第一模块 单选题

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《第一模块 单选题》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《第一模块 单选题(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第一模块 单选题 (25 道题,共 100 分)11、 I feel it is my responsibility_ you of our decision.(4 分)A A. inform B B. to inform C C. informing D D. informed 22、 Think over our proposal and let me knowwhether you agree _it. (4 分)A A. for B B. in C C. with D D. at 33、 . It is a fact _ most deaths from lungcancer are

2、caused by smoking.(4 分)A A. that B B. how C C. what D D. which 44、 She didnt tell the reason _ she was absent from the importantlecture.(4 分)A A. what B B. which C C. how D D. why 55、 _ his lecture is short, it gives us aclear picture of the new program.(4 分)A A) If B B) Because C C) Although D D) W

3、hen 66、 Please give us thereason _ the goods were delayed.(4 分)A A) why B B) which C C) what D D) how 77、 There is not doubt _he is a good employee.(4 分)A A) as B B) who C C) that D D) what 88、 Dont _ me to help you if you are not working hard.(4 分)A A) guess B B) speak C C) plan D D) expect 99、 The

4、general manger has promised to _ the matter in person.(4 分)A A) get up B B) look into C C) see off D D) put on 1010、 Towork _ with the machine, you mustread the instructions carefully.(4 分)A A) firstly B B) naturallyC C) efficiently D D) generally 1111、 If you have three Years work experience, you w

5、ill be the right _ for the job.(4 分)A A) person B B) passenger C C) tourist D D) customer 1212、 While traveling in France, he _ someeveryday French.(4 分)A A) gave up B B) picked up C C) drew up D D) got up 1313、 Well have tocontinue the discussion tomorrow _ we can make a final decision today.(4 分)A

6、 A) unless B B) because C C) when D D) since 1414、 Peter will_ the job as Sales Manager when John retires.(4 分)A A)put away B B) take over C C) work out D D) make up 1515、 Before _ forthe job, you will be required to take a language test. (4 分)A A) apply B B) applying C C) applied D D) to apply 1616

7、、 _ the rainstops before 12 oclock, we will have to cancel the game. (4 分)A A) As B B) Since C C) While D D) Unless 1717、 What are the essential differences _ selling and marketing?(4 分)A A) between B B) from C C) among D D) for 1818、 By the end of this year,they _ a newprogram in Europe (4 分)A A) h

8、ad started B B) start C C) arestarting D D) will have started 1919、 More than 100 people died _theearthquake in that area (4 分)A A) in ease of B B) as a result of C C) in addition to D D) on the basis of 2020、 I am writing to apply for the _ of Sales Manageradvertised in last Fridays China Daily (4

9、分)A A) business B B) trade C C) position D D) operation 2121、 If you need more information, please contactus _ telephone or email. (4 分)A A) in B B) by C C) on D D) for 2222、 Breakfast canbe _ to you in your room for an additional charge.(4 分)A A. eaten B B. served C C. used D D. made 2323、 Even in

10、smallcompanies, computers are a(n)_tool. (4 分)A A. natural B B. essentialC C. careful D D. impossible 2424、 _ yourname and job title, the business card should also include your telephone numberand address.(4 分)A A. As far as B B. In addition toC C. In spite of D D. As a result of 2525、 To _ the trut

11、h,I really didnt knowanything about yesterdays meeting (4 分)A A) do B B) tell C C) put D D) take 第一模块第一模块 单选题单选题 (5 道题,共道题,共 100 分分)11、We will have to pay them a large _ of money for their service(20 分)AsizeBsetCamountDseries22、Id appreciate it if you could tell me how_the machine.(20 分)AoperateBto

12、operateCoperatingDoperated33、Im sorry to tell you that the materials you wanted are_(20 分)Ataken off Bput upCsold outDgot off44、It is obvious that these small businesses are _need of technical support(20 分)AinBon Cwith Dto 55、_I am concerned,it is important to get a job first(20 分)AAs long asBAs wel

13、l asCAs soon asDAs far as1、Id appreciate it if you could tell me how_the machine.(10 分)AoperateBto operateCoperatingDoperated22、Im sorry to tell you that the materials you wanted are_(10 分)Ataken off Bput upCsold outDgot off33、It is obvious that these small businesses are _need of technical support(

14、10 分)AinBon Cwith Dto 44、_I am concerned,it is important to get a job first(10 分)AAs long asBAs well asCAs soon asDAs far as55、The report gives a _ pictureof the companys future development.(10 分)AA. central BB. clean CC. clear DD. comfortable66、The company hasbeen producing this model of machine tool _ 2008.(10 分)AA. since BB. after


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