牛津上海版高中二年级第一学期Unit3 reading课文解读

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1、FashionLanguage points1. fashion n. vpopular style (of clothes, behavior, etc.) at a given time of place 流行,时尚 va fashion show/magazine vPhrases: v come into/be in fashion: 成为一种流行 vgo/be out of fashion: 过时了 v follow/keep up with the fashion 赶时髦 vfashionable adj. vfashionable clothes, furniture, idea

2、s, ladies2. illustrate vvexplain or make (sth.) clear by examples, diagrams, pictures, etc. 举例说明,图解,阐 明 vTo illustrate my point, Ill show you some pictures. villustrate sth with 用来阐述 vE.g. To prove my point, I illustrate my topic with some pictures from the internet. villustration n. 说明,例证 vPlease g

3、ive me an illustration.3. bring along 带来vUseful phrases vbring about 引起,导致(事故,变化等) vbring back 带回,归还;使忆起 vbring forward 提出,提议 vbring out 把拿出来 ;生产;制造 vbring up 教育;养育 4. object nv物体;目的;宾语 vvi.反对 object to doing sth 反对做某事 ve.g. Jason said nothing, which meant that he objected to this proposal. ve.g. Je

4、an objected to holding a meeting again.5. clothes, clothing clothing, on the other hand, is dearer.5. clothes, clothing 经受得住, 承担得起(no passive) vafford sth/ afford to do sth vHe can afford an apartment.他能买得起一套住房 。 vCan you afford $12000 for .? v你花得起12000美元买吗? vI cant afford three weeks away from work

5、. v我无法丢下工作三星期。 v2) 提供;给予 vE.g. Dancing affords us pleasure. v 跳舞给我们带来快乐。 v8. 句型 the + 比较, the + 比较 “越 越” vThe more you spend the better the quality (will be) vThe harder you work, the more achievement youll make. vThe more I think of it, the happier I am. vThe more he said, the more excited I would

6、feel.9. keen adj.veager; enthusiastic锋利的, 敏锐的, 敏捷的, 热心的, 渴望的 vbe keen on sth./sb.: be interested in sth.; be fond of sb./sth.; 喜爱 vbe keen to do : be eager to do vIm keen to see the film again. vHes keen on (reading) detective stories. vThey are keen football fans.10. sight n.v景物,视力,看到(某事),视野 vIt wa

7、s a good chance to see the sights of the city./ The sunset is a beautiful sight. vI cant bear the sight of blood. vat first sight 乍一看 vAt first sight, the problem is easy to solve. vat the sight of 看到 vHis ace lit up at the sight of his lovely daughter. vin / within sight 可以看见 vThere was not a singl

8、e student in sight. vout of sight 看不见 vOut of sight, out of mind. 眼不见为净11. appreciate v. +doing sthv 1) understand the value of something 欣赏 v You cant fully appreciate foreign literature in translation.v 2) be thankful for (不能加某人) v I appreciate what youve done for me. v I appreciate you doing this

9、. v I would appreciate it very much if you could do v appreciation n. v 1) U understanding and enjoyment 欣赏,理解 v She shows little appreciation of music. v 2) U = thanks 感谢 v How can we express our appreciation for your help? v appreciative adj. 感谢的;感激的 v We are extremely appreciative of your friendl

10、y advice. 我 们非常感谢你们友好的劝告。12. search for/in search of sth.vsearch sp for sth 搜查(地方为了) vsearch sb 搜身 vsearch the drawers for the missing papers v翻遍抽屉寻找遗失的文件 vScientists are in search of a cure for the disease. v科学家想研究出治疗这种疾病的方法。 vHe spent the whole day searching for the latest magazine. v他花了一整天找那本最新的杂

11、志。13. worth /worthy/worthwhilevbe worth + n. 值价 vbe worth doing 值得被 vbe worthy of + n. (+ an abstract noun) 值得 vbe worthy to be done/ be worthy of being done vbe worthwhile to do va worthy reword 应得的报酬 va worthwhile book 值得一读的书 vThat necklace is worth ten thousand dollars. vThe book is worth reading

12、 (read).= The book is worthy of being read. vIt is worthwhile to spend some time learning English.14. waste 浪费vn. a waste of + sth. vIn his opinion, holidays are a waste of time and money. vIt is a waste of time doing . vIts a waste of time beating around the bush.vv. waste ones time (in) doing vThe

13、y wont listen, so dont waste your time telling them.vadj. waste paper 废纸15. business n 生意;事情v从商 go into business v着手办事get down to business v不关你事! None of your business v上班(营业)时间business hours v管你自己的事。Mind your own business.16. ruin v. (使)破产, (使)堕落, 毁灭v She poured water all over my painting, and ruin

14、ed it. v 她把水全倒在了我的画上,把画毁了。 v He is a ruined man; he has lost everything. v 他是个堕落的人,已经一无所有了。v Cf: destroy/ damage/ ruin/ harm/ spoil v 1.The fire destroyed the whole building. v 2. His car was damaged in the accident, but he managed to drive it to a garage. v 3. The sudden rain spoiled our plan/party

15、. 破坏,损害 v 4. The World Trade Center of America was ruined in 1999. v 5. Come with me. I will not harm you.17. close down 倒闭,关闭vThe company closed down owing to poor management. vThe government closed down the newspaper in July.18. affect cause sb. to remember 提醒,使某人回想起 vremind sb. of vremind sb. to do vremind that vThe film Notting Hill reminds me of the days I spent in UK. vRemind me to borrow ski suits from John. vShe reminded me that I should prepare for a lecture.21. award vt. 授予,颁发vaward sth. to sb./award sb. sth for vawarded



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