高中英语 Unit 1 Great Scientists Section Ⅱ Warming Up & Reading-Language Points学业分层测评 新人教版

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1、1UnitUnit 1 1 GreatGreat ScientistsScientists SectionSection WarmingWarming UpUp & & Reading-Reading-LanguageLanguage PointsPoints.单句语法填空1_(scientific)has taught us how atoms are made up.2What conclusion do you draw_the research?3Teaching young children is a_(challenge)job.4When I opened the door,I

2、found my father sitting in his chair,completely absorbed_the newspaper.5Please_(analysis)the case according to the fact.6The concern of this book is with air_(pollute)7Please read the_(instruct)carefully before using it.8The talks are continuing,but no_(announce)are expected at this time.9The incide

3、nt_the weakness of the schools position.(expose)10We consider that you are_(blame)for the accident.【答案】 1.Science 2.from 3.challenging 4.in 5.analyse 6.pollution 7.instructions8announcements 9.exposed 10.to blame.单句改错1Jenny has been attending on her sick mother for many years._2The child was cured h

4、is bad habit with the help of his friends._3Exposed to the polluted air did harm to his health._4We got together at the night he returned from abroad._5When will you have your homework hand in?_【答案】 1.on 改为 to 2.cured 后加 of3Exposed 改为 Being exposed4去掉 at 5.hand 改为 handed.阅读理解 【导学号:01730026】2A list o

5、f Benjamin Franklins inventions reveals a man of many talents and interests.His natural curiosity about things and the way they work made him try to find ways to make them work better.Ben had poor vision and needed glasses to read.He got tired of constantly taking them off and putting them back on,s

6、o he decided to figure out how his glasses would let him see both near and far.He had two pairs of glasses cut in half and put half of each lens(镜片)in a single frame.Today,we call them bifocals(双光眼镜)Everyone knows the story of Bens famous kite flight.Although he made important discoveries and advanc

7、ements,Ben did not “invent”the electricity.He did,however,invent the lightning rod which protects buildings and ships from lightning.In colonial America,most people warmed their homes by building a fire in a fireplace even though it was dangerous and used a lot of wood.Ben figured that there had to

8、be a better way.His invention of an iron furnace stove allowed people to warm their homes less dangerously and with less wood.The furnace stove that he invented is called the Franklin Stove.Interestingly enough,Ben also established the first fire company and the first fire insurance company in order

9、 to help people live more safely.As a postmaster,Ben had to figure out routes for delivering the mail.He went out riding in his carriage to measure the routes and needed a way to keep track of the distance.He invented a simple odometer(里程表)and attached it to his carriage.Later,other famous inventors

10、,like Tomas AEdison and Alexander Graham Bell,followed in Bens footsteps by trying to find ways to help people live better.【语篇解读】 本文主要讲述了本杰明富兰克林的一系列的实用发明物。1How many things invented by Benjamin Franklin are mentioned in the passage?A3. B4.3C5. D6.【解析】 细节理解题。本文从上至下讲述了本杰明富兰克林的发明有:双光眼镜、避雷针、铁皮炉子和里程表四种。【答

11、案】 B2Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?AFranklin invented the bifocals because of his poor vision.BFranklin invented the odometer to make his riding easier.CFranklin first invented the electricity and then the lightning rod.DFranklin invented the odometer when he wor

12、ked in a post office.【解析】 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的叙述可知,富兰克林在邮政局工作时, “发明了一个简单的里程表,并把它装在了他送邮件的车上” ,故 D 项正确。【答案】 D3What characteristic did Franklin,Edison and Bell have in common?AThey had a strong desire to make life better.BThey were excellent students at school.CThey were born in the same age.DThey made peopl

13、es life simple.【解析】 推理判断题。根据最后一段的“by trying to find ways to help people live better”可推知,这些科学家们都有强烈的使人们的生活更加美好的愿望,故 A 项正确。【答案】 A4What would be the best title for this passage?AThe life of Benjamin FranklinBBenjamin Franklin,a great inventorCA man of many talents and interestsDHow to help people live

14、better【解析】 主旨大意题。全文讲述了本杰明富兰克林从生活的实际出发,发明了一系列有利于自己、有利于他人的实用物品,故 B 项符合全文的主旨。【答案】 B.完形填空Perhaps forty years ago Sadie left her drunk and violent husband.Needing shelter for herself and her young son she took a _1_in a housing project for_2_people.Eventually,she got to know the residents.One resident,Ar

15、chie,didnt have 4a_3_of his own but his nephews wife and her kids would_4_and help the old guy from time to time.Sadie helped care for Archie as he battled_5_and it was she who called the doctor who diagnosed his cancer.Time passed.Sadies son grew up,got_6_and settled several hundred miles away.Sadie retired and_7_into a nic



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