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1、热情微笑 尽善尽美The Warm SmileThe Acme of Perfection超越您的期望 是我们不断努力的方向Our goal is to make sustained efforts to exceed your expectationsSituated in a beautiful natural environment, with Phoenix Mountain at its back and Greenery Lake in the front, Phoenix Hotel Chongqing Chanshou, is the first hotel built on

2、platinum 5-star standard in Southwest China. 重庆长寿凤凰城酒店中国首家以白金五星级标准建造、中国至广阔的山水主 题式酒店。Harmony with Nature 不以层高为尊 但求与自然和谐相处Destination 重庆长寿您的目的地Widely acknowledged as the largest industrial and economic center in southwestern China, Chongqing City is a popular destination for travelers with its hilly s

3、lopes, rivers, night views and Mala dishes. 重庆是中国西南部最大的工业和经济中心城市,重庆也是一 个非常受欢迎的旅游城市,美丽的山城、河流、夜景和麻辣 的重庆菜。The Phoenix Hotel Chongqing Changshou is located in Taohua newcity and giving you The Acme of Perfection service. 位于重庆长寿区桃花新城文苑大道5 号凤凰酒店,为您提供“热情微笑, 尽善尽美”的服务。Hotel Location 酒店位置Access 便捷的交通- 5 minut

4、es to Chongshuo City Center - 30minutes to Chongqing North Railway Station - 40 minutes to Chongqing Jingbei Airport - 40 minutes to Chongqing City Center-至长寿市中心5 分钟车程 -至重庆火车北站30分钟车程; -至40分钟车程; -至重庆45分钟车程; Hotel Exterior 酒店外景Hotel Lobby 酒店大堂The curved ceiling and corridor of the hotel lobby is a rec

5、reation of the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo. It is overflowing with an air and perfection of Western art culture.在重庆长寿凤凰城酒店大堂天顶及前厅100多米的长廊 ,以梵蒂冈西斯廷大教堂的穹顶壁画为原形,重现了米 开朗琪罗创世纪的雄伟与壮丽。漫步于酒店大堂之 内,可尽情体会西方艺术的精华。 设施包括: - Reception - Concierge - Business Center - Tickets Center - Cigar Bar- 前台接待处 - 礼宾部 - 商务中

6、心 - 票务中心 - 雪茄屋Guest Rooms 各式客房The Hotel features 330 spacious and comfortable rooms and suites, with more than 10 room types. Room rates include buffet Breakfast and use of gym & swimming pool. 酒店拥有330间宽敞舒适的客房,系出名师设计,高贵典雅。客房内 设施先进齐备,配有独特景致的观阳台,房价包括早餐、游泳和健身 。Guest Rooms 客房设施-Telephone with Voice Mail

7、 -Tea Maker -In room safe -Cable and Satellite TV -Broadband Internet access -Separate bath and shower-留言电话 -茶 -房间内保险箱 -有线和卫星电视 -宽带上网 -独立浴室以及淋浴间All rooms are equipped with: 所有的房间都配备:Mediterranean western Restaurant 地中海西餐厅It offers continental breakfast and a comprehensive range of Southeast Asia cui

8、sines.洋溢着欧陆情调,设有室内和露天雅座,河光山色尽 收眼帘;提供欧陆式自助早餐,荟萃东南亚各式美味 佳肴。The Club has a large car park and several private KTV rooms designed luxuriously and equipped with first-class stereo & lighting sets. All the rooms are with classical European furniture. 俱乐部环境幽雅,装修高贵典雅,拥有多间风格各异的 KTV 包房。 一流的灯光音响设备,配备古典西欧家具,尽显富

9、丽堂皇。 Meeting Facilities 会议设施The Phoenix Hotel Chongqing Changshou has more than 11 different meeting rooms. The biggest one is able to cater for 1000 attendees at once. Our multi-functional rooms with varieties of style will utterly meet your all-dimensional needs.They are the ideal venues for all m

10、ajor conference. 重庆长寿凤凰城酒店拥有 11 个大小各异、风格 不同的多功能豪华宴会厅,可容纳 12 至 1000 人。是举办商务会议、各类晚会、婚宴联谊的最 佳场所。Meeting Room Capacity 会议室名称位置会议室长度 (M)宽度 (M)室内面积( )容纳人数价格/RMB宴会式剧院式课堂式讨论式4小时(一节)8小时(二节)1层凤凰国际会议厅4025100050010008005008000120001层凤凰国际会议/2025500250500400250500080001层日内瓦(阶梯)17.518315100400070001层巴黎131418290120

11、10090400070001层罗马12.88.510840805050300050001层伦敦12.88.510840805050300050001层柏林12.88.510840805050300050001层米兰12.88.510840805050300050001层瑞士7.84.6362020160028001层雅典7.84.6362020160028002层卢森堡8.86.8603030160028002层爱丁堡8.86.8603030160028001层商务中心会议室7428 12100016006层商务会议室84.4352016002800Leisure & Entertainmen

12、t 休闲及康乐设施Sauna Center桑拿中心 Offers a quiet and relaxing setting, an exceptional experience for the mind, body and soul. 宁静休闲的环境,让您放松身心、尽情享受Recreation Center 康乐中心 A definite destination to enjoy with friends and opponentsmahjong, snooker and poolits your choice. 丰富的娱乐项目与友人共享,麻将,乒乓球,桌球,网球,健身房,室 内外泳池,这里应

13、有尽有。Healthy Center 康体中心Outdoor Swimming Pool 露天游泳池 Free form swimming pool enhanced by a beautifully landscaped sundeck surrounded by lush greenery, an ideal spot to relax and unwind.宽敞的露天游泳池和日光浴平台,围绕着各种的亚洲 热带植物,让您尽情畅泳。Healthy Center 康体中心In the rear garden there are 2 standard single-double tennis c

14、ourts equipped with professional lightings and beautiful views.网球场位于酒店后花园内,拥有国际标准单双人比赛的网球场 ,配备专业灯光照明。让您在挥洒汗水的同时可以享受重庆长 寿凤凰城酒店的美丽景致。 - 长寿湖、长江三峡 、张飞庙位、白帝城 、四面山风景区 、大足石刻 - Changshou Reservoir、 The Three Gorges of 、 Zhang Fei Temple 、 baidicheng、 Area surrounded by mountain scenery、 Grotto Art in Dazu C

15、ountyLocal Points of Interest 周边风景名胜 1.jpg-重庆特产:涪陵榨菜、合川桃片、重庆沱茶、永川皮蛋、江津米花糖、白市驿板鸭、江津广柑。 -风味美食:担担面、麻辣烫火锅、王鸭子、鸡汁锅贴、河水豆花。 -Specialtyx Chongqing: Fuling mustard、 Hechuan peach slice、 Chongqing Tuo、 Yong chuan preserved egg、 Sugar, rice flower Jiangjin、 Baishiyi duck、 Jiang Jin Kwong Kam Cuisine: Dan dan n

16、oodles、 Ma spicy hot pot、 King duck、 Chicken sauce pot、 River curdSpecial Food 特色美食Unique Features 独一无二的优势- Independent development and management, comprehensive Community Service facilities, resource sharing. - The greatest comprehensive strength hotel management company in China. - The largest area and the lowest floor



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