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1、今年讨论最多的一本书荣获2015 国家图书奖Ta-Nehisi Coates Wins National Book Award 来源:纽约时报2015-11-19 Ta-Nehisi Coates won the National Book Award for nonfiction Wednesday night for “ Between the World and Me,” a visceral, blunt exploration of his experience of being a black man in America, which was published this sum

2、mer in the middle of a national dialogue about race relations and inequality. 星期三晚上,塔-奈西希科特斯(Ta-Nehisi Coates)的在世界与我之间 (Between the World and Me) 获得国家图书奖非虚构类大奖,这是一部真诚直率的作品, 探索作者身为黑人在美国的经历。今年夏天它出版之时,正值整个国家都在讨论种族关系与种族不平等话题的时机。“Every day you turn on the TV and see some kind of violence being directed a

3、t black people,”Mr. Coates said in an emotional acceptance speech. “Over and over and over again. And it keeps happening.” “每一天打开电视,都能看到针对黑人的暴力,”科特斯在动人的获奖致辞中说,“一次又一次,这种事还在持续发生。”The fiction award went to Adam Johnson for “ Fortune Smiles,” a collection of surreal and comic short stories that deal wit

4、h natural disasters, technology and politics, and take place in settings ranging from Palo Alto, Calif., and New Orleans to North Korea. The judges called Mr. Johnson “ one of the most talented writers of his generation” and called his stories by turns “ surprising, wondrous, comic and devastating.”

5、 Mr. Johnson won the Pulitzer Prize for his 2012 novel “ The Orphan Master s Son. ” 今年的虚构类奖项由亚当约翰逊 (Adam Johnson)的幸运在微笑 (Fortune Smile)获得,这部短篇小说集中充满超现实与滑稽的故事,内容包括天灾、技术与政治,有的发生在加利福尼亚的帕罗奥图,有的发生在新奥尔良,还有的发生在朝鲜。评委说约翰逊是“同代人中最有才华的一位作者”,并说他的小说“时而惊人、时而奇妙、 时而滑稽,时而可怕”。 2012 年, 约翰逊曾凭着小说 孤儿大师之子 (The Orphan Maste

6、r s Son)获得普利策奖。“Between the World and Me,” which was published by Spiegel Between the World and Me comesout of that place,” Mr. Coates said. “ I can t secure the safety of my son. I just don t have that power. But what I do have the power to do is say, You won t enroll me in this lie. You won t make

7、 me part of it. “科特斯是大西洋月刊 (The Atlantic) 的记者,这本书以他给儿子的信的形式写成。他把这个奖献给自己大学时期的友人普林斯琼斯(Prince Jones),琼斯被警察误认为犯罪分子,遭到射杀。“我是个生活在美国的黑人。我不能惩罚那个警察; 在世界与我之间就是这样开始构思的,”科特斯说, “我不能保证我儿子的安全。我没有那个力量。但我有力量说出,你不能让我加入这个谎言,你不能把我算在内。 ”The National Book Award, which was established in 1950, has gone to some of the coun

8、trys most celebrated authors, including William Faulkner, Saul Bellow and Flannery O Connor. Presented by the National Book Foundation, the award was open to Ameri can authors who published books from Dec. 1, 2014, to Nov. 30, 2015. The prizes were presented at a black-tie dinner in Manhattan at Cip

9、riani Wall Street, with more than 700 guests. 国家图书奖于1950 年创立,曾经颁发给这个国家最著名的作家,包括威廉福克纳(William Faulkner)、索尔贝娄(Saul Bellow)和弗兰纳里奥康纳( Flannery O Connor)。该奖项由国家图书基金会主办,评奖范围包括任何美国作家从2014 年 12 月 1 日至 2015 年 11 月 30 日出版的图书。 颁奖仪式是在曼哈顿的西普利亚尼华尔街饭店举办的正装晚宴,有 700 多名宾客出席。Along with “ Fortune Smiles,” finalists in

10、the fiction category included HanyaYanagihara s “ A Little Life,” which follows four ambitious young college friends in New York as one of them grapples with his dark past; Lauren Groff s novel “ Fates and Furies,” which tells the story of a marriage from the husband and wife s perspectives, reveali

11、ng the secrets they kept; Karen E. Bender s short-story collection “ Refund; ” and Angela Flournoy s debut novel, “ The Turner House,” about multiple generations of a Detroit family. 除了幸运在微笑 ,入围虚构类决选名单的还包括柳原樱(HanyaYanagihara) 的小人生 (A Little Life),它讲述纽约四个年轻有志的大学生朋友们的故事,其中一人要与自己的黑暗过去作斗争;劳伦格罗夫(Lauren G

12、roff)的小说命运与愤怒(Fate and Furies),分别从丈夫和妻子的角度讲述一段婚姻的故事,揭示出她们各自的秘密;此外还有卡伦 E 班达 (Karen E. Bender)的短篇小说集 返款 (Refund)和安吉拉 弗洛诺伊 (Angela Flournoy)的处女小说特纳之家(The Turner House),讲述一个底特律家族几代人的故事。The award for Young People s Literature was given to Neal Shusterman s “ Challenger Deep, ” a novel about a mentally il

13、l teenager who has dark fantasies about traveling to the deepest point on earth, which was inspired by Mr. Shusterman s son. 青年文学奖 (Young People s Literature)被授予尼尔 舒斯特曼 (Neal Shusterman)的 挑战者之深 (Challenger Deep),这部小说讲述一个患有精神疾病的少年怀着阴郁的幻想,想象自己在地心最深处旅行。舒斯特曼创作的灵感来自他的儿子。The poet Robin Coste Lewis won for

14、 her collection, “ Voyage of the Sable Venus, ” a meditation on cultural and artistic depictions of the black female figure that juxtaposes autobiographical verses with reflections on cultural stereotypes and art. 诗人罗宾科斯特刘易斯 (Robin Coste Lewis)凭诗集黑色维纳斯的旅行(Voyage of the Sable Venus) 获得诗歌奖。 这部充满沉思的诗集既

15、是对一个黑人女性角色的文化与艺术的描绘,也是一部自传性的诗歌,反思文化刻板形象与艺术。The best-selling novelist James Patterson received the Literarian Award, for outstanding service to the literary community, in recognition of his philanthropic efforts to support independent bookstores and promote literacy in public schools. Mr. Patterson,

16、who has sold more than 300 million copies of his books, has donated $2.75 million to school libraries and bookstores. 畅销小说家詹姆斯帕特森(James Patterson)凭他对文学界的卓越服务 获得文学贡献奖(Literarian Award),以表彰他支持独立书店,在公立学校扫盲的慈善努力。帕特森的书卖出了三亿册,他曾向各学校图书馆与书店捐献过275 万美元。In his acceptance speech, Mr. Patterson joked about his outsider status as a commercial author in elite literary company, calling himself the “Big Mac at Cipriani. ” He issued a ca



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