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1、A Perfect Day 教学设计 教学年级:高一 课题名称:模块I Unit 1 Lesson 1 A Perfect Day (第1课时) 教材版本:北师大版 授课时间:1课时(45钟)一学生分析:所教的学生因刚从初中毕业 进入高中阶段学习,对学习英语的热情及兴 趣相当高涨,课堂较为积极、活跃,课堂气 氛相当好,平时上课能与老师形成较为默契 的配合。经过三年的初中学习,已具备一定 的阅读能力。同时,从这篇课文所涉及的内 容来看,对学生还是有相当的吸引力和了解 的欲望。因此,在设计这堂课时,要着重从 激发学生的兴趣出发,介绍有关的背景知识 ,给学生布置具有挑战的任务,让学生以话 题(A P

2、erfect Day)为素材进行讨论或口笔头 描述,尤其是讨论有利于青少年人健康成长 的行为习惯,使他们从活动中悟出这堂课的 实质。二.教材内容分析 本节课课型属阅读课,其内容包含以下 三方面: I. Before you start (读前) 1.先向学生展示7幅图片熟悉 key words, 然后以“What are your favorite kinds of TV programme? 导出本课的话题之 一: To discuss favorite TV programmes and daily activities.让学 生借助key words 尝试用所提供不同的 词汇尽量来讨论交

3、流,使学生能在轻 松愉快的气氛中迅速进入角色。 II. Read to learn (读中) 1.Fast-reading 1).学生快速阅读课文,检查自己的预测。 2).根据教材上所设计的两个问题(Exercise3)的 要求,将相应的信息划出来。 2.Intensive reading此部分教材设计了五个与课文内容有关的问题 (Exercise3),主要目的是测试学生阅读的结果。学 生在阅读两篇课文之后可分组合作讨论问题的答案 ,并回答。 III. Voice your opinion(读后 ) 此部分设计了两个开放性题目,鼓励学生把课文中 所学到的与现实生活相结合,分组合作讨论问题的 答

4、案。三教学目标 本课与中心话题有关的四个目标: To discuss favorite TV programmes and daily activities. To revise Present Simple & Present Continuous To read 2 texts in order to check predictions. To read 2 texts for specific information 有关教学活动的安排应以这四个目标为基线展 开,让学生以话题(A Perfect Day)为素材进行讨 论或口笔头描述,尤其是讨论有利于青少年人 健康成长的行为习惯。 l四教

5、学重点与难点l1. Input the passages as a whole: make the Ss grasp and understand the general idea of each passage as a whole.l2. Language communicationl A. Tell the main idea of the passagesl B. Practice the main idea of the passagesl C. Tell their own /their parents lifestyle.l3. Thinking of the healthy l

6、ifestyles in our daily life and how to improve our lifestyles. l五教学策略l1. The Taskbased Methodl2. Communicative Methodl3. A projector , a computerl六教学过程lStep 1 Lead-inl1. present 7 pictures to make the students get familiar with the key words in exercise1. Ask the students the question: What are your

7、 favourite kinds of TV programme? Why?l2Ask the Ss to look at the two pictures on page 8-9. The following questions will be presented. l1). what is the man doing in the first (second) picture? And his name? l2). what kind of lifestyle do you think the men in the picture have? (The key words on page

8、7 can be used. ) l3). what does the man in the first (second) picture look like? lStep 2 Read to learn l1.ScanninglGive the Ss a few minutes to go through the 2 passage as quickly as possible and try to finish the following 3 tasks. l l1).Underline the TV programs that Brian usually watches. l2).Und

9、erline the kinds of work Bob does every day. l3).Guess the meaning of the titles, “Couch Potato ” and “Workaholic”l2Getting the main idea of each paragraphl Give the students 7 statements and ask them to match them with each paragraphl3.Intensive readinglRead the two passages carefully and try to an

10、swer those questions in Exercise 4, on P. 8l1)Is Brain a lazy person? Can you find two examples of his lazy behavior? l2)What do you think “Youve got the world at your feet” means? l3)How does Bob spend his morning and evening?l4)Why does Bobs family complain? l5)Why does Bob work so hard?A. Mr. Bra

11、in almost does nothing but watch TV.B. Bob is very busy with his work in the daytime.C. Brain can watch much TV because he has a good family, especially a good wife.D. Brain likes doing exercise very much.E. Brain is fond of watching TV. Even so during a walk.F. It tells us why Bob works so crazily.

12、G. It shows us what Bob does before going to work in the morning.H. Bob is tired of his work.I. Bob is also busy at night.lStep 3.Voice your opinionlDiscuss Question 5 & 6 on P.8 in pairs or groups of four ,then get some of them to report their results of their discussion to the whole class. lStep 4

13、 homework lTalk about the healthy lifestyles in our daily life and how to improve our lifestyles,write a paragraph about 100-150words.l七教学原则和策略l 这节课的设计思路主要是运用诱思探究教学论中 的“通过情景导入,整体把握;理清思路,掌握课文”“局 部探讨,由浅入深;层层推进,感悟研究”的教学原则 ,和新课标所提倡的“以教师为主导,学生为主体”的教 学理念为依据,努力做到激发兴趣、激活课堂、激励上 进。根据课文及学生情况,并以学生的生活经验和兴趣 为出发点,有明确的目,内容和方式尽量真实,具有可 操作性,在活动中能够促使学生获取、处理和使用信息 ,学生通过思考、探究、讨论、交流和合作等方式,学 习和使用英语,发展用英语解决实际问题的能力,有利 于学生学习英语知识、发展语言技能,从而提高实际语 言运用能力。在教学过程中,设计了让学生谈论自己父 母的生活方式和哪一种生活方式才是健康的生活方式, 这一环节将本节课内容的语言输出部分进行总结,来一 个升华,这也是本节课应该出彩的地方。



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