必修2 module 2

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《必修2 module 2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《必修2 module 2(78页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 (2010石家庄高中毕业班教学质量检测)2008年的有毒奶粉风波发生后,很多人至今不敢喝牛奶。请以“牛奶有益健康”为题,根据下列要点写一篇短文,词数在100左右。1.牛奶可强健骨骼和牙齿,对老年人的健康和青少年成长尤为重要;2.睡前饮牛奶有助于睡眠;3.政府已采取措施,确保牛奶质量;4.饮用牛奶要适量。Milk Is Helpful to HealthMilk Is Helpful to HealthMilk has long been an important food in peoples daily life.Drinking milk is good for building str

2、ong bones and teeth,which is especially good for old people and teenagers.Drinking milk at the proper time in the evening will help us to have a sound sleep.As a result of the incident of poisoned milk powder in 2008,nowadays many people still dont dare to drink it.Actually,there is no need to worry

3、 because various measures have been taken by the government to make sure of the quality of the milk products.Helpful as milk is,its believed that too much milk is unhealthy.高频单词点击(用所给单词的适当形式填空)1.It is (legal) to drive when you are drunk.答案:illegal 2. (recognise) me in the shop,he came over to say he

4、llo to me. 答案:Recognising 3.He has taken drugs for so long a time that he was (addict) to them.答案:addicted4.This is the most (power) medicine to cure your illness. 答案:powerful 5.The (crime) was sentenced to ten years in prison because he killed rare animals. 答案:criminal 6.The police have arrested fi

5、ve suspects in (connect) with the murder.答案:connection 7.Smoking is (ban) in the train.答案:banned8.Emergency relief will be sent to the areasmost (affect) by the hurricane. 答案:affected9.After the (treat) of ten days,my brother was picking up gradually.答案:treatment 10.All (participant) finishing the r

6、ace will receive a medal.答案:participants.重点短语回顾1. 与有关联2. 破门而入;强行闯入3. 属于4. 对上瘾;沉迷于5. 听某人的意见6. 戒除;放弃7. 由于(的结果)8. 有可能做be related tobreak intobelong tobecome addicted totake ones advicegive upas a result ofbe likely to do.常用句式必备1.Now I work in a centre for drug addicts,helping others to stop taking drug

7、s.信息提取 本句中现在分词短语helping others to stop taking drugs作伴随状语。例句仿写 他们走在大街上,又唱又笑。They walked along the street, .singing and laughing2.Whatever youre doing when you want to smokedo something else!信息提取 本句中whatever引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter what,意为“无论什么”。例句仿写 不管发生什么事,你一定不要灰心。,you mustnt lose heart.Whatever happen

8、s3.Choose a time when you will be relaxed but also too busy to think about smoking.信息提取 本句中含有“too.to.”结构,意为“太以至于不能”,too后接形容词或副词,to是动词不定式符号,后接动词原形。例句仿写 他到车站太晚了,没能赶上那趟火车。He reached the station the train.too late to catch4.破解疑难句典句He told me that I could die if I didnt stop taking crack cocaine,so I too

9、k his advice and stopped immediately.分析本句是so连连接的并列句,在第一个分句中that引导导的是宾语宾语 从句,在宾语宾语 从句中含有if引导导的条件状语语从句。在第二个分句中and连连接两个并列谓语谓语took和stopped。试试译译他对对我说说,如果我不戒掉毒品我就会死掉,我接受了他的建议议,并马马上戒毒。.交际用语必背1.I dont you.我不同意你的意见。2.I couldnt agree .我非常同意。3.Thats .说得对。4.Thats a good .这一点很好。5.You cant be .你不是认真的吧。agree withm

10、orerightpointseriousaddict vt.使沉溺,使成瘾 n. 入迷的人,有瘾的人My brother is a junk food addict.我弟弟就爱吃垃圾食品。addict oneself to 沉溺于;醉心于 be addicted to 嗜好;热衷 addictive adj. (药物等)上瘾的 addiction n. 瘾;入迷;嗜好Nowadays,many children computer games.现在许多孩子迷上了电脑游戏。He is now fighting his smoking.他现在正努力戒烟。Alcohol and tobacco are

11、 both highly addictive sustances.酒和烟都是很容易使人上瘾的东西。【注意】 和addicted/addiction连用的to是介词,其后要跟名词、代词、v.ing 形式作宾语。 are addicted to addiction to1.Although she is only 16 years old,she drugs for two years.A.addicts B.has addicted toC.has addicted D.has been addicted to解析:be addicted to“对上瘾”。由主句的时间状语for two year

12、s可知,此处宜用完成时,故D项切题。答案:Dlikely adj.可能的adv.很可能be likely to do sth. 很可能干某事 It is likely that. 很可能 not likely 绝不可能(才不呢),表示强烈反对She is likely to come next month.她可能下个月来。he will be late.He is likely to be late.他可能会迟到。He said youd be giving them a lift.他说你会让他们搭便车。 .绝不可能。 It is likely that Not likelylikely,po

13、ssible,probable (1)意义上的区别: likely是常用词,强调事实上的可能性,指从表面现象看 很有“可能”;possible强调客观上有“可能”,暗含 “实际希望很小”之意;probable语气比possible强,与 likely意义相同,常可换用,但probable更强调权衡现实情 况后作出判断,推理成分较重,可能性较大。(2)用法上的区别:三者均可用于“It is likely/possible/probablethat从句”结构中。likely之后常跟不定式,构成“be likely to do sth.”结构,而possible与probable之后通常不跟不定式;likely的主语可以是人,而possible与probable的主语不能是人。possible后面可接for sb. to do sth.,而likely和probable则不能。以练促记用likely/possible/probable填空It is ,though not that he will accept the terms.She is very to ring me up ton


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