八年级英语All about films复习课件

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《八年级英语All about films复习课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语All about films复习课件(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 l一、一周知识概述l1重难点单词与短语:l film-making,tour,movie,visitor shoot,impression,violently,delightedly ,lastly,role,set,enjoyable,moving, extremely,colorful,out of ones skin, make a deep impression on sb.,take off ,bump into,make money。l2句型 l(1)Julia said that Dinosaur Jungle was her favourite.l 朱丽叶说恐龙丛林是她最喜欢

2、的景点。l(2)He asked us if/whether we wanted to be in the film as extras.l 他问我们是否愿意参加到群众演员中去。l(3)He asked me what my Chinese name was.l 他问我我们中文名字是什么。l3语法:转述事实及转述问句。 l二、重难点知识讲解 l1The park is both an amusement and a film studio.l译文公园既是一个娱乐园又是电影制作室。lbothand 意为“和(都)”。le.g.He is both my teacher and my friend

3、.l他既是我的老师又是我的朋友。l注意bothand在连接主语时谓语动词用复数。le.g.Both Miss Li and Mr. Zhang have been to Shenzhen.l李小姐和张先生都去过深圳。lneithernor 意为“和(都)不”, 与both.and意义相反。le.g.Neither Tom nor Peter has eaten dumpling.l汤姆和彼得都没吃过饺子。lnot onlybut also意为“不但而且”,与 bothand意义相近。le.g.Both Jack and Tom are in Beijing this term.lNot onl

4、y Jack but also Tom is in Beijing this term.l这个学期杰克和汤姆都在北京。l注意:neithernor与not onlybut also,在连接主 语时谓语动词形式采用就近原则。le.g.Neither he nor his parents like the book.l他和他的父母都不喜欢这本书。(like与parents相符)lNeither his parents nor he likes the book.l他的父母和他都不喜欢这本书。(likes与he相符)l2Visitors go there for pleasure.l译文旅客们去那儿

5、消遣。lfor pleasure意为“消遣,为了取乐”。le.g.He has gone abroad for pleasure not on business.l他出国是为了游玩而不是出差。lpleasure是名词,意为“乐趣;使人愉快的 事物”,经常有如下用法。l It was a pleasure /It is my pleasure. 表 示“不客气,不用谢”。l take (a) pleasure in doing sth.表示“对做 某事感到快乐,喜欢做”。le.g.Charlie takes (a) pleasure in helping his grandfather do h

6、ousework.l查利喜欢帮助他爷爷做家务事。l with pleasure意为“非常愿意”。(用于礼貌地表 示乐意做别人让自己做的事)。le.g.Will you come 你愿意来吗?lWith pleasure, madam. 非常愿意,夫人。l to ones pleasure. 使某人高兴或满意的是 le.g.To my pleasure, I finished the task ahead of time.l令我高兴的是,我提前完成了任务。l注意,不要与pleased弄混淆了,pleased是形容 词,意为“高兴的,满意的”,它常构成短语be pleased to do sth.

7、乐于做;或be pleased with/at/about/by对高兴/满意。le.g.Im pleased to meet you.l我很高兴见到你。lHe will be pleased to help you.l他会乐意帮助你的。lShe is pleased with the gift.l她对那件礼物很满意。l3I almost jumped out of my skin when the dinosaur roared at us!l译文当那只恐龙朝我们吼叫,我几乎吓了一跳。lalmost是副词(adv.),意为“几乎,差不多”。le.g.Supper is almost ready

8、.l晚饭就要做好了。 lI almost fell off my bike.l我差一点从自行车上摔下来。 lAlmost no one believed him.l几乎没有一个人相信他。lalmost与nearly,这两个词意思相近,肯定句中可以换用 。一般来说,almost的差距比nearly小。almost能和never ,no,none,nothing,nobody,nowhere等连用,这种 情况下不能用nearly。le.g.almost never 几乎从不lnearly never ()l但nearly可以与not连用,但not nearly是“远不如”的意思, 而almost不

9、与not单独连用。ljump out of ones skin是固定词组,意为“大吃一惊;吓了 一大跳”。le.g.Sorry, I didnt mean to make you jump out of your skin.l对不起,我不是有意吓你的。l4The Great Wave attraction made a deep impression on Ruddy.l译文巨浪景点给罗迪留下了深刻的印象。lmake a (deep) impression on sb. 给(某人)留下深 刻的印象。le.g.Her sense of humour made a deep impression

10、on her friends.l她的幽默感给她的朋友留下深刻的印象。lHe made a strong impression on me.l他给我留下了深刻的印象。l5We saw a huge wave coming towards us.l译文我们看见一个巨浪正向我们奔来。lseedoing sth.意为“看见正在做某事”,see 是表示感观的动词。如hear,watch,notice等也 是如此,其后可以跟动词的-ing形式,表示看见/ 听见/注意到某人(某物)正在做某事。le.g.I found a stranger walking nearby our shop all day.l我

11、发现一个陌生人整天都在我们商店附近走动。 lI saw the boys playing basketball there.l我看见男孩子们正在那边打篮球。l6 and the wave seemed to crash over the top of our car.l译文浪头似乎撞向了我们的车的顶部 。lseem意为“好像;似乎;看起来”。lseem的常用句型如下:l(1)seem+(to be)+表语,表语通常由名 词(n.),形容词(adj.)或介词(prep.)充当。le.g.They seem (to be) doctors. (n.)lIt seems like years sin

12、ce I last saw Mr. Green.l自从上次遇到格林先生,好像已过了许多 年。lHe seems (to be) quite happy.l=It seems that he is quite happy.l他似乎很快乐。l(2)seem + to do sth.le.g.Mother seemed to know that.l=It seemed that Mother knew that.l母亲好像知道那件事。lI seem to have seen him somewhere before.l=It seems that I have seen him somewhere

13、before.l我好像以前曾在什么地方见过他。l(3)It seems + that从句le.g.It seemed that she was sleeping then.l=She seemed to be sleeping then.l那时她好像在睡觉。l7Lastly, I asked if they enjoyed working as extras.l译文最后,我问他们是否喜欢当群众演员 。lenjoy在这句中意为“喜欢”,另外enjoy还有“ 欣赏;享有乐趣”之义。enjoy后面如有 动词作宾语,只能用动名词形式。le.g.The boy enjoys listening to the pop songs.l这个男孩喜欢听流行音乐。


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