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1、Readingborn impress sculpture praise sales department general race either . or .adj. 天生的 vt. 给.留下印象 n. 雕塑, 雕像 n. 赞扬, 表扬 n. 销售部 adj. 总的;普遍的;首席的 n. 竞赛;赛跑 不是.就是., 或者.或者.Words 榜样 处于领先地位 落后 n. 挑战 adj.主要的, 首要的 adj. 高速的 vt. 连接 与.相连, 连接Words 附加的 vt. 把.贡献, 把.专用于 vt. 尊敬, 尊重 adj. 合适的; 适宜的 n. 搭档, 合作伙伴Words revi

2、ew1. A creative person 2. An active person 3. An energetic person 4. A modest person 5. An organized person 6. A patient persona. has lots of energy. b. does not talk much about his/her abilities. c. can produce something new or a work of art. d. can plan his/her work well. e. enjoys taking part in

3、different activities. f. can wait without getting angry. To infer (推断) general meaning from the title and the pictures To describe the four peoples jobs in your own words To learn the useful words and expressionsObjectivesWords: born, impress, sculpture, praise, general, race, lead, challenge, chief

4、, high-speed, connect, miss, attention, standard, pioneer, surgeon, carelessness, extra, devote, respect, suitable, partnerPhrases: either . or ., take the lead, fall behind, connect to/with, as good as, pay attention toPatterns: Hes quiet and doesnt like to talk much, but his work shouts! “Life is

5、like a race. You either take the lead or fall behind. Im ready to take on new challenges any time,” she said. “To us, a miss is as good as a mile. We cant afford to make any mistakes,” said Mr Liu. Carelessness will be a disaster not only to ourselves but also to patients. 1. Wu Weis friend does not

6、 think that his work is very good. 2. Wu Weis sculptures are famous all over the country. 3. Su Ning was once happy with her job as an accountant.B2(P10 )Listen and answer 4. Su Ning changed her job five years ago. 5. Liu Hao is the chief engineer of the new bridge. 6. Liu Haos team members find it

7、difficult to work with him. 7. Fang Yuan thinks doctors should be very careful. 8. Fang Yuan spends most of her time on her work.Read and answer Read the article and finish the following exercises.Is Wu Wei a good artist? Yes, Wu Wei is a born artist. His work shouts! His sculptures have won high pr

8、aise from the art community. What was Su Nings previous work? An accountant. What does Liu Hao do? Chief engineer. Does Fang Yuan have a relaxed job? No, she often does operations for about ten hours a day.B3Millie is summarizing the newspaper article. Help her find the words on pages 8 and 9 to com

9、plete her notes below. (P11) Job Personality _ Quiet, does not like to _ Creative his work shouts Enjoys searching for something better or _artist talk muchdifferentWu WeiJob Personality _Active and _ Loves working with _ Ready to take on _ _ _Pays attention to every _ Serious and well _ Always work

10、s to high _managerenergetic peoplenew challenges engineer detail organizedstandardsSu NingLiu HaoJob Personality _Kind and _ Very _ at work Willing to work _doctorpatient carefulextra hoursFang Yuan1. Divide the class into groups and write each group on the board to keep track of points. 2. Try to d

11、escribe each person according to the pictures and the key words. 3. Which group will get more points?Wu WeiLiu HaoSu NingFang Yuanquietcreativesculptures better or different funaccountant activeenergeticmanagernew challengesartistengineerserious well organized modesteasy-goinga pioneer heart surgeon

12、 kindpatient careful devotedrespectimpress sb. with sth. 用.给某人留 下印象 Practise1. Wu Wei, the young artist, has impressed the whole country with his creative work.The girl impressed her friends with her excellent drawing skills. 她极好的绘画技巧给她的朋友们留下了 很深的印象。either . or . 不是.就是.,或者 .或者.; 表示两种可能性中任 选一种,其后面连接两

13、个相同的句子 成份。 连接的两个名词或代词作主 语时,谓语动词与最靠近它的主语一 致。 2. You either take the lead or fall behind.take the lead(领先) 和fall behind(落后) 是一组反义词。Practise1. She was coming back either today or tomorrow. 她不是今天来就是明天来。 2. 不是你就是他对。 Either you or he is right. 3. 鲍勃正落后于所有的顶尖选手。 Bob is falling behind all the top players.此句

14、用的是it is + adjective + to- infinitive结构,意思是“做某事是 的”,其中it是形式主语,无实际意义, 真正的主语是后面的动词不定式。3. All of us know that its necessary to pay attention to every detail.宾语从句pay attention to: to watch, listen to, or think about sth. or someone carefully or with interest 注意Practise回顾复习: Anyway, its good to see the a

15、mazing changes in the town. (八年级下册U1)每天做运动是有必要的。 Its necessary to do exercise everyday. 你应该注意安全指示。 You should pay attention to the safety instructions. 句中的cannot(cant) . too . 是常用表 达,意思是“无论怎样也不过分” ,“越(愈)越(愈)好”。Practise4. As a doctor, you cant be too careful,” she said.一个人越谦虚越好。 One cannot be too modest. 他怎样小心谨慎也不算过分。 He cant be too cautious.not only . but (also) . 意思是“不但 .而且;不仅.还有.”。Practise5. Carelessness will be a disaster not only to ourselves but also to patients.”care n. 小心,谨慎;carefu


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