(冀教版)五年级英语上册课件 Unit3 Lesson17(7)

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1、温故知新China Chinese restaurant shopmap capital city apartment house sentences Where do you buy clothes? Where do you live ? Where do you eat chicken?restauranthotelTianan men SquarePalace MuseumLesson 17 Beijing Is Great !china a map of China _ is the capital city of China.BeijingI want to go to Beiji

2、ngtrip 旅行go on a trip 去旅行go on trips 去旅行Iove to 十 动词原形You come ,too !Beijing is a big city .It is the capital city of China,our country .hotel n. 饭店,旅馆 T his is a hotel.饭店:_住宅 : _商店:_看图写单词1. _2. _3. _hotelr st uranttr peaiIt has shops ,restaurants and hotels.看图连线 Li Ming wants to go to the hotel. Da

3、nny wants to go shopping. Jenny wants to go to the restaurant. Mrs. Li wants to go to the school.A : where is this ?B: Tian an men Square in Beijing.Tian an men Square is very famous .Beijing is great !A: where is this ?B: This is the Palace Museum in Beijing . It is very old and beautifulThe great

4、wallBeihai ParkKey conceptsgreat 伟大的,棒的famous 著名的,有名的. Tian an men Square 天安门广场the Palace Museum 故宫博物院 go on a trip = go on trips 去旅行Match the left with the right sentence .Lets go on a trip . A 这是一家旅馆 I love to go on trips ! B 旅行是快乐的事!Trips are fun ! C 伟大的北京!Bei jing is great ! D 让我们去旅行吧.This is a hotel . E 我喜欢去旅行!“我喜欢去旅行!” 用英语怎么说?I love to go on trips !“ 这是哪儿?” 用英语怎么说?where is this ?当你想说能: “这是很 出名的地方!” 用英语怎么说? It is very famous !当你想说:”北京是中国的首都.”用英语怎么表达?Bei jing is the capital city of China .1 I want go to Beijing.2 Trips fun .3 I want Danny Jenny to come ,too .toareandGood bye李冉冉


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