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1、Recruiting Staff & Volunteers 招聘员工和志愿者Human Resources人力资源Staff and Volunteers 员工和志愿者Recruiting招聘Training培训Retaining留住Supervision监督Task allocation任务分配Codes of Practice and Conduct 行为规范Mutual Responsibilities相互责任Preparing your Organisation for Volunteers 使组织做好针对志愿者的准备A clear policy is required stating

2、: 要求有明确的政策说明如下各项:How and Why volunteers will be used 如何以及为什么使用志愿者Outline what is expected of volunteers 概述希望从志愿者那里得到什么What volunteers can expect from NGO 志愿者可期望从NGO得到什么Gives recognition to important status 认识到重要的状况Raises awareness 提高意识Clarifies boundaries Paid Unpaid staff 明确付费和不付费员工之间的界限Basis for m

3、onitoring, evaluation and support 监督、评价和支持的依据Recruiting Volunteers 招募志愿者Public message must make an impact 公开信息必须造成影响Appeal to interest , self worth, sense of community. Describe benefits. 兴趣吸引、自我价值、社区感。描述益处Encourage to find out more 鼓励找到更多Inspire to consider what contribution 激发有关何种贡献的思考Easy to app

4、roach - non-discriminatory 该组织是平易近人没有歧视的Recruiting Volunteers Where and How?招募志愿者在什么 地方以及如何进行?Direct personal approaches through existing staff and other volunteers 通过现有员工和其它志愿者直接进行Indirect personal approaches through radio, local media and conferences/public gatherings etc 通过电台、当地媒体和会议/公众聚会等简介 进行Re

5、gional or National Media 地区性或全国性媒体Leaflets传单Presentations展示Recruiting Staff招募员工Identify the task 确定任务Determine resources available 确定可利用的资源Create job description 制订工作描述Advertise appropriately适当的广告Interview panel with open minds 具有开明思想的面试小组Pre-ordained interview questioning 规定的面试提问Presentation from j

6、ob seeker? 应聘者的演示?Select best person for job 选择最适合的人选Managing staff and volunteers 对员工和志愿者进行管理This is covered in the leadership and management module however: 这部分内容在领导和管理单元描述,但:Staff and Volunteers should be treated with the same respect and attention 应给予员工和志愿者同样的尊重和关注Provided with similar training

7、opportunities 提供类似的培训机会Fully involved in appropriate information 充分获得相关的信息Retaining Staff and Volunteers 留住员工和志愿者Proper management crucial 正确的管理最为关键Proper contract of engagement 正确的合同约定Opportunities for personal growth 个人成长机会Reinforce sense of self- worth 强化自我价值感Acknowledge contribution贡献认可Develop t

8、eam spirit发展团队精神Create a sense of belonging 建立归属感Training Staff and Volunteers 员工和志愿者的培训Seek appropriate in-house delivery of vocational type training 寻求开展适当的内部职业培训Link to accreditation if possible 如果可能,与委派机构取得联系Seek appropriate funding for more formal institutional training 寻求适当的资金支持,以实现更正规的院校培训Cre

9、ate career opportunities/options 创建职业机会/选择Create in-house reference library 创建内部参考图书馆Share appropriate information 共享有关信息Full Good Practice Guide for Volunteers Weblink 志愿者的良好实践指导网络连接 on “Products” 点击“Products”Click on “Publications” 点击“Publications”Select “Engaging Volunteers Good Practice” 选择“Engaging Volunteers Good Practice”This is a 46 page guide including pro- forma for applications and interviewing etc. (English publication) 这是一个46页的指导手册,其中包含了申请和面试格 式等。(英文版)


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