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1、Unit 3Travel JournalListeningTick the words you hear on the tape:mountainsDaliTibetThailandLaoshorsesfloodswaterfallsfishcanyonsvalleysforestsAnswer the following questions:1.Which country does the girl come from?2.Where does the Mekong River even appear in Laos3.What is the Mekong river called in V

2、ietnam?1.Which country does the girl come from?She is from Laos.2.Where does the Mekong River even appear in Laos? In its national flag.Answers:3.What is the Mekong river called in Vietnam?Its called “the river of the nine dragons”Topic Southwest ChinaLaosLocal name of the riverUses of the riverWhat

3、 to seeSceneryThe water of the rocksThe sea of Laoswashing, fishing and transport many different animal, plant and bird speciessmall villages along the riverwaterfalls and rapidsmountains, forests temples, caves and a waterfallFill in the chart:Fill in the blank: 1.Were _ the Mekong River from its s

4、tart to where it _ the sea.2. We would be _ _ it. Its better than a road. 3. The scenery can _ _ _ _.4.its a _ area so you know its very special.followingprotectedtake yourwithoutlostjoinsbreath awayUnit 3Travel JournalWorkbookListeningTick the words you hear on the tape:DaliAfricafloodsducksborderc

5、oatsLaoscowsyaksmountainsmoonlightCambodiaAnswer the following questions:1. Who is telling the story?2. When did Wang Wei Meet her cousins?3. Why didnt they begin the journey in Tibet with Wang Kun and Wang Wei?4.Find a word that describe how the person telling the story feels about traveling in Lao

6、s.5.Find an adjective to describe how you think Dao Wei and Yu Hang felt when they heard about Tibet.ExcitedGlad1. Who is telling the story? Wang Kun is telling the story. Its his travel journal. 2.When did Wang Wei Meet her cousins?She met her cousins in October in Dali, a city in western Yunnan Pr

7、ovince.Answers:3.Why didnt they begin the journey in Tibet with Wang Kun and Wang Wei?The entry doesnt say. You can guess.Topic LaosThe riverMethods of land transportLife in the villagesFoodMore kinds of fish than any other river in Asia, a big waterfallFill in the chart:Travel by buses (tuk-tuks),

8、trucks,jeeps and motorbikesNo electricity, sleep on pieces of wood, close to the riverSpecial noodle soup, probably chicken and fish as wellFind out the differences and similaritiesbetween China and Laosin weather, plants and land.ChinaLaosHomework: . Finish the exercises of this unit . Preview rend

9、ing task on P59The end of the journal九州娱乐网 www.jiuzhou.asia 九州娱乐网 vjd51wmx 分为六队,到朝凰大陆位面传送阵那里集合,记住不要让任何人发现你们的行踪。” 底下的人高声回答:“属下领命!”然后快速的 两两组队飞身离开,期间没有造出一丁点的响动。而梦瑶几人看着夜北冥手底下的人的高度的执行力,看着夜北冥的眼神越发的崇拜, 自豪感油然而生。而月如两姐妹看着那十二人都领命离开,于是月媚忍不急的问道:“主上,那我们呢?您不带我们一起吗?”月如也 跟着点头,眼神焦急的看着夜北冥,夜北冥闻言说道:“因为第一次到陌生的地方,所以我不能带太多

10、人,等我在那边的势力稳定后, 我还会叫人过去的,这次我先带着月如过去,月媚先留在梦之境,有事我会让月如通知你。”月如月媚立即单膝跪地低头说道:“属下 领命!”然后月如起身走到夜北冥身后跟随夜北冥一起离开,留下满脸羡慕的月媚。夜北冥到达位面传送阵的时候,自己的属下已经双 双到场排好队等着自己。第010章 低等位面未央大陆未央大陆的位面传送阵位于大陆西侧,也就是距离死亡森林不远处的一处山谷 。传送阵的的面积有一个足球场那么大,脚底下踩得石头上遍布了一圈一圈的神秘符文。而符文的最中间,也就是传送阵的中心有一个 婴儿拳头大小的小凹槽。夜北冥从自己的空间戒指中取出一个黑色的小石头,弹入传送阵最中间的小凹

11、槽。石头刚一嵌入凹槽,整个传 送阵就一阵抖动,地面的符文则开始缓慢的转动,每一圈的转动顺序都不一样,有的逆时针转动,有的顺时针转动,而最中心的位置, 开始聚起一团光。光团越来越亮越来越大,最终包围了整个传送阵,夜北冥等人一直站在传送阵里面一动不动,然后整个光团好像再也 不能更大了,就竖起一道光,直冲云霄。只持续了一息时间,非常的短,还没有引起任何人的注意就消失在天空中,而夜北冥等人所站 的传送阵,已经开始了翻天覆地的变化。原本镶嵌小石头的凹槽已经凸出来,小石头不见了,凸出来的中心是一个大约一米长的成人手 臂粗的柱子,而柱子的最上方是一个透明的平面板,好像现代科幻电影里的平面投影电脑。此刻,那透明的面板上显示几个大字:当前 位面处于高等位面朝凰大陆,请选择传送等级位面。并且伴随着一道缥缈的女声,然后下面有三个方框,每个方框里面写着四个字,从 左到右依次是:高等位面,中等位面,低等位面。夜北冥说道:“低等位面,未央大陆。”说完,那道缥缈的女声又响起来:“低等位 面、未央大陆,传送阵启动!”接着整个传送阵上面的每一个转动的符文撒发出一阵耀眼的白光,当白光覆盖了夜北冥等人的身体就快 速的退回到符文当中,而夜北冥等人也已经消失不见,整个传送阵又回到夜北冥等人刚来时的样子。此刻未央大陆的某片空地中,一阵 白光闪过,夜


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