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1、The coutry which will soon disappear.TUVALU图瓦卢Tuvaluformerly known as the Ellice Islands, is a Polynesian island nation located in the Pacific Ocean, midway between Hawaii and Australia.It comprises three reef islands and six true atolls spread out between the latitude of 5 to 10 south and longitude

2、 of 176 to 180, west of the International Date Line.Its nearest neighbours are Kiribati(基里 巴斯), Nauru(瑙鲁), Samoa(美属萨摩亚及萨 摩亚共和国) and Fiji(斐济). Tuvalu has a population of 10,640.The total land area of the islands of Tuvalu is 26 square kilometres.The capital of Tuvalu is Funafuti(富纳富提 )formerly adv. 以

3、前;原来 Polynesian 波利尼西亚 midway adj. 居中的,中途的 comprise vt. 由组成 reef n. 暗礁 atoll n. 环礁 latitude n. 纬度 longitude n. 经度The History Of TuvaluThe first inhabitants of Tuvalu were Polynesians. The pattern of settlement that is believed to have occurred is that the Polynesians spread out from Samoa and Tonga(汤

4、加) into the Tuvaluan atolls.In 1568, a Spanish navigator was the first European to sail through the archipelago, sighting the island of Nui during his expedition in search of Terra Australis. In 1819 the island of Funafuti was named Ellices Island; the name Ellice was applied to all nine islands aft

5、er the work of English hydrographer Alexander George Findlay. The Ellice Islands were administered as British protectorate(受保护国) by a Resident Commissioner(专员) from 1892 to 1916 as part of the British Western Pacific Territories (英国西太平洋领地), and then as part of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands colony f

6、rom 1916 to 1974.Tuvalu became fully independent on 1 October 1978. On 5 September 2000 Tuvalu became the 189th member of the United Nations.inhabitant n. 居民,住户 expedition n. 考察 occurre v. 发生 hydrographer n. 水 文学家 navigator n. 航海家 administered 被管理 archipelago n. 群岛 colony n. 殖民地,聚居 地Challenges Tuval

7、u faces as a result of climate changeAs low-lying islands lacking a surrounding shallow shelf(浅海), the communities of Tuvalu are especially susceptible(特别容易变化的) to changes in sea level and undissipated storms(分散的风暴). At its highest, Tuvalu is only 4.6 metres above sea level.It is estimated(被估 计) tha

8、t a sea level rise of 2040 centimetres in the next 100 years.But according to some authoritative sources (权威资料),Tuvalu will be largely(主要地,大部分) disappeared in 20 to 50 years. Tuvalu in the relocation(搬迁) is underway(在进行中).富纳富提国际机场富纳富提市中心邮票“中华民国”邦交国From the little bit to start, to protect the ecological environment.“Lets do it for Tuvalu. For if we save Tuvalu we save the world.” the Prime Minister of Tuvalu, Sopoaga让我们为保护图瓦卢不懈努力。我们拯救 了图瓦卢的同时,也就拯救了世界。 图瓦卢首相 索波卡


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