七年级英语下册 unit 8 the seasons and the weather词汇精讲精练 (新版)仁爱版

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1、1UnitUnit 8 8 TheThe SeasonsSeasons andand thethe WeatherWeather词汇精讲精练词汇精讲精练【词汇精讲词汇精讲】1.1. wearwear / / putput ononwear 是及物动词,可用于穿衣、穿鞋、戴帽子、戴手套、佩戴首饰等,强调状态。例如:Im going to wear a pair of sunglasses tomorrow.明天我打算戴一副太阳镜。She is wearing a hat. 她戴着一顶帽子。【拓展】(1)put on 表示穿衣服的动作,其反义词是 take off。例如:He quickly pu

2、t on his shoes and ran out. 他迅速穿上鞋,跑了出去。(2)have on 和 in 都指穿的状态,但 have on 不用于进行时态;in 是介词,可以和表示服装或颜色的名词一起构成介词短语作定语,也可以和 be 动词连用构成系表结构。例如:He has a red T-shirt on. = He is in a red T-shirt.他穿一件红色的 T 恤衫。2The girl in pink is my little sister. 穿粉色衣服的那个女孩是我的小妹妹。2.2. hadhad betterbetterhad better(常简略为d bette

3、r)是一固定词组,had better 意为“最好” ,用于表示对别人的劝告、建议或表示一种愿望。其用法有以下几点:(1)had better 后面必须跟动词原形,构成 had better do sth.句型,意为“最好做某事” 。【注意】这里的 had 不能用 have 来替换。例如:Youd better go to hospital at once.你最好立即去医院看病。Tom, youd better go there today.汤姆,你最好今天去那里。(2)主语不论是第几人称,句子不论是什么时态,都要用 had better 的形式。例如:Now you (he; we) had

4、 better listen to the teacher.你(他,我们)现在最好听老师讲。(3)had better 的否定形式为 had better not,构成 had better not do sth.句型,意为“最好不要做某事” 。例如:You had better not do that stupid thing. 你最好不要做那样愚蠢的事。3.3. comecome outout(1)come out 是动词词组,意为“出版” 。例如:When will his new novel come out? 他新创作的小说什么时候出版?(2)come out 意为“出现” 。例如:

5、The moon came out from behind the clouds. 月亮从云后露出脸来。(3)come out 意为“长出,开花” 。例如: 3The flowers come out. 花开了。4.4. busybusy(1)busy 是形容词,意为“忙的,繁忙的” ,在句中既作定语,又可作表语。它的反义词是free。例如:Mr. Li is a busy man. 李老师是一个忙人。Im very busy today. 今天我特别忙。(2)busy 常用的句式如下:1)be busy with sth.意为“忙于某事” 。例如:My mother is busy with

6、 her work. 我的妈妈忙于她的工作。2)be busy doing sth. 意为“忙于做某事” 。We are busy cleaning the room. 我们正忙于清扫屋子。5.5. shareshare(1)share 用作及物动词,意为“共用;合用;分享” 。例如:Its hard to share power. 权力很难分享。(2)share sth. with sb.意为“与某人分享某物” 。例如:Tony shared his chocolate with other kids.托尼把他的巧克力与其他孩子分着吃了。She shares a house with two

7、 other students.她与另外两个同学合住一所房子。6.6. decidedecidedecide 是动词,意为“决定,选定” 。其名词形式为 decision。主要用法有:(1)decide sth. 意为“决定某事” 。例如:I cant decide anything at the moment. 4现在我不能做出任何决定。(2)decide to do sth. 意为“决定做某事” 。例如:We decide to go to Paris next month. 我们决定下个月去巴黎。(3)decide on意为“由决定;决定于” 。后面接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。例如:I

8、decided on going to Beijing at last. 最后我决定去北京了。My mother decided on the red dress. 我妈妈决定买下那件红色的裙子。7.7. arrivearrivearrive 意为“到达” ,是不及物动词,如果后面接地点副词,如:home, there, here 等词,不需要再加介词。后接地点名词时,应加介词 in 或 at。大地方用 in,如 country, city 等;小地方用 at,如 school, hotel, stop 等。例如:They arrived in Beijing yesterday. 他们昨天到

9、达北京。When you arrive home, please give me a call. 到家的时候请给我打个电话。【拓展】arrive;get to;reach 的辨析:(1)get to 意为“到达” 。其后接表示地点的副词(如 here; there; home 等)时,介词to 要省略。例如:Theyll get to Beijing at six tonight. 他们将在今晚六点到达北京。Ill get there on time. 我会按时到达那里。(2)reach 是及物动词,可以直接接宾语。例如:Ill call you as soon as I reach New

10、York. 5我一到达纽约就给你打电话。8.8. luckluck / / luckyluckyluck 是不可数名词,意为“运气, 好运, 幸运” 。Good luck to sb. 表示“祝某人好运” ,bad luck 意为“倒霉” 。例如:She had no luck finding a job. 她很不幸,找不到工作。I wish you luck. = Good luck to you! 祝你好运!【拓展】(1)lucky 是形容词,意为“幸运的,吉祥的,侥幸的” 。例如: He is a lucky dog. 他是个幸运的家伙。(2)luckily 是副词,意为“幸运地,幸亏,

11、侥幸” 。 Luckily there was a doctor on the spot. 幸运的是现场有一位医生。 9.9. fullfull(1)full 作为形容词,意为“充满的,全部的” 。例如: Please tell me the full story. 请将全部情况告诉我。 The train was traveling at full speed. 火车正全速前进。 (2)be full of 意为“充满的”。例如:The room is full of young people. 房间里全是年轻人。【拓展】fill 表示“装满,填满” ,可用作及物和不及物动词,通常与介词 w

12、ith 连用。例如:Everything is filled with new life. 万物充满了生气。He filled the glass with water. 他把杯子装满了水。610.10. special/especialspecial/especialspecial 是形容词,意为“特别的” ,用在名词前或不定代词后作定语。例如:That is a special day. 那是一个特别的日子。Is there anything special in the newspaper? 报纸上有什么特殊的消息吗?【拓展】辨析 special 和 especial(1)special

13、 作形容词,意为“特殊的,特别的,专门的(反义词:ordinary)” ,强调事物特有的性质、性格或专门的目的、用途。例如:You must have special permission to enter this room你必须得到特许才能进这个房间。(2)especial 作形容词,意为“特别的,主要的,突出的(反义词:common)” ,强调的是重要性,有“尤其、特别”之意。例如: He solved the problem of especial importance他解决了非常重要的问题。 11.11. knockknock(1)knock 作动词,意为“敲,击打”。其后通常跟介词

14、on或at,然后接宾语。例如:Someone is knocking at/ on the door. 有人敲门。She knocked at / on the window. 她敲了敲窗户。(2)knock 作名词,意为“敲,击打,敲击声”。例如:He opened the door in response to a knock. 他应敲门声而开了门。12.12. treattreat(1) “treat”作名词,意为“招待,款待,请客” 。 “give sb. a treat”意为“招待某人” ;“give sb. sth. as a treat”意为“用某物招待某人” 。例如:If he

15、 comes, I will give him a treat. 7如果他来,我会招待他。What do you want to give him as a treat? 你想用什么招待他? (2)treat 作动词,意为“治疗,医治”,常用于“treat sb. for sth.”结构;还表示“以态度/方式对待”,常用于“treatas/like sth.”结构;表示“款待某人”一般用treat sb.,后面可以接to sth.。例如:She was treated for sunstroke. 她因为中暑而接受治疗。The local people treat him as a hero.

16、 当地人把他当作英雄来对待。 She treated him to lunch. 她请他吃午餐。Dont worry about the cost, Ill treat you. 别担心费用,我请你。【词汇精练词汇精练】I.I. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1. Look at the sky. Its c_. I think its going to rain.2. Winter is coming, so we all wear w_ clothes.3.Did you listen to the weather r_?Yes. It will rain tomorrow.4. The sun shines brightly and the t_ is 25.5. Look! Two cats are c_ the apple tree.6. O


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