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1、T T: design, lead, host, help: design, lead, host, help TATA: Help : Help T T to give examples and guide to give examples and guide GLGL. . GLGL: Help : Help TATA and guide and guide GMGM. . GMGM: Work together and help each other.: Work together and help each other.Four-role Four-role S Systemystem

2、 TeacherTeacherTeacher AssistantTeacher AssistantGroup LeaderGroup LeaderGroup MemberGroup MemberClass Instruction于海洋Unit 1 Whats the matter?Unit 1 Whats the matter?Section A ReadingSection A Reading指导教师:重庆市教科院 陈春晖重庆市第一中学 王雪燕 兰芳Yu于海洋 重庆一中Before ReadingYu Haiyang3. Mr. Yu wins a teaching competition1

3、. Mr. Yu marries Fan Bingbing2. Mr. Yu acted in a movie 20 years agoin story in story in timein timeWhat should news be like?What should news be like?NewNewTrueTruethe the eyeeye of news of newsTrue in storyTrue in storyNew in timeNew in timeFast ReadingMatch the main ideaMatch the main ideaPara.1Pa

4、ra.1Para.2Para.2Para.3Para.3B. B. What was the result of the storyWhat was the result of the storyC. C. What the busWhat the bus driverdriver sawsawA. A. How people saved the old manHow people saved the old manAt 9:00 a.m. yesterday, bus No.26 was going along Zhonghua Road when the driver saw an old

5、 man lying on the side of the road. A woman next to him was shouting for help. le lea ad d(导语导语导语导语 ) : : important informationimportant informationwhenwhenwhenwhenwherewherewhowhowhatwhat Careful ReadingPara.1Para.1Careful ReadingPara. 2&3Para. 2&3T T: : design, lead, host, helpdesign, lead, host,

6、help TATA :Help :Help T T to give examples and guide to give examples and guide GLGL. . GLGL: Help and guide : Help and guide GMGM. . GMGM: : Work together and help each other.Work together and help each other.Tip: key wordsHow people helped the old manHow people helped the old manWhat was the resul

7、t of the storyWhat was the result of the storyThe bus driver, 24-year-old Wang Ping, stopped the bus without thinking twice. He got off and asked the woman what happened. she said that the man had a heart problem and should go to the hospital. Mr. Wang knew he had to act quickly. He told the passeng

8、ers that he must take the man to the hospital. He expected most or all of the passengers to get off and wait for the next bus. But to his surprise, they all agreed to go with him. Some passengers helped Mr. Wang to move the man onto the bus. simplesimpleandandlivelylivelyWhat do you think of the new

9、s language?What do you think of the news language?Further ReadingPara. 2Para. 2Thanks to Mr. Wang and the passengers, the doctors saved the man in time. “Its said that many people dont want to help others because they dont want any trouble,” says one passenger. “But the driver didnt think about hims

10、elf. He only thought about saving a life.”Which words show the writers view?Which words show the writers view?dont want troubleWhich side is the writer on?Which side is the writer on?saving a lifeI think great I love so much!Thanks to in time But onlynews view: news view: clear clear andand calm cal

11、mFurther ReadingPara. 3Para. 3Do you agree with the writer? Why or why Do you agree with the writer? Why or why not?not?take to hospitaltake to hospitalshout for helpshout for helpmovemoveDiscussionhttps:/https:/phphoenixoenix(凤)(凤)p pi ig g(猪)(猪)leoleopardpard(豹)(豹)eye-catchingeye-catchingsimple an

12、d livelysimple and livelyclear and calmclear and calmwhenwhenwherewherewhowhowhatwhatdevelopmentdevelopmentendend (view)(view)beginningbeginningOverall Reading“Ph “Phi ipard”pard”phphoenixoenix + p+ pi ig g + leo+ leopardpardbeginningbeginningdevelopmentdevelopmentend (view)end (view)WritingWrite a

13、piece of news with the “Write a piece of news with the “PhipardPhipard Structure” Structure” A New Teacher Gives an Interesting ClassA New Teacher Gives an Interesting Class? ? ?Sweet Tips:Sweet Tips: 1.1. Two for the Two for the headhead. . 2.2. Two for the Two for the bodybody. . 3.3. Two for the

14、Two for the tailtail. . Then Then report togetherreport together. . ZhenjiangNorthEastWestSouth2. Finish the news and learn to report it from 2. Finish the news and learn to report it from BBCBBC oror CNNCNN. .1. Learn more about 1. Learn more about first aid first aid and share it in the next class.and share it in the next class.Homework


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