七年级英语上册unit 3教案7

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1、牛津英语 7AUnit 3 Lets celebrate! 复习学案Unit 3Lets celebrate!内容1. 了解并掌握下列词的用法:interesting, dress, Christmas, holiday, wonderful, face, call,应 掌 握 的 语 言 知 识背诵中心 任务shout, tooth, chocolate, drink, food, meeting, train, festival, candy, date, mooncake, 2. 掌握主要节日名称、一周七天的名称、一年四季的名称和十二个月份的名称 以及主要节日的庆祝活动 3. 会用正确的

2、介词表达时间 、星期、月份和季节。 4. 会用 Wh-疑问词 提问并回答. 5. 掌握 some, any 的用法, 6. 初步了解书信的写作方式。 7. 能熟练运用本单元所学知识写一篇文章向别人介绍自己喜欢的节日。背诵:Comic strip, Reading, Integrated skills(A3), Main task(含写作结构)为学校展览制作一张海报表明自己最喜欢的节日。 能熟练运用本单元所学知识写一篇文章向别人介绍自己最喜欢的节日。期中考试复习试 卷 Unit 3 Lets celebrateI. 词汇 A) 根据句意和所给中文写出句中所缺的单元1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6

3、. 7. 8.J_ is thefirst month of a year. Thelast month of ayear is D_ A_ comes between March and May. I was born in F_ 1993. It is usually hot in June, J_ andAugust. A_ is the best season in Beijing. Thelast four months of a year are September, October, N_ and December. Please k_ on the door beforeyou

4、 enter the room.9.I like eating r_ and noodles.10. In s_, thedays start to get warmer and flowers comeout. B) 根据所给汉语 写出句中所缺单词1. 2.3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.Thereare many _ (猴子)in thezoo. I can not sleep at all. Someone is _ (喊叫) outside my window.My twin brother and I like _ (冬季)becausewelike skiing. That bo

5、ok is really _ (有趣的). I would like to read it again. What is your _ (最喜欢的) festival? We have along _ (假期) in August. What is the_ (日期) of your birthday? People like to eat _(月饼) at Mid-Autumn Festival.C)根据所给单词 的适当形式填空1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.7. 8. II.Tom _ (speak) very good English. Jimmy comes fromAmerica.

6、 He is an _ (America) You can play tricks on your friends at April _ (Fool) day. It is _ (wonder) to seeyou! 1 October is our _ (nation) Day. Thank you for _ (help) me with my homework.Tigers have sharp _ (tooth). How do you like _ (eat)? 语法A) 填空入适当的介词1. 2.We have lunch at school_ 12 oclock. Jack ea

7、ts somebread and beef _ breakfast.He will have his birthday party _ the afternoon of May 12 .B: October 31 .th3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.9. 10. B)My friends give me somepresents _ Christmas every year. Kittys birthday is _ 15th June.Birds fly to the south _ autumn. In Hainan Island, it is very warm _ theeveni

8、ng.He was born _ 1995. She always goes out for a walk after supper _ the evening. We often watch CCTV News _ 7 p.m. 填入适当疑问代词或副词1.A: _ is your book?B: Its on thedesk.2. 3.A: _ does shego to the Reading Club? A: _ do they celebrate Halloween?B: Twicea week. st4.A: _ do people in China go to work?B: By

9、 bike.5.A: _ students in your class? B: There aretwenty students in my class.6. 7.A: _ is he? A: _ does shedo?B: He is my cousin. B: Sheis a worker.8.A: _ do you like Mid-Autumn Festival? B: Because I can eat mooncakes. 9.A: _ bike is it?B: Its her bike. B: Chocolate!10. A: _ is your favourite food,

10、 chocolateor hamburger? C) 用 some 和 any 填空1. 2. 3. 4.Thereare _ apples and oranges in my bag. What about you?No, there arent _. Can I borrow _ paper? Sorry, you cant because thereisnt _ paper Do you have _ milk? Yes, I have _ now. Would you like _ candies? No, thank you.5.Do you want to me to do _ s

11、hopping with you?No, thank you. III. 句子结构 A) 按要求改写句子1) They usually go to schoolby bike . (对划线部分提问)_ _ they usually _ _ school? 2) I have breakfast at 8 oclock. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ at 8 oclock?3) I am going to buy somechocolates after school. (改为否定句)I _ _ going to buy _ _ after school.4) People in the US

12、A use pumpkins to make lanterns. (同义句) People in the USA _ lanterns _ _ pumpkins.5) Their neighbours give children atreat of somecandy. (同义句) Their neighbours give children some_ _ _ _. B) 翻译下列句子1) 你打算去哪里度假? 2) 他想在这次晚会上扮演美猴王。3) 中国人用许多方式庆祝新年。 4) 在万圣节孩们可以捉弄大人们。 5) 你知道如何在南瓜上挖出眼睛,鼻子和尖利的牙齿? III作文A)请根据下列要求完成一封给美国朋友的书信,注意书信格式,字数不少于 60今晚你准备参加庆祝万圣节的一次聚会。Peter 准备做一只南瓜灯送给你,他准备装扮成鬼,你准 备装扮成老虎。晚会于 7 点钟开始。晚会上有许多好吃的食物。你们玩的很开心B) 请先写出五个你所知道的节日,并选择 一个你最喜欢的节日进行介绍,字数不少于 60 字网店出售 http:/ 网店出售 wax234uip


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