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1、老友记中英文对照剧本精编版第一季第 15 集115 The One With the Stoned Guy 115 The One With the Stoned Guy Scene: Central Perk, Rachel is serving Joey, Ross, and Monica their drinks. Rachel: (to Joey) Coffee. (Hands it to him.) Joey: Thank you. Rachel: (to Ross) Cappuccino. (Hands it to him.) Ross: Grazie. Rachel: And a

2、 nice hot cider for Monica. (Hands it to her.) Monica: Aww, thank you. (Notices something.) Uh Rach? Rachel: Yeah? Monica: Why does my cinamon stick have an eraser? Rachel: Oh! Thats why. (Rachel checks behind her ear, and finds a cinamon stick.) Im sorry! (She takes the pencil out of Monicas coffee

3、 and Monica puts her cup down in disgust.) Opening Credits 115 大麻客咖啡谢谢卡布其诺摩妮卡的热苹果酒谢谢瑞秋为何我的肉桂棒上有橡皮擦 ? 这就是原因,对不起钱德泰小姐,你今天真漂亮我能说这件衣服真好看吗? 当然制片:陶德史帝芬科先生希望你在下班后能到他办公室去Scene: Chandlers job, Chandler is typing data into his computer, he keeps typing even while taking a drink of coffee with one hand. One of

4、 his co-workers walks by. Woman: Chandler. Chandler: Mrs. Tedlock. Youre looking lovely today. And may I say, that is a very flattering sleeve length on you. Mrs. Tedlock: Yes. Well, Mr. Kostelick wants you to stop by his office at the end of the day. Chandler: Oh, listen. If this is about those pra

5、nk memos, I had nothing to do with them. Really. Nothing at all. Really. (Chandler tries to hide a rubber chicken from the woman.) Nothing. Scene: Central Perk, everyone is there but Chandler. Phoebe runs in, excitedly. Phoebe: Hey you guys! Chandlers coming and he says he has, like, this incredible

6、 news, so when he gets here, we could all act like, you know. (Chandler comes in.) Chandler: Hey! All: Hey! Phoebe: Never mind. But it was going to be really good. Ross: Whats going on? All: What is it? Chandler: So, its a typical day at work. Im inputting my numbers, and big Al calls me into his of

7、fice and tells me he wants to make me processing supervisor. All: Thats great! Chandler: So I quit. All: Why? Chandler: Why? This was supposed to be a temp job! Monica: Yeah, Chandler. youve been there for five years. Chandler: If I took this promotion, itd be like admitting that this is what I actu

8、ally do. Phoebe: So was it a lot more money? Chandler: It doesnt matter. I just dont want to be one of those guys thats in his office until twelve oclock at night worrying about the WENUS. (Everyone looks at him, confused.) Rachel: . the WENUS? Chandler: Weekly Estimated Net Usage Systems. A process

9、ing term. Rachel: (sarcastic) Oh. That WENUS. Joey: So whatre you going to do? Chandler: I dont know. Thats the thing. I dont know what I want to do. I just know Im not going to figure it out working there. Phoebe: Oooh! I have something you can do! I have this new massage 如果他是为搞笑备忘录不是我干的,真的导演:亚伦梅尔森

10、各位,钱德说他有天大好的消息所以他来的时候我们就算了但一定是好消息到底怎么了今天和平常没什么两样我在输人数字时艾尔叫我到他办公室说他要我当电脑处理的主管真是太好了恭喜 . 所以我就辞职不干了为什么 ? 为什么 ?因为这只是暂时的工作钱德,你已在公司五年了我知道,但接受升职不就承认这就是我的目的这那不是能赚更多钱? 我不在乎我不想成为坐在办公室到午夜担心” WEENUS”的人WEENUS? ”我们估计净值使用系统”这是电脑处理的术语那个啊你有何打算 ? 我也不知道该怎么办我只知道我不会再待在那儿工作了我有一份你可以做的工作我的新按摩客户史蒂芬他开了一家餐厅他正在寻找总厨师你好 . 我知道你是个厨

11、师而且我先想到你但钱德目前没有工作所以. 我没有太多厨师的经验除非那是一家只卖土司的餐厅他想要什么菜色? 他想要菜色丰富多变因此他在找一个能创造出整个菜单的人天啊client. Steve? (pause) Anyway, hes opening up a restaurant and hes looking for a head chef. Monica: (taps Phoebe on her shoulder) Um. hi there. Phoebe: Hi! (turns back to Chandler, then to Monica) Oh, yeah, no, I know.

12、Youre a chef. I know, and I thought of you first, but um, Chandlers the one who needs a job right now, so Chandler: Yeah. I just dont have that much cheffing experience. Unless its an all-toast restaurant. Phoebe: (to Monicas tapping) Yeah, yeah! Monica: Well, what kind of food is he looking for? Ph

13、oebe: Well, he wants to do some ecclectic, so hes looking for someone who can, you know, create the entire menu. Monica: (excited) Oh my God! Phoebe: Yeah, I know! (turns to Chandler) So, what do you think? Chandler: Thanks, Phoebe. But I just dont really see myself in a big white hat. Phoebe: OK. (

14、pause) Oh Monica! Guess what! Scene: Monica and Rachels, Chandler walks in, wearing a suit. Chandler: Can you see my nipples through this shirt? Rachel: No. But dont worry, Im sure theyre still there. Phoebe: Where are you going, Mr. Suity-Man? Chandler: Well, I have an appointment to see Dr. Robert

15、 Pillman, career counselor a-gogo. (pause) I added the “a-gogo.“ Rachel: Career counselor? Chandler: Hey, you guys all know what you want to do. Rachel: I dont! Chandler: Hey, you guys in the living room all know what you want to do. You know, you have goals. You have dreams. I dont have a dream. Ro

16、ss: Ah, the lesser-known “I dont have a dream“ speech. (Monica enters, excited.) Monica: Oh, I love my life, I love my life! Phoebe: Ooh! Brians Song! Rachel: The meeting with the guy went great? Monica: So great! He showed me where the restaurants going to be. Its this, its this cute little place on 10th Street. Not too big, not too small. Just right. Chandler: Was it formerly owned by a blonde woman and some bears? Monica: So anyway, Im


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