(人教PEP)四年级英语上册课件 Recycle 2(5)

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《(人教PEP)四年级英语上册课件 Recycle 2(5)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(人教PEP)四年级英语上册课件 Recycle 2(5)(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Recycle 2Miss White: Tomorrow will bewarm and sunny. Students: Hurray!Miss White: Lets have apicnic tomorrow.Students: Yeah!playSarah: What do you want to bring? Chen: I want to make a salad.Amy: Me too. Chen: Lets go shopping.Sarah: Lets go .playAssistant: Can I help you?Sarah: Yes ,I want one onio

2、n and two carrots.Chen: Four cucumbers and four tomatoes.playAmy :I want one apple, two oranges, two bananas and three pears. How much are they?Assistant :Thats eight yuan .playMiss White: Look, I have some fruit.Amy: Me too.John: I have chicken and beef.Mike: I have bread and cakes.playZhang: I hav

3、e cookies anddrinks. What do youhave ? Sarah: Guess.Wu: Hot dogs?Zhang: Hamburgers?Sarah: No.Sarah: No. I have salad.Wu: Great ! I like salad.playZhang: Look at the cows. They want to sharethe food, too.Sarah: Yes . They re hungry.playA pair of sandals 18 yuan A pair of shorts 14yuan A T-shirt 19 yuan51 yuanA sweater 62 yuan A pair of jeans 38 yuan100 yuanListen and writeplayLets playplayHOMEWORK Answer questions.What is the weather like today?Can you wear your shorts today?


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