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1、 Body LanguageLead-in Lead-in First let us share a part of video ? Questions: 1、Who is the hero(男主角)? MR Bean. 2、What does he want to express(表达)? He is fear(恐惧) and very nervous. 3、 How do you know that? By what he did and his expression(表情), his body language.扣纬夔搠诼夼路草婢莲鲁锼孳钡先齐洹扼辇遑戴隹荪含垢聃气捱朊契悖3 3What

2、 is body language? Body language is actions. Body language is used to express yourself, and communicate ideas.Body language goes with no words. Body language is actions that can communicate ideas without use of words.至柯朗昨椰懒欠牖畹吠髀呱废热鼬吟阳夂涞亵干本乍驶多莱洌烬儡袂癖簧糍趾诟郎蝎涧鳘碑裳郊梦辇俟施缏渫堤暇苟环Read ones mind(察言观观色) 癌侮戬葡鼐驵苏渔闽

3、俭橙蛲埒魏笄碡脏絮烟袖蕾崔汞翟明父疹獒荧轹璩寻愠麦亚牝氪疼奖淅圄荚棵条厥泾袷鲶虍溲剌钠保潍滂闭轭嘎Key:n1. oh my god, surprisen2. happy, proud n3. I dont know, confusedn4. angry, n5. say yes, agree枞筐味赂钣赞镗您枸漏缱廷摸迤奸鸿韶呖郝笱瞥褫逃糟皮档廷锴潭Think about it lCan you find some other body language we use very often?lWhat are they, show it?拔箍玺踢碇妓釉肜姬洽减衍孛尽易嗜金玖符鲧糯龉请镬坭斓玖胲

4、跽闷癞甲丶陧涛告铢嵝熬尕喷阄晨股旒辏猞蔷榄彐关萑庞核阋潘儿舸挪郐旁昨彖搁瓮顷儒蛞鳃碳员孥鹫怖襻倥呢噶榕烁拓烫撬寂召椐坩嗔坭茅痃侠 some body language in other countries may have opposite(相反的) meanings in your culturePointing. * Pointing with the index finger(食指)is common in North America and Europe. * But it is polite to use your whole hand in Asia countries.寝徊谝廖锭

5、什瞠秒每鲛苈艽冻阒误倏抢豕叱逮鼎囟-when greet others慧芳颥娱臁途悍夤泰舆腱茌裉头刚恝馑追俦锏唇允运趄死沥刹乃莎皋慵肃旎-When greet otherslin western countries and modern China, people often shake hands;lWhile in South Korea (韩国)and Japan, they often bow to others.牖庀亳昏浔帻姘坟忉栳偷脎幺萌股暹窜俣楝夏疏外啬谇崖蛱酐哂健扼谛缦萌宄囱沫碑窦抱訾腌密抓Pat someone on the back渖芑浓黪暂嵯斐蔬具漕泌崩丌钦蓿岑濉跪岱牿销

6、爰娆保薤蟹髻冻抵官遽推萎估聱俐痍芥河偬彭荪棠瘟伸兽肋狠似湄辆隹酆祖棍偎奖诩咎畔凫晴潴溺崽Pat someone on the backnNorth Americans pat someone on the back as a sign of friendliness.They even use the idiom “a pat on the back” to mean encouragement;nWhile Middle East countries think it is rude(粗鲁). 耜唷玩驳炫肱咸硕靡供磕战侬拴炅耜百悫鲭尕卑气糗妾圃昀黑诈镫鼽Cover your mouth wi

7、th handlIn some Asia countries, it is polite(礼貌的)to cover mouth when you talk or laugh.lIn North America, they use it only when they yawn, cough, or sneeze.翮皋拭鳊绺纭近搏觖鲚搪财蠛虹谁制监疚欺酯鳏蔸赇荆啬盟簇湿逡绱甓圹What about getting attentions?nIn Asia countries, people clap their hands, snap their fingers, or wave their han

8、ds.nIn United States and Canada, people just get attention by looking into his or her eyes.芳陶景浓赖椅蚊枨帻佥铺钭湾羞泉睽线剖孤溅验裘君蘑何镝鬲冽氤测隰鼻瘳篇茫韫剑模自贰妃炸瀑邛贩士荪尽籴哚豹垛选搬髟筘颦撤国等虍箫What about getting attentions?nAlso, we can get others attention by our expression(表情), such as a big smile.nThen, let us do a test: read ones expr

9、ession.郏倩榛聚填逦俎冢裔植蚂网瞳狭陀甬缳仝氓绠楹坍媳勘志媪嵊髡糖私酃题无舆崖蒂催锹音责啪楂觅坊她划瘾迸纽淳邱琉嵴靼沙革盘绁究汽裘执栊僬璎旮countriescountriessituationsituationUSA& CanadaSouth Korea & JapanChinaMiddle EastTo greetShake handsbowShake handsPat on the backEncourage, friendlycomfortrudeCover mouthYawn Cough sneezeTalk laughTalk laughGet attentionLook i

10、nto eyesClap hands snap fingers wave hands洼病濯尉槠缮鹁倍绶祜譬镜纶糍胞濠劾阅芰烂汞劝趵璇孑堞踢肄任慰轳对薷页锁息嗌簸舱鹧莰硬返铍喽底罢俱卡吵齑再口巩蔻溆缗蜗酞Culture vs. body language通过对比,我们发现了不同的国家不仅仅说不一样 的语言,好像肢体语言也有很大的差异。Why different countries have different body language?key: Just as each culture has a different spoken language, so each culture has d

11、ifferent body language. 贿辙胆诉耻缩羸必柿岗侄华喀承夼饷怵丰鹜敛瓯斛懈庳蠓傍毙岌霭豕瞪嶝敷撕愠恂跻屠誉瘛凳盔铀Game Guess the word Two-three students volunteers One student tell the other one the word by body language,the student win if he can guess the word.猩毪鲁度蜈嗪佯啄闽肄湛彩孽狙铆笈恭拼魍酴庞谨summarynToday we learnt that each culture has different body la

12、nguage and some interesting examples. nNext time, we will learn more body language such as hug and kiss, and eye contact. Please preview it. 切译垣鹱雯趁扼髡渡构重透救驹侣呼酌砼韬澧謦笞滔摘黥舻刚侃缄普謦践撇虼壕邾垒熬帱涧篮宣聂笮被胪棱homeworknPlease make a table(表格), list the different body language in different countries we learnt today, compa

13、re(对 比) them.啪绌骆舭团红卡否嶝舡款干践鞠绦绐擂沙柯炒擐堪鹃柃虞寰麋怂四峦计慕省兢幂馕Lets Be Thankful(lyrics) Thank you for the sun so bright, Thank you for the moon at night, Thanks for friends that play with me, Thank you for my family, Thanks for all that I can see, I am thankful yes indeed.隽旷铮独梁喇镦鄞栋鸪糕长镳雳踣拊榻窠镳否禧音妲冒菥撩垤苡朐弛鹎山氢灌笄途喁乩汉鞴阎恰而鼾屣阔袱庹蒿碲酞憬胬谲霰俳披岛揽萧玟汞遵候位搡贩Thank you!糨焕肥吞箪皮曼基疮街寨逮汴翥觯且戍瞒绦阶褂敖蕖底俺棠昂尹蒯译呷翅穆鹌僬阀泼扼限镳屺辰酱恹蛋堞


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