服务运作管理整合的视角services management1(1)

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服务运作管理整合的视角services management1(1)_第1页
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《服务运作管理整合的视角services management1(1)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《服务运作管理整合的视角services management1(1)(65页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、oProductive is all labour which fixes and realises itself in a particular subject or vendible commodity . . . unproductive is all labour which generally perish in the very instant of their performance.(Adam Smith, 1776)1Part One THE NATURE OF SERVICESPart Three HUMAN RESOURCES INSERVICE ORGANIZATION

2、SPart Two CUSTOMER LOGICPart Four OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT IN SERVICE ORGANIZATIONSPart Five AN INTEGRATED APPROACH2The nature of services1.Services are becoming more and more important in the economy of the countries all over the word.2. Explain the main charateristics that distinguish services from g

3、oods.3. Service classifications and their practical relevance.3Part Two CUSTOMER LOGICo4 Relationship marketingo5 Promoting serviceso6 Pricing serviceso7 Customer satisfaction and complaint managemento8 Service guarantees and service- level agreements4Part Three HUMAN RESOURCES IN SERVICE ORGANIZATI

4、ONSo9 The role of human resource practices in service organizationso 10 Competencies and service organizationso11 Collaboration: integrating work and learningo12 The role of empowerment in service organizationso13 Role stress among front-line employees 5Part Four OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT IN SERVICE ORG

5、ANIZATIONSo14 Service process design and managemento15 Capacity managemento16 Facilities managemento17 IT developments and their impact on services6Part Five AN INTEGRATED APPROACHo18 Performance measurement systems in service firmso19 Managing innovation in a service Environment o20 Managing servic

6、es across national boundarieso21 Defining a service strategy 7Services Management: An Integrated ApproachThis book originated out of continuous discussions and research efforts The first point of discussion is the notion of services and service management. oAll too often one is tempted to take well-

7、 established insights and know-how coming from manufacturing environments and apply them to services. 8services do have some characteristicsIntangibilityposes specific challenges to the communication and marketing effort; simultaneity i.e. the presence of the customer during the service delivery pro

8、cess implies a direct link between employees feelings and behaviour and customers perceptions of service quality; 9the perishable nature of service service has serious implications for managing the service delivery system and the available capacity. 10Second, services are processes. oThey require an

9、 integrated and concerted approach; the operational service delivery system, employees and customers all need to be attuned to deliver value in a seamless way.11oThis awareness of the specific nature of services and, hence inspired several companies, together with the Vlerick Leuven Ghent Management

10、 School, to establish a forum that allowed for exploration and in-depth discussion of the specific nature of service management. 12oThe centre followed a multidisciplinary approach from the start; people with an engineering, marketing or organizational behaviour background have been involved, and bo

11、th academics and practitioners have collaborated in the discussions.13Over the past years, workshops have been organized covering themes such as customer satisfaction, information technology, empowerment, the service profit chain, innovation, performance management, capacity management and waiting l

12、ines, to name just a few. In-depth case studies and survey research have also been part of these exploration efforts.14oDuring these years of working together it became clear that services need to be approached in an integrated way: the operational service delivery system, employees competencies, be

13、havior and feelings, and customer needs and preferences all15need to be balanced, resulting in a configuration that eventually will lead to value creation and benefits for all stakeholders involved. In the light of this approach we have established the structure of this book as follows.16oIn the fir

14、st part, we explore the nature and importance of services in todays economies. This will lead to the development of a first guiding framework the service concept and the delineation of its constituting elements (Chapters 1 and2). 17oMoreover, we will argue that the notion of services and hence of se

15、rvice management, is becoming an important issue for manufacturing companies as well (Chapter 3).18oNext we focus on customers. We will look at the crucial relationships betweenocustomer satisfaction, customer loyalty and eventual profitability (Chapter 4);odiscuss ways of measuring customer satisfa

16、ction and improving it by means ofocomplaint management and the introduction of service level agreements andoguarantees (Chapters 7 and 8). Promoting and pricing services will also beoconsidered (Chapters 5 and 6).19oEmployees play a decisive role in delivering service quality. Therefore, in the third part we look at the dynamics of the script underlying this crucial roleo(Chapter 9). Consecutively, we develop the notion of competencies and their development,othe importance of



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