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1、THE UNIVERSE AND MAN-MADE SATELLITESLesson 46Chinas first space manthe first footprint on the earthhumans in spaceA Space StationShenzhou spaceshipA space shuttleSend up a rocketA satelliteQuestion: Whats the universe?Nine planets travel round the sun.The moon _ the earth.travels roundIts the satell

2、ite of the earth.Man-made satellitesWhy do people make satellites?1.help us to learn more about the earth,the weather and other things;2.help to send and receive messages(TV and radio programmes; telephone calls);3.help people understand each other better.Answer the “T” or “F” questions.1.Many of th

3、e stars in the universe are too far away.2.The moon is the satellite of the earth.3.The moon is 380,000 kilometers away from the sun.4.So far, no man has travelled to the other part of the universe.TFFF5.Many countries have sent up man- made satellites.6.Only China can send its TV and radio programm

4、es to foreign countries.7.The satellites help us to learn more about the universe.8.People from different countries understand each other better because the earth is becoming smaller.TFTF1.What do we mean when we talk about the universe?2.Why cant many stars be seen?3.How far is the moon away from t

5、he earth?We mean the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars, and the space between them.Because they are too far away.The moon is 380,000 kilometres away from the earth.5.Have any man-made machines travelled farther than the moon? What are they?Yes, they are. Theyre the man-made satellites6.Whatre s

6、atellites used for? Can you give some examples?Theyre used for helping 7.Why do we say that the world itself is becoming smaller and smaller? Thanks to space satellites, our knowledge of the universe is growing, the world itself is becoming smaller and smaller.4. Has the moon been visited by man?Yes

7、, it has.Fill in the blanks.The universe means the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars and the space _ them. Many of the stars are so _ away that we _ see them.The moon, our _, travels _ the earth. It has already been visited _ man in space ships.betweenfar cant satellite round byMan-made _ have

8、been sent up _ space by many countries. They go _ the earth. They are used for helping us to learn more _ the earth, the weather and other things. They are also used for sending and _ messages. It makes people _different countries understand each other better. So people say the world itself is becoming a much _ place. People call the small place “the global village”.smallerfromreceivingsatellites into roundaboutA speech: The UniverseThe function of the satellites and so on.What is the universe?Information abut the moon;


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