新目标九年级Unit6 Section A(1a–2c)课件ppt【最新】

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1、Period 1 (听说课) Section A1a 2c我今天上的是unit6第一课时,是以 “express preferences”为核心语言,围 绕“music”开展教学活动,学习有由关系 代词that和who引导的定语从句一教材分析经过两年的学习,九年级的学生已具有 一定的英语综合能力,也积累了一定的 词汇定语从句在七年级教材中就已经 出现过,只不过当时没有要求学生能正 式学习和掌握所以对于九年级的学生 来说,理解由关系代词that和who引导 的定语从句不会太难,但由于是农村学 校的学生,英语基础相对薄弱,我们在 教学中不能过多、过深地展开。二学情分析三教学目标语言技能听:通过学习

2、,多数学生能听懂由关系代词that和who引导的定语从句所谈论关于偏爱的简短对话 (1b,2a,2b) 说:1.通过操练,70%左右的学生能模仿着用由关系代词that和who引导的定句简单讲述自己的偏爱,如:What kind of music do you like?I like music that I can dance to.2. %左右的学生经过操练后能就熟悉的话题内容进行评论,表述自己的观点,如:I prefer music that I can sing along with.语言知识 语音:在进行对话和朗读时能做到语音基本正确,语调基本自然流畅,并努力模仿录音中的语音和语调。

3、词汇:1.理解:gentle ,lyric2.熟练运用:prefer。 语法: 初步理解由关系代词that和who引导的定语从句 . 语言知识功能:1.通过听说练习,多数学生能模仿着用that和who引导的定语从句谈论自己的偏好. 2.能让一般的学生都能学会区分that引导who 的定语从句的差异 如: I like music that I can dance to I like musicians who write their own music. 3.50% 以上的学生经过学习后,能就熟悉的话题,用that和who引导的定语熟练地进行评论话题:music, musician ,book

4、 ,teacher。 情感态度 通过谈论自己的喜好,培养乐观向上的生活态度 学习正确评论事物,形成正确的审美观学习策略 认知策略:通过谈论自己的爱好,对事物作出评价等方式,能初步理解定语从句 交际策略:通过个人活动,同伴问答,小组调查等活动抓住英语交际的机会,与人交流; 资源策略:充分利用多媒体资源,感受不同的音乐及尽可能多地复习以前学过的形容词文化意识通过谈论个人偏爱,感受音乐 评论音乐.教学重点 重点词汇: prefer重点句型:What kind of music do you like?I like music that I can dance to.I prefer music th

5、at I can sing along with.话题: express preferences 难点:正确理解和运用由that和who引导的定语从句四重点难点五.教学步骤vvEnjoy English!Enjoy English!vvEnjoy music!Enjoy music!vvEnjoyEnjoy life!life!When that day I hear your voice , I have some special feeling Let me always think I don t wanna forget you I remember at the day ,You a

6、re always on my mind Even though I just can think about you If the day in the future ,This love will becoming true I ve never change my mind that I will love you forever I don t care how fool it is ,I will let my dream come true I will tell you something I wanna let you know, I let you know I love y

7、ou, loving you, as the mouse love the rice Even every day has storm, I will always by your side I miss you, missing you ,I don t care how hard it is I just want you be happy ,Everything,I do it for you lyric歌词gentlegentle轻柔轻柔 的的, ,柔柔 和的和的.I like musicI like music that that I I preferprefer music mus

8、ic that 更喜欢更喜欢.popular, interesting , beautiful, sweet ,loud , special , is quiet and is quiet and gentlegentleenergetic ,soft , sad, happyexciting has great lyrics , I can dance to,I can sing along with 1bListen. Check () the kinds of Listen. Check () the kinds of music Tony and Betty like.music To

9、ny and Betty like.Music that I can dance toMusic that has great lyricsMusic that I can sing along withTonyBetty thatthat I can I can dance todance to. . thatthat has great has great lyricslyrics. . thatthat makes me happy. makes me happy. thatthat is comfortable to hear. is comfortable to hear. A: W

10、hat kind of music do you like? B: I like music thatWhat about you? A: I prefer music that that that I I cancan sing along withsing along with. . thatthat is quiet andis quiet and gentlegentle. . thatthat is loud and energetic.is loud and energetic. thatthat is sweet.is sweet.I like who .A: What kind

11、 of musicians do you like?who are famous.who have great skills.who are creative. who can write their own songs.who play different kinds of music.who play exciting music.B:What about you? A: I prefer musicians who musicianswork hardListen and choose the right answer.Listen and choose the right answer

12、.Carmen saysI like musicians_B. who play different kinds of musicB. who play different kinds of music. .A. who write their own songs.A. who write their own songs.BListen and match 1.Xu Fei prefers groups2.Carmen loves music3.Xu Fei likes musicans4.Carmen likes musicansA.who play different kindsof mu

13、sic.B.that play quiet and gentle songsC.thats really loud and energeticD.who write their own songs.What kind of books do you like?What kind of books do you like?I like/loveI like/love/prefer/prefer books that books that cheap, have beautiful pictures, interesting, learn something from them, expensiv

14、e, help me, special ,on science What kind of friends do you like?What kind of friends do you like?I like/love I like/love /prefer /prefer friends who friends who are good at schoolwork, has cool clothes, do the same things as me, friendly, cute, outgoing , quiet, athletic, kind ,help meWhat kind of

15、books/friends do you like/prefer?Hello,everyoneHello,everyone! In our group, like! In our group, likes s books books thatthat ,and she/he and she/he prefersprefers friends whowhoThats all. Thanks. Thats all. Thanks.Names About booksAbout friendsI like books thatI prefer friends whovvEnjoy music! Enjoy music! vvEnjoy books!Enjoy books!vvEnjoy friendship!Enjoy friendship!vvEnjoyEnjoy life!life!Write I like music _I prefer musicians_I love clothes _I prefer teachers_


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