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1、英语词汇突破 - “伤“不起hurt, injure, wound, harm, damage的区别主讲老师:Jane 一.各个击破:hurt用法例句赏析 The driver hurt himself badly in the car accident. She hurt her leg when she fell. hurt普通用语,既可指肉体上的伤害,也 可指精神上、感情上的伤害。指肉体 上的伤害时,hurt可与badly, slightly, seriously等连用;但若指精神上的创伤, 只能说very much/rather/deeply hurt。 Your words hurt

2、 her deeply. 一.各个击破: injure的用法例句赏析A bullet injured his left eye. Drinking can injure ones health. 主要指意外事故中损害健康、容貌等, 强调功能的损失。 The number of the injured amounted to over 100. “定冠词(the) + 形容词(adj.)”表示一类人或事 物,因此,the injured 表示“受伤的人”。一.各个击破: wound的用法例句赏析指刀伤、箭伤、枪伤、战争的伤害等。它可以指肉 体上的伤害。也可比喻指人们精神上的创伤。也可 用做名词,

3、指伤口,创伤。 The thief wounded him with a knife You have wounded his pride. Two soldiers died and three others were wounded in the attack. The nurse gently mopped the blood from the wound一. 各个击破:harm的用法例句赏析用于肉体或精神上的伤害均可,有时可指引起 不安或不便。还可以用做名词,常用搭配do harm to 表示对造成伤害Dont harm your eyes by reading in dim ligh

4、t. I have never harmed anybody. Any kind of pollution will do harm to health一.各个击破: damage的用法例句赏析主要指对于物的损害。也可用作名词,固定 搭配为do damage to,对造成伤害He damaged my car with a stone.The earthquake caused great damage.This will do great damage to our society.栏目名称二.辨析比较:用hurt, injure, wound, harm,damage填空1.She fel

5、t _ at your words. 2.Reading in bed will do _ to your eyes. 3.He got _ in the war. 4.The car was badly _ when it hit the bridge. 5.The girl was seriously _ in the accidents.hurtharmwoundeddamagedinjured三.乘胜追击:本题考查省略和 被动语态。miners与 injure和trap之间都 是被动关系,所以句 子要用被动语态。该 句是一个省略句,补 充完整为: Unfortunately,at le

6、ast.,22 miners were injured and 13 miners were trapped in the.。1.Unfortunately,at least 20 miners were killed, 22_and 13 _ in the coal mine gas explosion. Ainjuring;trapping Binjured;trapped Cinjured;trapping Dinjuring;trapped解析三.乘胜追击:定冠词(the) + 形容 词(adj.)”表示一类 人或事物2. The_ are well tended. A.wounding B. wounds C. wounded D. wound 解析三.乘胜追击:3. After a time, my back didnt _ any more. A. wound B. injure C. hurt D. hit hurt 除了指受伤 之外,还可以指身 体某个部位的疼痛解析四.图形助记:高效记忆再见


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