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1、1为.而奋斗2 传播知识3 多亏4 摆脱,出去5 对.满意6宁愿做某事7用.装备sb8 后悔做某事9由.引起的10集中做某事11 对.评论12 content 词组13 穷的14 款待某人15 整个晚上16 克服困难17 使某人相信某事18 be particular about19 像某人解释20 小声的21对.回应used as Object Complement, Predicative and AttributeUnit 3 Learning about languageReview: -ing形式作主语和宾语 作主语 1. Talking to him is talking to a

2、 wall.对他说话等于对牛弹琴。 2. Smoking may cause cancer. 吸烟会致癌。 3. Walking is my sole exercise. 散步是我唯一的运动。 4. Talking mends no holes. (谚)空谈无济于事。作宾语 5. I suggest bringing the meeting to an end. 我建议结束会议。 6. He admitted taking the money. 他承认钱是他拿的。 7. I couldnt help laughing.我禁不住笑了起来。 8. Your coat needs brushing.

3、 你的大衣需要刷一下。1. Can you smell anything burning?(宾语) 2. We wont have you doing that.(宾语) 3. No one is allowed to speak in the reading room. 4. I am sorry to have kept you waiting long. (宾语) 5. I have a friend living in London. 6. My hobby is swimming. 宾补宾补表语定语宾补定语Objective掌握动词-ing形式作表语、定语 和宾语补足语的用法。He

4、is charming.His acting is so amusingWhat he likes most is keeping others laughing.V-ing used as predicative (表语)1. His job is _.2. What he likes most is _.Describe the picture with V-ing used as predicativeMark Twain1.What a surprising answer.2.The customer sitting at the table is very angry.V-ing u

5、sed as attribute(定语)Summary: 1. v-ing 作定语表性质 如 an interesting film 2.v-ing 作定语表用途 如 a walking stick = a stick for 手杖drinking water = water for 饮用水flying kitesa dancing girl3.v-ing作定语表示动作正在进行The man running inthe picture is Liu Xiang. attributeThe man who is running in the picture is Liu Xiang.4.v-in

6、g短语作定语表示动作正在进行,此时相当于一个定语从句.a running man-ing形式短语作定语时,放在所修饰的名词之后,并且 在意思上相当于一个定语从句。The customer sitting at the table is very angry.The customer who is sitting at the table is very angry.1.What _ bears they are!2. The bears _ are content with their life.Describe the bears with V-ing used as attributech

7、armingskiing on the ice1.His sutble acting makes everything entertaining.2.You will find it astonishing that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could talk.V-ing used as object complement (宾补)Summary: makes/finds+sth.+ v-ing(这样的补足语有)(astonishing, amusing, disappointing, boring, encouraging, ins

8、piring, moving, tiring, )3. 能用-ing形式作宾语补足语的几类动 词: (1) 表示感觉和心理状态的动词,常见的有 see/look at/watch/hear/listen to/feel / notice/observe/ + sb. +v-ing. (三看,二听,一感觉,一注意,一观察) 表示指使意义的动词,常见的有have, keep, get, catch, leavea. We saw a light burning in the window. We find thousands of houses falling in the earthquake.

9、pray(祈祷 )We see people praying for the deaths.As we know, an unexpected earthquake hit Wenchuan on 5.12.The result is _ . I t caused many deaths and even more people _ and injured. We can find the soldiers_ for the missing and injured persons throughout the whole disaster area(灾区). We can see them_ the injured one after another. _ is convincing. Please act at once.miss astonish search act save astonishing missing searchingActingsavingHomework Find out sentences with v-ing as,主语 ,宾语,定语,表语,补足语。


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