新目标英语七年级上unit3教案(the 5th period)

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《新目标英语七年级上unit3教案(the 5th period)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新目标英语七年级上unit3教案(the 5th period)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 中小学教育资源站,百万资源无需注册免费下载!版权所有:中小学教育资源站 http:/第 1 页 共 4 页Unit3 THIS IS MY SISTER(The 5th period Section B Self-check) Teaching aims(教学目标) 学会介绍家庭成员 Language points (语言点) 1.要求熟练运用以下句式: This/That is Is/this/that?These are Yes, she/he is. No, he/she isnt.He/She is . (以上句式在前几课已有出现,在本课中要把这些句式运用各个任务中去,加深学生对所学

2、知 识的印象,使之能更灵活地运用到实际生活中.) 2.要求熟练掌握并运用本单元的单词Teaching steps (教学步骤) 教学设计说明 1.Warming up and revision (课堂热身和复习)1 (1) Daily greetings to the students ( 日常问候) 教学设计说明 T: Good morning/afternoon Glad to meet you. S: Glad to meet you, too. T: How are you today? S: Im fine/OK/very good, thank you .And you? T: I

3、 am great. How is your mother/father/grandmother/? S: She/He is fine/OK/very good/great. T: Im glad to hear that. Thanks for your answer(2) Revision (复习)T: Please show me the photo of your family. (Let me look at the photo of your family.May I have a look at your family photo?)Is this/that your fath

4、er /mother/?S: Yes, she/he is. No, she/he isnt. T: Great! Thanks for your answer.T: Can you tell me who is /are your father/parents? S: Yes. This is my father/These are my parents.2. Self check (自我检测)(1) Vocabulary2 1. Show a family tree to the students. Ask them to fill in the blanks with proper wo

5、rds. 2. Spot dictation3. Write new words in your Vocab-Builder.3 (2)Make a dialogue 41.课堂热身和复习部分是为了帮 助学生回忆巩固本单元所学的词 汇和句式2.单词检测部分通过两个任务完 成. A.通过填写家谱,检测学生对有 关家庭成员单词的掌握情况. B.根据家谱的内容让学生听写一 段含有本单元其他重要单词的 文章,并对这几个单词进行挖 空,以检查学生的掌握情况. 以上两部分的检测由学生相互对 批, 而后由学生本人圈出自己未 掌握的单词,并记录在生词本上, 课后再复习巩固. 3.把听力材料中出现的生词记录 到

6、生词本上,课后通过查字典 等形式掌握这些生词. 该活动 应持之以恒,鼓励学生积累扩 大词汇量,并可以与同学进行 交流, 达到事半功倍的效果.4.该任务是检测学生对本单元的 重点句式的掌握情况.先是口头 的检测,再落实到写,从易到难.编 对话的形式使学生之间能相互帮 助,以强带弱.中小学教育资源站,百万资源无需注册免费下载!版权所有:中小学教育资源站 http:/第 2 页 共 4 页1.T: These are Marys photos of Beijing. Look at the photos and make a dialogue with your partner.(Ask some

7、students to act out their dialogues.) 2.Ask students to complete the dialogues.(3) Guessing game (Just for fun)5One student (S1)must close his eyes. When S2(the student pretends his family member)is knocking at the door, the other students (Ss) ask: Ss: Who is it?S1: Is it my father?Ss: Yes, it is.

8、You are right.(S2 comes into the classroom )S2: I am your father, and you are my son.Ss: Who is it?S1: Is it my father?Ss No, it isnt . S1: Is it my ? (Give S1 three chances)Ss: No, it isnt. You are wrong.(S2 comes into the classroom)S2: Im your grandmother. You are my grandson.(4) Follow- up Activi

9、tiesRole-play A birthday party 6Actors: Jim (Today is his birthday)Kate(Jims sister)Mr. and Mrs. Green (Jims parents)Lucy and Lily(Jims friends, twins )Jim invites Lucy and Lily to his family to take partin his birthday party. He introduces them to his family members.Homework: Oral work: Review the

10、new words in your Vocab-Bulider. Written work Write down the dialogue “A birthday party”.5. 该任务通过游戏的形式使学 生在玩乐中对重点句式再次加深 印象,并有所扩展.这样的形式能 激发学生的学习兴趣,提高参与 度.教师可用中文解释这里使用 it 的原因.6. 该任务是一个综合性的活动.检查 学生对本单元所有内容及前面所学 的知识的掌握情况.通过这个情景剧 的表演能很好地培养学生的语言运 用能力.通过参加生日晚会这个学生 熟悉的活动,不仅能让学生在完成活 动的过程中运用所学的知识,而且让 他们在真实的语言

11、环境中感受异国 的文化风俗,真正体现了任务型教学 的真实性,交际性.为了让不同层次的 学生都能参与,教师可以给出一些句 型,以降低难度.中小学教育资源站,百万资源无需注册免费下载!版权所有:中小学教育资源站 http:/第 3 页 共 4 页Additional Evaluation form: (课堂表现自我评价表)all the timemost of the timea littlenone1. I understand my teacher2. I spoke English3. I worked with my group/desk mate4. I was interested i

12、n the class (知识掌握自我评价表)I canYes Need more practiceNeed more help1. introduce the family members.2. read and spell the words:mother, father, sister, brother,grandmother, grandfather,friend, grandparents, uncle, aunt,cousin, parent.3. ask and answer: Is this -? Yes, he is/ No, they arent Are they-? Ye

13、s, they are/No, they arent.4. talk about ones family.5. write a passage to describe ones family tree.以上评价表可以课后发给学生填写,目的是为了让学生自我检测课堂表现,也帮助老师了 解学生对所学知识的掌握程度,以便老师教学时查漏补缺。建议老师根据课堂教学及学生 的具体情况,添加或删改评价表的内容,要求越具体越好,能充分反馈出学生该单元的学 习情况。Summative Assessment: 1.Dictation: (听写下列单词和词组,时间 5 分钟)1sister 2. father 3.

14、grandmother 4. uncle 5. aunt6. those 7. cousin 8. daughter 9. thank for 10.photo2.Grammar test (打在幻灯片上,或事先打印在纸上发给学生,时间为 10 分钟) 一根据首字母填空。 1.My fathers father is my g_. 2.Kate is Jeff Greens d_. 3.Jim and Kate are b_ and s_. 4.My parents brothers are my u_.中小学教育资源站,百万资源无需注册免费下载!版权所有:中小学教育资源站 http:/第 4

15、 页 共 4 页5.My p_ love me very much and I love them, too. 6.My brother is my fathers c_. 7.This is a p_ of my f_.二选词填空This is a picture of _ family. The _in the middle is Mr. Read, the _. The woman is the _. They have a son and two _. The son behind Mrs. Read is Bill Read. Hes fourteen. The daughter next to Bill is eleven. _ name is Ann. The


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