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1、 Different EducationChinas educational emphasis on the consolidation of basic knowledge, the U.S. emphasis on creative education, training. Chinas educational emphasis on the inculcation of knowledge and mastery of knowledge, the U.S. focus on education, flexible application of knowledge. Education

2、in China use the title the sea tactics, teachers, students repeat the exercise。Chinas basic education is to train students to master the skills, the U.S. people to understand how the education is only a matter, as to whether they want to math students in the future of engineering as a career, by the

3、 students to choose their own future, Chinas education is a “elite“ education, those depth of knowledge learned can not be eliminated out of people.p Due to lack of educational resources, the job market constraints and the factors affect the human environment, the domestic education can only be so “

4、fair“ manner. p Chinese students in this community have no choice under the pattern of American students is different, choose to go “elite“ road a few people,as long as the hard work, careful study, and strive to “fine“ “deep“, also to achieve their own “ elite “education.All Kinds Of ReasonsSuch as

5、pects mainly includes the social environment and cultural tradition, higher education system and reform measures. OneDifferences in education between China and the United States first and foremost teaching of the two primary goals are different . 中国与美国教育的差异首先在于两国初等教 育的教学目标不同. TwoDifferent attitudes

6、towards the achievements .对待成绩的态度不同 . Three Between the two countries there are differences in the knowledge concept .两国在知识观存在差异 . FourProvide students with the two countries in different environments .两国在教育环境上存在差异. FiveEducation model and the college entrance examination systems are different .教育模式和高考制度不同 . SixTo learn to shoulder different. 学习负担不同 . SevenFamily Education is different.家庭教育不同 .Thank you!Producer :Li Guichan Nie Shuping


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