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1、extended familynuclear familyDefinition: The nuclear family is a term used to define a family group consisting of a pair of adults and their children. Nuclear families are named because it is the nucleus, or central structure, around which other members of the family may anchor. An extended family i

2、s two or more adults from different generations of a family, who share a household. It consists of more than parents and children; it may be a family that includes parents, children, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, foster children etc.Some people think it is best for extended families (includi

3、ng grandparents, ants, uncle and cousins etc.) to live together. Reason1:It is easy to get an impromptu gathering together. We all live about a few minutes away from each other. Every Saturday we can have dinner together. In case we need to make changes, whether make it some other day or go eat out,

4、 it is easier when you live close by, because that means you can just go with them anywhere.Reason2: It makes the family grow closer. It may be true that there is a saying that absence makes the heart grow fonder, but it would also mean that absence makes you miss them more. Like when we were away,

5、we could not deal with the long drive especially when we were already tired from our daily chores. The distance that separated us got in between us, especially the kids (my daughter and her cousins) for they could not go to places together. Now that we live closer, they can even spend the night toge

6、ther, like having their own slumber party. Living closer means you also do not miss out on any special events, like birthdays and other gatherings.Reason3: Babysitting is no longer an issue. When we go to the office there should be some person who can take care of our children. None can replace gran

7、dparents or any of the family members who can take good care of them.Reason4: No need to cook on some nights. Some old people love to cook for her family, even on some of the nights that we are not scheduled to go to their place. They would cook and ask us to drop by and get our meals to go, already

8、 packed in lunch boxes. It saves us time to cook our next meal, not to mention saves us money.Other people think that is best for nuclear family (parents and children only) to live away from the extended family.Reason1: Privacy The couple can get their privacy in their own house in nuclear families

9、whereas you cannot get your privacy in a joint family. People can live their own way and can do whatever they want to. There are no such boundaries set by the elders to follow. Reason2: Financial stability When we talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the nuclear family, then financial stab

10、ility is one of the strongest points in the nuclear family. One can be financially strong because of limited expenses. There is less number of people in the nuclear family and hence less expenses. You cannot have a strong financial stability if you are the only person who is earning in a joint famil

11、y. Reason3: Freedom The elders restricts youngsters not to do certain tasks because they think this is not good for them. But todays generation is very smart. They know what is good and bad for them and have enough analytical power so they dont like to restrict themselves. Instead, they want their f

12、reedom so that they can do and achieve whatever they want in their life.Reason4: Ease in moving When you have a nuclear family, you face fewer problems while shifting from a house. You can manage your things according to you without disturbing the lives of other people. This is one of the major adva

13、ntages of the nuclear family. Reason5: Avoidance of stress and discomfort Some people are emotional. They cant tolerate any kind of fun that is on them and in the joint family, one need to have much high patience. But, nuclear families has the advantage that if you live in the company of those with

14、whom you are very comfortable then there is no need to take any stress and your discomfort also get vanished in a moment.Conclusion: We would like to say it does not matter in what kind of environment you may live. What matters is whether you are live in a happy, peaceful and loving environment or not. We would like to live in a nuclear family.



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