九年级英语全册 unit 6 when was it invented section b备课资料教案 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、1UnitUnit 6 6 WhenWhen waswas itit invented?invented? SectionSection B B1.1. TheThe customercustomer thoughtthought thethe potatoespotatoes werewere notnot thinthin enough.enough.顾客认为这些土豆不够薄。顾客认为这些土豆不够薄。enough 用作副词,意为“充分地,足够地,充足地”,充当形容词或副词修饰语,但必须后置。常与不定式或介词 for 连用,在句子中作状语,表示程度。例如:He walks slowly eno

2、ugh for us to catch up with. 他走得够慢的了,我们能赶上。This article is difficult enough to write. 这篇文章够难写得了。归纳 enough 可以作名词、代词,意思是“足够;充分”。作代词可以代替可数名词或不可数名词,在句中作主语或宾语。如:Enough has been said on this subject. 关于这一问题说得已经足够多的了No,thanks. Ive had enough. 不,谢谢。我已吃饱了。(enough=enough food)当 enough 后的名词前有冠词、形容词性物主代词、指示代词或其

3、本身就是代词时,要用介词of。如:Weve had enough of your coldness. 我们已经受够了你的冷漠。2.2. TheThe customercustomer saidsaid theythey werewere notnot saltysalty enough.enough. 顾客说它们不够咸。顾客说它们不够咸。salty 作形容词意为“咸的”,其名词形式为 salt。例如:Salty food makes one thirsty. 咸的食物令人口渴。The soup had a very salty taste. 汤的味道很咸。归纳 表示味道的形容词:tasty 味

4、道好的,可口的 sweet 甜的 hot 辣的 sour 酸的 salty 咸的 bitter 苦的 crisp脆的 light 清淡的 fragrant 香的 delicious 好吃的,美味的3.3. PhotoPhoto chipschips werewere inventedinvented byby mistake.mistake. 薯条是无意中被发明的。薯条是无意中被发明的。by mistake“错误地;由于差错”,此时的 mistake 作名词,是可数名词,构成 make a mistake “犯错误”。例如:I took his schoolbag as mine by mis

5、take. 我误将他的书包当作我的拿走了。She made a mistake by taking the wrong textbook to class.她犯了个错,上课拿错了课本。2辨析:error,mistake 和 fault error 的使用范围较窄,意思是错误、过失,常指在计算、书写等过程中出现的“差错”,即“不精确、不正确”。例如:This is an error in grammar. 这是一个语法上的错误。mistake 范围较宽,可指各种错误,指由于粗心、疏忽、缺乏正确的理解等原因而造成的“错误”。例如:You have made a mistake in your sp

6、elling. 你在拼写上弄错了。fault 通常指人的“缺点、毛病”,也可表“过失、过错”,含有当事人对造成的过错有责任的意味。例如:With all his faults,he is still a good comrade.尽管他有缺点,但还是一个好同志。4.4. TheThe customercustomer waswas happyhappy inin thethe end.end. 最后顾客高兴了。最后顾客高兴了。in the end “最后;终于”,同义词为 finally。例如:Youll get there in the end if you work hard!你如果努力工

7、作,最终会达到目的的。辨析:in the end,at the end of 和 by the end of(1)in the end 是一个独立的短语,不与 of 连用,可放在句末,也可置于句首,此时常用逗号与主句分开。如:In the end,Wang Ping got to the village.最后王萍到达了那个村庄。(2)at the end of.后接地点名词,表示“在终点(尽头)”;后接时间名词,表示“在结束时”。如:Walk along the street,youll find the hospital at the end of the street.沿这条街往前走,在街

8、的尽头你就会找到这家医院。(3)by the end of.意为“在以前,到为止”,常与将来时态和过去完成时态连用。如:We will finish the work by the end of this year.我们在年底以前就会完成这项工作。5.5. ItIt isis overover 100100 yearsyears oldold andand isis playedplayed byby moremore thanthan 100100 millionmillion peoplepeople inin overover 200200 countries.countries. 篮球

9、运动有篮球运动有 100100 多年的历史了多年的历史了, ,有有 200200 多个国家多个国家 1 1 亿多人在打篮球。亿多人在打篮球。more than “超过,多于”,同义词为 over。例如:3She wishes to be treated as nothing more than a common girl.她希望被对待得只不过像一般的女孩子。We have despair of him;he cant keep a job for more than six months. 我们对他已经绝望了,他做什么工作都不能超过半年。归纳 数字前的修饰语:just 正好;only 仅仅;a

10、bout=around 大约;more than=over 多于,超过;nearly 将近,几乎;less than 少于,不到。6.6. Dr.Dr. NaismithNaismith divideddivided thethe menmen inin hishis classclass intointo twotwo teamsteams andand taughttaught themthem toto playplay hishis newnew game.game.奈史密斯医生将他班里的男生分成两队并教他们怎样玩他的新游戏。奈史密斯医生将他班里的男生分成两队并教他们怎样玩他的新游戏。

11、divide 作动词,意为“分开,分散”,后面常与介词 into 连用。例如:I hope this disagreement will not divide us.我希望我们不会因这分歧而对立起来。Friendship multiple joy and divide grieve. 朋友之间,欢乐同享,苦难同当。归纳 divide 的用法divide sth. among sb.把东西分给Divide the cake among you.这块蛋糕你们分了吃吧。be divided into 意为“划分为”,divide.into 意为“把划分为”。This class is too lar

12、ge. We shall have to divide it for oral practice.这个班级太大了,我们必须把它分成小班来做口语练习。7.7. AtAt thethe samesame time,theytime,they needneed toto stopstop thethe competingcompeting teamteam fromfrom gettinggetting thethe ballball intointo theirtheir ownown basket.basket.同时同时, ,他们需要去阻止对手将球投进他们自己的篮里。他们需要去阻止对手将球投进他

13、们自己的篮里。(1)at the same time 意为“同时”。例如:She and I both arrived at the same time by pure coincidence.我和她同时到达纯属巧合。(2)stop sb./ sth. from doing sth. 阻止某事发生。例如:What stopped him from coming here?什么阻止他到这里来?辨析:stop doing sth.和 stop to do sth.stop doing sth.意为“停止做某事”即“不做某事了”。例如:He stopped watching TV and began

14、 to read English.他停止看电视,开始读英语。4stop to do sth. 意为“停下原来做的事,做下面的事”。例如:He watched TV for an hour. At 8 he stopped to do his homework.他看了一个小时的电视。八点钟他停下来(看电视)去做作业。类似的还有:try doing sth. 试着做某事 try to do sth. 努力做某事 cant help doing sth. 禁不住做某事 cant help(to) do sth. 不能帮忙做某事go on doing sth. 继续做原来的事情 go on to do

15、 sth. 继续做另外一件事 remember doing sth. 记得做过了某事 remember to do sth. 记得去做某事(尚未做)forgot doing sth. 忘记做过了某事(做了但却忘记了)forget to do sth. 忘记要去做某事(尚未做)8.8. Today,theToday,the popularitypopularity ofof basketballbasketball hashas risenrisen aroundaround thethe world,withworld,with manymany youngyoung peoplepeople

16、 dreamingdreaming ofof becomingbecoming famousfamous players.players.今天今天, ,随着许多年轻人梦想成为篮球明星随着许多年轻人梦想成为篮球明星, ,篮球在篮球在世界范围内普及开来。世界范围内普及开来。(1)popularity n. 受欢迎;普及。其形容词形式为 popular 流行的;受欢迎的。例如:Television has robbed the cinema of its former popularity.电视使电影不如以往那么流行。Her books have grown in popularity recently. 她的书近来大受欢迎。(2)with 或 without+名词/代



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