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1、Module 4 Fine Arts-Western, Chinese and Pop Arts核心单词 1. prefer v.更喜欢,宁愿 常用结构: prefer+n. doing sth./to do sth.sth. to sth.doing sth. to doing sth.sb. to do sth.to do sth. rather than do sth. I prefer going by bus. 我宁愿乘公共汽车去。 I prefer you to go at once. 我倒希望你马上走。 I prefer coffee to tea.我宁愿喝咖啡也不喝茶。 Say

2、 which one you prefer.说一说你更喜欢哪一个。 易混辨析 would rather/prefer 两者含义基本相同,意为“宁愿,宁可”。其差异主要 在搭配形式,如上prefer有多种表达形式,而would rather后面常跟动词原形或that引导的宾语从句,从句中 常用一般过去时或过去完成时。 Rather than ride on a crowded bus, he always prefers to ride a bicycle. 他宁愿骑自行车也不愿乘坐拥挤的公共汽车。2. adopt vt.采取,采纳;收养,领养 常用短语: adopt an idea/a chi

3、ld 采纳一个主意/领养孩子 Hes not my real father, Im adopted. 他不是我的生父,我是被收养的。 a style of painting adopted by a group of artists 一群艺术家所采用的一种绘画风格 易混辨析 adopt/adapt adopt表示“采纳(意见/计划/方法),采用,收养”等。 adapt表示“适应”,常用结构为:adapt oneself to,意为“ 适应”。 He adapted himself to the cold weather. 他适应了寒冷的天气。 3. observe vt. 观察,仔细看;遵守(

4、法律,习俗,规章);庆祝 常用结构: observe sb. do/doing sth.看到某人做某事/正在做某事 observe on/upon .评论 observe a rule 遵守规则 observe Christmas 庆祝圣诞节 They were observed entering/to enter the bank. 有人看到他们进入银行。 They observed how the tiny wings were fitted to the body. 他们观看了微型机翼的安装情况。 Qi Baishi observed the world of nature very c

5、arefully, and his paintings are special because of this. 齐白石观察自然界很仔细,他的画很特别也是基于这个原 因。 易混辨析 observe/look at/see/watch/notice/glare at /stare of/gaze at observe 表示带有目的性的“观察;仔细看”。 look at 强调动作本身,不一定看到,意为“朝看”。 see表示“看见”,侧重动作的结果。 watch表示“注视;看护”,常用于观看运动的物体,如电 视中的节目,比赛等。 notice表示“注意到”,既可指有意注意,也可用于无意注意 ,指偶然

6、注意到某个细节。 glare at表示“怒目而视”。 stare at表示“盯着,凝视”。 gaze at表示“盯着”,常含有发呆,出神的意思。 They watched the train until it disappeared in the distance. 他们目送着火车直到它消失在远方。 4. realize vt.认识到,实现 He didnt realize his mistake until I told him. 直到我告诉他,他才认识到自己的过错。 The man laughed when he realized what had happened. 当那个人意识到是怎么

7、回事时,便笑了起来。 She finally realized her ambition to see the Great Wall.她最终实现了参观长城的愿望。 常用短语: realize ones mistake 认识到自己的错误 realize ones meaning 领会某人的意思 realize ones dream 实现梦想易混辨析 come true/realize realize表示“实现”,主语一般为人,而come true表示“实 现”时主语为物。如: He finally realized his dream of learning how to play the vi

8、olin. 他最终实现了他毕生的理想学会了拉小提琴。 The girls dream to be a doctor came true with the help of her teacher. 那个女孩想成为医生的梦想终于在老师的帮助下实现了。 5. This is a painting by the Spanish artist, Pablo Picasso, considered to be the greatest western artist of the twentieth century.这是西班牙画家巴勃罗毕加索 的一幅油画,他被认为是20世纪西方最伟大的画家。 conside

9、r vt. 考虑;认为,把看作。后面常跟宾语从 句或宾语+宾语补足语。作“考虑”讲时,后面跟名词或动 名词作宾语。Dont consider him (to be) a fool. 不要把他当傻瓜。 We are considering importing technology from USA. 我们正在考虑从美国引进技术。 Do you consider it necessary for us to finish the work today? 你认为我们有必要今天完成这项工作吗? considerable/considerate/considering considerable adj.

10、 相当多(大)的; considerate adj. 考虑周到的,善于体谅人的;considering prep.瞄准 v.对瞄准;打算 常用结构: aim to do sth.企图,打算做某事 aim .at .把瞄向 take aim (at) 瞄准 What is your aim in life? 你的生活目标是什么? She aimed a pistol at the bandit. 她用手枪瞄准强盗。 I aimed to be a lawyer. 我打算当一名律师。 If you aim at perfection, there is none. 如果你志在求全,就完全没有机会了

11、。7. But I cant stand that picture of a golden haired girl.但 我受不了那幅金发女孩儿的画。 stand n. 台;架;摊位;看台 v. 站,站立;位于,坐落于; 忍受,忍耐 The stands were packed. 看台座无虚席。 stand作动词意为“忍受”时,常用于否定句、疑问句和条件句 中,与can或could连用。无进行时和被动语态。常用结构: cant stand sb.(s) doing sth. 不能忍受某人做某事。 I could never stand people telling me what to do.

12、我从来都不能忍受被人家摆布。 I can t stand being interrupted by them all the time. 我无法容忍总是被他们打断。 On top of the hill stands a high tower. 山顶上矗立着一座高塔。 He just can t stand eating soup while his wife cant resist eating porridge. 他无法忍受喝汤而他的妻子却无法抗拒麦片粥。联想拓展 stand for 代表;象征 stand out 显眼;突出 stand still 站着不动 stand by 袖手旁观;

13、支持 stand on ones feet 站立;自助;自立 stand on ones hands/head 倒立 8. They look so alive.他们看起来和活的一样。 此处 alive,意为“活的,有生命的”,是表语形容词,不能作 前置定语。 That is a fish alive.=That is a live/living fish. 那是一条活鱼。 易混辨析 alive/live/living/lively alive只作表语或后置定语,既可用于人也可用于物。 live活的,只能作定语,只用于动物。另外,还有“现场直播”的 意思。 living活的,有生命的,既可作定

14、语,又可作表语,可以指人也 可以指物。 lively生动的,活泼的,可作定语、表语。即可指人也可指物。 The living are more important to us than the dead. 活着的人对我们来说要比死去的人更重要。(the+adj.可以表 示一类人或物) Children are usually lively.小孩子们通常是活泼的。 He is the greatest living writer in China. 他是中国当代活着的最伟大的作家。 There will be a live TV broadcast of this conference this

15、 evening. 今天晚上的这场会议将会现场直播。 重点短语 9. Im studying art at school, and I enjoy it a lot, although I can get tired of looking at pictures all the time. 我在学校学习艺术,我很开心,虽然老看图可能会看腻。 联想拓展 be/get tired of对感到厌倦;厌烦 be/get tired from/with 因而疲倦;劳累 be bored of对厌倦 be fed up with sth.对感到厌倦 Im tired of your conversation. 你的讲话我听烦了。 Im tired from walking. 我走累了。 Mr Smith, tired of the boring speech, started to read a novel. 因演讲令人厌烦,史密斯先生开始读小说了。10. She put off completing the picture, because she didnt like it. 她推迟了完成那幅画,因为她不喜欢它。 put off 推迟,延期 I


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