外研版九上《Module 9 Cartoon stories》(Unit 2)word教案

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1、初三英语初三英语 Module 9 Unit 2 知识点知识点 1. win the heart of sb. 赢得某人的心赢得某人的心2. a group of 一群一群3. be against the rule of 反对反对的统治的统治4. in heaven 在天堂在天堂5. as + adj. / adv.原级原级 + as 尽可能地尽可能地、6. make a mess 弄乱弄乱,搞得一团糟搞得一团糟来、来、7. return sth. to sb. = return sb. sth.= give sth. back to sb. 把某东西还给某人把某东西还给某人 return

2、to sw = get back to sw 回到某地方回到某地方8. ever since = since 从从开始开始, 自从自从9. translateinto 把把翻译成翻译成10. more than = over 超过超过,多于多于less than 少于少于11. ones own + 名词名词 某人自己的某人自己的12. have sth. done 使某事情被做使某事情被做13. leave sb. on ones own 把某人单独留下把某人单独留下leave sb / sth. 留下某人留下某人/ 某东西某东西leave sw 离开某地离开某地中小学教育资源站(http:

3、/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ 一、一、CD 层完成句子(答案从对应号码的知识点中找)层完成句子(答案从对应号码的知识点中找)1. 我一定会赢得他的心的。我一定会赢得他的心的。 I will surely _ him.2. 一群小学生正在唱歌。一群小学生正在唱歌。 _ pupils are singing.4. 在中国的传说故事中,天庭上住着很多神仙。在中国的传说故事中,天庭上住着很多神仙。There are many gods living _ in the legend s tories of China.5. 你不能把家里弄得一团糟。你不能把家里弄得一团

4、糟。 You cant _ at home.8. 自从自从 2006 年开始我就在镇中学习了。年开始我就在镇中学习了。 I have studied in Chencun Middle School _ 2006.9. 你能把这个句子翻译成汉语吗?你能把这个句子翻译成汉语吗? Can you _ the sentence _ Chinese?10. 教室里的人超过教室里的人超过 50 个。个。 There are _ 50 students in the classroom. 少于少于 10 个人完成了作业。个人完成了作业。 _ finished the homework.二、二、CD 层快乐

5、阅读大闯关层快乐阅读大闯关Do you know what the White House is? Perhaps some of you do,while others dont.The White House is a house in Washington. The president of the U.S.A. lives in it. Its really white. But do you know why the White House is white? The story happened in 1812. That year England was at war with

6、America. The British army got to Washington and set the presidents house on fire. In 1814,in order to hide the marks of the fire,the stone walls of the presidents house were painted white and it has been the “White House” ever since.( ) 1. The White House _.A. is a tall building in China. B. is a ho

7、use in Washington.C. is a small house in Washington. D. is a house in Los Angeles( ) 2. _ lives in the White HouseA. The president of the U.S.A. B. The King of the U.KC. The president of the France. D. The president of China中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ ( ) 3. England was at war wit

8、h _in 1812.A. Africa B. China C. Australia D. America ( ) 3. The British army got to Washington and _.A. painted the presidents house white B. destroyed the presidents house C. painted the presidents house red D. set the presidents house on fire.( ) 4. The White House was painted white because _.A.

9、the house is old B. the house is newC. it was once on fire and was with marks D. they have enough paint( ) 5. _the stone walls of the presidents house were painted whiteA. in order to hide the marks of the water B. in order to make the house on fire C. in order to hide the house D. in order to hide

10、the marks of the fire三、单词拼写三、单词拼写 根据句子的意思及所给的首字母的提示,写出适当的单词。根据句子的意思及所给的首字母的提示,写出适当的单词。1. I have my own p_ computer. Do you have one?2. Little Tom made a m_ in the room. There were things everywhere.3. There are many gods living in h_ in the legend stories of China.4. Look. There are some boats on th

11、e s_ of the lake.5. I have a lot of e_ in the country. If you travel to the country, I can give you some help.6. Betty l_ the blind man across the road on her way home every day.7. Apples, pears and peaches are my f_. I like them very much.8. There are too many strange r_ in that company.9. Thats no

12、t a c_ thing. Its quite different from others.10. The b_ often make them work over ten hours a day.四、笔记理解四、笔记理解中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ 1 Shell get great success if she _ the child.A. wins the hearts of B. wins the heart of C. won the heart of 他们赢得了全世界人的心。他们赢得了全世界人的心。They have_

13、 people _.2. 看,一群羊正在往这边走过来。看,一群羊正在往这边走过来。Look! _ are coming over here.3. 作为学生,我们不应该违反学校规定。作为学生,我们不应该违反学校规定。As students, we shouldnt _our school. Our football team will play _ the football team from Zhongshan Middle School.A. to B. against C. with4. People in the past believed that they will live a happy life _ after they died.A. in the heaven B. in heaven C. on heaven5. We should speak English _ both in and out of cl



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