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1、16. ShoppingWord Stormgreengrocers 蔬菜水果站bakers 面包店butchers 生肉铺chemists 药店florists 花店ironmongers 五金店off-licence 酒行newsagents 报亭chain store 连锁店branches 分店mall 大商场aisle 通道checkout 收银台trolley 超市手推车keep the receipt 保留收据get a refund 退货try this on 试穿fitting room 试衣间pay by cheque 支票结算three for two 买二送一coupo

2、n 优惠券clearance sale 清仓甩卖vendor 卖主errand 差事、使命roast 烤prescription 处方once in a blue moon 千载难逢gorgeous 华丽的Alyssa: Its such a nice day outside. Lets take a walk into town and do some window-shopping.Connor: You know I hate shopping more than anything else in the world.A: I know. But we could get some ex

3、ercise in, and we could get some errands run, too. Window-shopping wont cost you anything.C: What kind of errands do we need to run?A: Well, we could go to the newsagents to pick up the Sunday paper, go to the butchers to pick up a chicken for a roast dinner, and to the chemists to pick up your pres

4、cription from the doctor.C: Ill only go if we can stop at the off-license to pick up something to drink for tonight.A: Fine, well do that on the way home, so we dont have to carry it the whole time.C: Sounds good. You have to promise not to go into any of the stores in the mall though. I know how yo

5、u like to try things on in the fitting rooms, especially if the stores have special offers.A: I promise. Were only going for a walk to get some exercise and to get some things done that we havent had time for.C: OK, lets go then!A: Do you have any money?C: For what?A: For our errands, and maybe a li

6、ttle extra for something from a vendor on the street.C: You said you were only going to window shop!A: I agreed to not go into the mall, but I can still look at things in the market!C: I should have knownC: What do you think about this store? I heard its a posh store thats only got branches in big c

7、ities.A: I love this store! The only problem is that its extremely expensive.C: Dont worry. Ive decided that for your birthday Im going to take you shopping for a new dress.A: Really? I thought you hated shopping?C: I do, thats why you should appreciate this gift!A: Sure. Thats really nice of you. L

8、ets go in and try some things on.C: How about this red dress? I think it would really suit you.A: Thats gorgeous! Do they have it in a size 8?C: Here you go. On any other day, it would cost me a fortune, but its on special offer today.A: I think this colour isnt quite right for me. Do they have the

9、same dress in white?C: Let me look. Lets see theyre got one in blue, green, pink, black and white. Here you are.A: This is perfect! What do you think?C: I think you look fantastic. Happy Birthday!A: Im so lucky. You only get a chance like this once in a blue moon! Thanks honey!17. Clothes and Fashio

10、nWord Stormboutique 时装店blouse/top 女罩衫,上衣scarf 围巾shawl 披肩accessories 饰品earrings 耳环bracelet 手链anklet 脚链high heels 高跟鞋tights 长筒袜cuff links 袖扣name brand 名牌devotee 狂爱者casual 简约elegance 精致优雅slave of fashion 盲目追求时尚者consumption ability 消费能力to dumbfound 使目瞪口呆by a long way 非常地practical 实用的formal dance 正装舞会sop

11、histicated 成熟的风情plain 普通go overboard 过分了good sense 判断力强leopard print 豹纹fabulous 难以置信的、很漂亮knock-off 仿制品pattern 样式a bit subtler 简单含蓄点的fabric 布料material 材料wool/cashmere blend 羊毛、羊绒混纺(开司米)pin-striped 细条纹funeral 葬礼tailor 裁缝Riley: Alright, tell me what you think.Jackson: Dont you think its a bit bright?R:

12、 Yeah, maybe youre right. How about this outfit?J: The dress looks lovely on you, but its not very practical, is it?R: No, I dont have any plans to go to a formal dance any time soon, but I love the way it looks. I just had to try it on! What do you think about this? Its casual, yet sophisticated.J:

13、 I like the jeans, but you need something to go with the top. Its too plain on its own.R: How about this scarf, these earrings, and an anklet?J: That might be going overboard a bit. How about just that scarf with a bracelet?R: Thats a good idea. You have a lot of good fashion sense.J: Thanks. Youd b

14、e ok on your own. There are loads of fashion victims out there, and you are not one of them. Have you tried it on yet?R: Yep. Here it is. What do you think?J: That looks great. Just one more thingyou need some high heels with those jeans. Do you want a pair with a plain pattern or ones with a leopar

15、d print on them?R: The leopard print sounds fabulous. Are they a name brand?J: No, theyre a Prada knock-off for 1/10 of the price of the real thing.R: Thats even better than the real clothes.J: If I were you, Id buy that now while its on sale. If you spend more than S 100, you get a S 50 voucher for

16、 more clothes.R: Its too bad I did all that shopping yesterday!J: Can you help me pick out some fabric for a suit? Im going to get one made for a friends wedding.R: Sure What kind of material do you want the suit to be made from?J: It depends on the price, but I was thinking of getting a wool/cashmere blend.R: That will probably be quite expensive, but the more you pay for the fabric, the longer itll last and the be


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