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1、开发客户方法策略FENGTIANGUANGGAOCELUETUIGUANG Metal综合分析法 Marketing plan 营销策划Plan and Implementation 计划与实施Summary总结Our Team 团队Publicity and promotion 宣传和推广Project Background 项目背景positioning 定位丰田TOYOTA企业简介丰田(豊田)是世界十大汽车工业公司 之一,日本最大的汽车公司,创立于1933年。早期 的丰田牌、皇冠、光冠、花冠汽车名噪一时,近来 的克雷西达、凌志豪华汽车也极负盛名。TOYOTA在 汽车的销售量、销售额、知名

2、度方面均是世界一流 公司之一。特别在汽车销量上,位列世界第三名。 TOYOTA生产包括一般大众性汽车、高档汽车、面包 车、跑车、四轮驱动车、商用车在内的各种汽车。 其先进技术和优良品质倍受世界各地人士推崇。定位Toyotas origin and classification Toyota (Feng Tian) is one of the worlds top ten automobile industry, Japans largest automobile company, was founded in 1933. Early Toyota, crown-winner, Corolla

3、car Mingzaoyishi, the recent Keleixida, Lexus luxury cars is also very famous. TOYOTA in car sales, sales, is well-known aspects of world-class companies. Especially in car sales, the worlds third largest. TOYOTA production, including the general public of the cars, luxury cars, vans, sports cars, f

4、our-wheel-drive cars, commercial vehicles, cars. Its advanced technology and excellent quality greatly respected people from all over the world.丰田的起源及分类丰田创始人为丰田喜一郎。1895年,丰田 喜一郎出生于日本,毕业于东京帝国大学工学 部机械专业。1929年底,丰田喜一郎亲自考察 了欧美的汽车工业。1933年,在“丰田自动织 布机制造所”设立了汽车部。丰田喜一郎的同 学隈部一雄从德国给他买回一辆德国DKW牌前 轮子驱动汽车,经过两年的拆装研究,

5、终于 1935年8月造出了一辆GI牌汽车。该车是二冲 程双缸,木制车身,车顶用皮革缝制。Project Background 项目背景positioning 定位定位Toyota founder Kiichiro for Toyota. In 1895, Toyota Kiichiro was born in Japan, graduated from Tokyo Imperial University Faculty of Engineering Machinery professional. By the end of 1929, Toyota Kiichiro personally in

6、spected the European and American automobile industry. 1933, “Toyota auto manufacturing loom by“ the establishment of the Department of the automobile. Toyota Kiichiro students Kumabe a male from Germany to a German DKW he bought back wheel drive vehicle licences, after two years of study entry, and

7、 finally in August 1935 created the GI licensing a car. The car is a two-stroke Shuanggang, wooden body, the roof with leather sewing.Project Definition项目界定positioning 定位 遵守国内外的法律及法规精神,通过公开 、公正的企业活动争做得到国际社会信赖的企 业市民 遵守各国、各地区的文化和风俗习惯,通 过扎根于当地社会的企业活动为当地经济建设 和社会发展作出贡献。 以提供有利于环保的安全型产品为使命, 通过所有的企业活动为创造更美好

8、更舒适的生 存环境和更富裕的社会而不懈努力。丰田的基本理念定位At home and abroad to comply with the spirit of the laws and regulations, through open and fair business activities by the international community to become trusted members of the public enterprises to comply with all countries and regions of the culture and customs, r

9、ooted in the local community through the business activities of the local economic construction and social Contribute to the development. To provide a conducive environment for the mission of security products, through all the business activities to create a better living environment more comfortabl

10、e and more affluent community to make unremitting effortsProject Definition项目界定positioning 定位 在各个领域不断开发和研究最尖端 的科学技术,为满足全球顾客的需求提 供充满魅力的产品和服务。 以劳资相互信赖、共同承担责任为 基础,造就出能够最大限度发挥个人创 造力和团队力量的企业文化。 通过全球化的创造性经营努力实现 与社会的协调发展。定位In various fields and constantly develop and study the most sophisticated science an

11、d technology, in order to meet the needs of global customers to provide an attractive products and services. To the Labour mutual trust, shared responsibility for the foundation, created to play to the maximum individual creativity and team strength of the corporate culture. Through its worldwide cr

12、eative business and social efforts to achieve coordinated development.Project Definition项目界定positioning 定位历史发展 1934年,丰田喜一郎决定创立汽 车生产厂。1937年成立了“丰田汽车工 业株式会社”,地址在爱知县举田盯, 初始资金1200万日元,员工300多人。1936年底至1937年初,丰田制造 的卡车因质量差销售一直不景气。日 本发动了侵华战争后,陆军大批采购 卡车,丰田公司的所有库存车一售而 空,丰田公司赚了大钱。定位1934, Toyota decided to create

13、Kiichiro car manufacturing plant. 1937 established the “Toyota Automotive Industry Co., Ltd.“, address in Aichi Prefecture Ageta stare, the initial funds 12 million yen, more than 300 employees. By the end of 1936 to early 1937, Toyota manufactured truck sales due to poor quality has been sluggish.

14、Japan launched a war of aggression against China, the procurement of a large number of army trucks, Toyota cars an inventory of all sold out, Toyota earned a lot of money.1950年4月,丰田汽车乐售公司成立, 1950年6月,朝鲜战争爆发,美军46亿日 元的巨额订货,丰田迅速发展起来。 1952年3月27日,丰田喜一郎因患脑溢血 去世。1974年,丰田与日野、大发等16 家公司组成了丰田集团,同时与280多家 中小型企业组成

15、协作网。1982年7月,丰 田汽车工业公司和丰田汽车销售公司重 新合并,正式更名为丰田汽车公司。Project Definition项目界定positioning 定位April 1950, music sales to Toyota Motor Corporation was established in June 1950, the outbreak of the Korean War, the U.S. militarys massive 4.6 billion yen order, Toyota developed rapidly. March 27, 1952, Toyota Kii

16、chiro died due to cerebral hemorrhage. 1974, Toyota and Hino, the largest 16 companies such as the Toyota Group, with more than 280 small and medium enterprises network of collaboration. July 1982, Toyota Automotive Industry Corporation and Toyota Motor Sales to the merger, formally changed its name to Toyota Motor Corporation.Project Definition项目界定positioning 定位历史发展丰田的产品范围涉及汽车、钢铁、机床、电 子、纺织机械、纤维织品、家庭日用品、化工、 建筑机械及建



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