导游英语情景口语Item 4-2

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《导游英语情景口语Item 4-2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《导游英语情景口语Item 4-2(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Model 2: Helping to Order Dishes Warm-up: Work in pairs. Learn the following words and answer “What kind of food do you like to have in a restaurant?”chicken duck mutton beef seafood fish tomato potato greens bamboo shoots picklesSome western snack foods are popular among the youth now: pizza, hambu

2、rger, ham, and fried chips are the typical things. While in Chinese restaurant, people can have different styles of dishes with different cooking methods. For different styles, there are Shandong, Yangzhou, Cantonese, and Sichuan style, etc. For different cooking methods, there are saut, stewed, roa

3、sted, steamed, fried dishes, etc. There are also different tastes: sour and sweet, spicy and chili, etc. Words and Phrases: bewilder v. 使迷惑,使不知所措 recommend v. 推荐 chef n. 厨师 steam v. 蒸 shad n. 西鲱, 鲥鱼 crispy adj. 脆的 stew v. 炖,焖 chestnuts n. 栗子 mushroom n. 蘑菇 cabbage n. 甘蓝,卷心菜 brandy n. 白兰地酒Useful Expr

4、essions Would you like me to recommend something? 要不要我帮您推荐几个? Todays recommendation by our chef is steamed shad. 今天厨师推荐菜是清蒸鲥鱼。 How about shrimps with crispy fried rice? 虾仁锅巴怎么样? What else do you want to have? 别的还要点什么? Stewed chicken with chestnuts is another special dish here. 板栗炖鸡是我们的另一个特色菜。 Winter

5、 mushrooms with green cabbage are worth trying too. 冬菇卷心菜也值得一尝。 Please wait for a short while. 请稍等。Listen and Answer: What does Mr. Hans think of the menu?The dishes on the menu are good- looking. Did Mr. Hans order the dishes himself?No, the waiter recommended to him. What does Mr. Hans dislike to eat?Fish of any kind. How many dishes did Mr. Hans order at last?Three. What did Mr. Hans order to drink?Brandy.



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