性与层次性 言之有据,前后呼应。 言之有理,言之可行。 数码标段,层次分明。 2) 常用句型注意: recommendation以及recommend后面要用动词原形( 虚拟语气)。We would re

6、commend thatIt is suggested/ recommended thatThe following are the recommendations Based on the conclusion / analysis above, we recommend that / it can be concluded that With reference to the facts /advantages stated above, the following recommendations can be madeSomething is recommended. eg, A cha

7、nge of attitude is recommended. A more professional attitude will need to be encouraged through training.On the basis of the results, I have the following recommendations:On the basis of the analysis, it is reasonable to have the following recommendations:如果需要进一步拓展,可以描述一下建议实施后可预期的进 展或者景象。具体说法是,建议结束之

8、后,so that 或者 thus 商务报告常用句型1描述现象In the past few decades, there is a marked increase/decrease inIn recent years there has been a dramatic change in In the past few months, there has been a boom in In the past few years, has been on the rise/decline.With the rapid development ofWith the remarkable impr

9、ovement ofWith the amazing advance of Recently, the issue of has been in the limelight.Recently, the problem of has become the focus of the public concern.Recently, the question of has crept into the public attraction.2陈述观点It is commonly thought that It is a common sense thatIt is generally accepted

10、 that It is a popular belief thatIt is universally believed that It is a common misconception thatIt is widely conceived that It is a widely acknowledged point thatIt is prevalently assumed that It is an extensively held opinion thatNowadays, a great many of people believe In the popular view,Nowada

11、ys, an overwhelming majority of people think that To the general public,Nowadays, an increasing percentage of people hold that In most peoples mind,3 分析原因Many factors have converged to create the crisis/disaster.The change/phenomenon is attributable/ascribable/due toThere are a number of reasons res

12、ponsible for the phenomenon in question.Reelecting on the problem/ under discussion, we can say for certain that it results from/cab be attributed toWe can regard/perceive the change as a mark/consequence/reelection of 4举例说明 This assertion can be tellingly有效地 documented用文件证明 by The opinion/claim is

13、persuasively supported by many instances in our daily lives. A case in point is Take the case of 5得出结论Considering the phenomenon and the different attitudes, its rational/natural for us to concludeIn conclusion/In summary/To sum up/In a word/In short, we should/must doTaking all these factors into c

14、onsideration, we may sensibly arrive at the conclusion that6提出建议 Considering the problem, it is apparent that measures should be taken.It disturbs me to learn that It pains me to think thatIt tortures me to find thatI. 商务报告的结构呈现如下特点: introduction description & analysis of people, places, institution

15、sof events, series of events, human activitiesof figures, statisticsof tables, charts, graphs evaluation commendation & praisecriticism &blameoffering assessment of worth or value recommendations, suggestions & advice Id recommend/suggest that Id recommend/suggest people to My suggestion / advice would be


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