高一英语nelson mandela课件

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1、 Abraham Lincoln Martin Luther King Nelson Mandela Obama(18091865) (1929-1968) (1918- ) (1961- )_ He fought for equal rights for black people in the USA. He gave the famous speech “I have a dream“. He received the Nobel Peace Prize. In 1968, he was murdered. _ He is the first African-American presid

2、ent of the United States. He won the Nobel Peace Prize and was voted the most influential man of 2008. _ He was the 16th president of USA. He liberated the black and ended the slavery. In1865, he was murdered in the Washington Ford Theater. _ He was the president of South Africa. He fought for black

3、 people and helped them to get the same rights as the white people. In 1993, he won the Nobel Peace Prize.Abraham LincolnMartin Luther KingNelson MandelaObamaactive beg educate education opinion selfless selfish escape vote attack quality reward generous generosity sentence terror terrorism presiden

4、t relative relation cruel cruelty devote violence violent equal legal illegal in to devoted work job for against matter in in danger to to heart hope power up out 1.质量,品质,性质2.自我,自身 3共和国,共和政体 4. 法则,原则,原理 5.人类 6. 律师 7. 指导领导 8.费 ,酬金 9. 青年,青年时期 10.同盟,联盟,联合会1.quality2.self3.republic4.principle5.mankind6.

5、lawyer7.guidance8.fee9.youth10.league11.投票,选票,表决 12.暴力,暴行 _ 13.毛毯,毯子_ 14.亲戚,亲属 _ 15.总统,会长,校长,行长 16.报酬,奖金 _ 17意见,看法,主张_ 18. 恐怖,可怕的人,恐怖时期,恐怖 活动_11.vote12.violence13.blanket14.relative15.president16.reward17.opinion18.terror动词:1.献身,专心于 2.建立,建设 3.投票,选举 4. 进攻,攻击, 抨击 5. 释放,发行 6. 逃脱,逃走,泄露7. 教育,训练 8. 请求,乞求

6、9. 酬劳,奖赏 10. 宣判,判决1. devote2. found3. vote4. attack5. release6. escape7. educate8. beg9. reward10.sentence1吝啬的,自私的,卑鄙的 2.积极的,活跃的 3.慷慨的,大方的 4.自私的 5.无私的,忘我的 6.忠实的,深爱的 7.和平的,平静的,安宁的 8.法律的,依照法律的 9.怀有希望的,有希望的 10.相等的,平等的 11. 乐意的,自愿的 12.不公正的,不公平的 13. 受过教育的,有教养的 14.无私地;忘我地1. mean2. active3. generous4. selfi

7、sh5. selfless6. devoted7. peaceful8. legal9. hopeful10.equal11.willing12.unfair13.educated14.selflessly1.失业 2.事实上 3. 在危险,受罚, 痛苦,忧虑等的 处境中 4.求助于,致力于 5. 丧失勇气或信心 6. 当权,上台 7. 设立,建立 8. 被判处(徒刑) 1.out of work2.as a matter of fact3. in trouble4.turn to 5.lose e to power7.set up8.be sentenced to 1)只有我们告诉他时,他才

8、意识到他的过错。2)到那时我才认识到健康的重要性。 _ the importance of health.3)Only _ that there was a mistake.当我们再次研究这些数据的时候,我们才意识到出了一个 错。 4)_can speak.只有人类会说话。Only when we told him did he realize his mistakes.Only then did I realize when we had studied the data again did he realizeOnly man1)The year 1949_ the founding of

9、 the Peoples Republic of China. 1949年中华人民共和国成立。2)The street corner has_ many traffic accidents. 在这个街道拐角处发生过许多交通事故。 3) 例句仿写 这座城市经历了许多变化。 The city _ many changes.sawseenhas seen1)毛主席一生都在为中国的独立和人民的幸福而奋斗。 (devote.to)AChairman Mao devoted all his life to the independence of China and the happiness of the

10、 people. devoted has been devoted to devotes to teaching devotion 1)If you have a job, yourself to it and finally youll succeed. (2010四川,19) Ado devote Bdont devote Cdevoting Dnot devoting 解析 句意为:如果你有一份工作,务必要全力以赴 地去做,最终你会成功的。if引导的是条件状语从句, 空格处用动词原形构成祈使句,从而产生“祈使句 and陈述句”的结构。do用来加强语气,强调动词。A2)Only when

11、I left my parents for Italy _ how much I loved them. AI realized BI had realized Chad I realized Ddid I realize解析:句意:只有当我离开父母去了意大利,我才意识到我有多么的爱他们。only状语或状语从句放在句首时,主句须部分倒装,根据句意,主句应用一般过去时,所以只有D项符合题意。D3)It was announced that only when the fire was under control to return to their homes. Athe residents w

12、ould be permitted Bhad the residents been permitted Cwould the residents be permitted Dthe residents had been permitted4)He made up his mind to devote his life to _ pollution from _ again. Apreventing;happening Bprevent;happen Cpreventing;happens Dpreventing;will happenCA5)This year _ many natural d

13、isasters, such as floods,droughts. Asaw Bwatched Cobserved Dnoticed6)(2010江西高考)The girl arranged to have piano lessons at the training centre with her sister _ she would stay for an hour. Awhere Bwho Cwhich DwhatAA7)He went to picnic with his classmates, none of _ I had ever met before. Athem Bwho C

14、whom Dthese8)I work in a business _ almost everyone is waiting for a great chance. Ahow Bwhich Cwhere DthatCC.选词填空in turn,have trouble in doing,lose heart,be sentenced to 1You shouldnt even though you failed this time. 2Frank much the magazine he wanted. 3In her opinion,the thief should death. 4People lined up and entered the hall . 完成句子 (1)_ in this way _ the river safe and sound.只有用这种方法你才能安全无恙地过河。 (2)_ when one loses freedom _ itsvalue. 只有当一个人失去自由时,他才会懂得自由的价值。 (3)_ after


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