重大版高一英语必修1 Unit 4 Unforgettable Films课件

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1、Unit 4 Unforgettable FilmsClass SixGuessWhich types of films are they?Love MovieCartoon ComedyHorror MovieScience FictionWhats your favourite film? Why?My favourite film is Its a film. I like it because Listening PartCaptain: My_ Austrians(奥地利同胞), I shall not be seeing you again perhaps for a very l

2、ong time. I would like to sing for you now, a _song. I know you share this love. I pray that you will never let it _. fellowlovedie Edelweiss, edelweiss, every morning you_me. Small and_, clean and _, You look happy to _ me. Blossom of _, may you bloom and _, Bloom and grow forever. Edelweiss, edelw

3、eiss, bless my _ forever.greetwhitebrightmeet snow growhomelandEdelweiss edlvas 雪绒花Prediction1) There are _ characters in the film.A. seven B. eight C. nine D. ten 2) Choose one suitable word to express the authors feeling about the film.A. likely B. favourite C. tiring D. so-soMy Favourite Film-The

4、 Sound of Music1.Skim the text and match each summary with a proper paragraph.1) Para 1 A. People love the film1) Para 1 A. People love the film 2) Para 2 B. Film skills in the film are used 2) Para 2 B. Film skills in the film are used excellently. excellently. 3) Para 3 C. I like the film most.3)

5、Para 3 C. I like the film most. 4) Para 4 D. The film is both enjoyable and 4) Para 4 D. The film is both enjoyable and educational. educational. 5) Para 5 E. The film is about seven children, 5) Para 5 E. The film is about seven children, their governess and their father. their governess and their

6、father.1) In the authors mind, 1) In the authors mind, The Sound of The Sound of MusicMusic is the best film in the world. is the best film in the world.2) Maria and the seven children become 2) Maria and the seven children become good friends just because good friends just because she knows how to

7、have fun with she knows how to have fun with them.them.and how to guide their behaviour.2. Read the text again and decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Correct the false ones.3) Young girls like the film because they think they can see themselves in the film. 4) Accordin

8、g to the author, the most unforgettable things in the film is the songs.5) The film tries to put across many moral values so it is really educational.doesnt trydoesnt try butbut3. Work in pairs and complete the table with some adjectives from the text.Charac tersMari aChildren FatherYoung and _ and

9、_Theme_maturenaughtylovablestrictsimpleCatering to different peopleSkills used in making the film.MusicLight, _, and _ Photo- graphy_tuneful memorableattractiveScenesBack-groundsin keeping with the storyActing_The whole film_ and _superbenjoyableunforgettable1. It is a very old film which won five O

10、scar awards. award sb. sth. . award sth. to sb. Examples: 1)The university awarded her a scholarship. 2)A large sum of money was awarded to the survivors. 那位主管获得了一大笔奖金。award, prize, reward的区别:Award侧重在法律与法规规定而给予的荣誉(如文学奖) prize指在竞争、竞赛中获得的奖章reward 主要指对好行为或者功绩的报答、酬谢。1. The judge _ her the first prize fo

11、r her picture. A. awarded B. rewarded C. awarded to D. rewarded to 2.It is widely accepted that young babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to _. A. rewards B. prizes C. awards D. results2. But for me, there has been no other film to match its excellence.match v. to be exactly like; 相配

12、:十分相似;和符合Roses clothes and hat dont match 罗丝的衣服和帽子不协调。That dress matches her red hair. 那件连衣裙和她的红头发很相配。match, fit, suit的区别:一般说来,suit指颜色、花样、款式、能力等相适应; fit指大小、尺寸等正合适;match指两个东西相称、匹配。练习用match, fit, suit的正确形式完成句子。 1. Her shoes _ her dress; they look very well together. 2. The T-shirt is too large and doe

13、snt _ a boy aged ten. 3. How would it _ her to be a piano teacher?match fit suit3. Woven around a very simple theme, this film tells a story about .weave around: 围绕编造(织) 例句:He wove a story around the incident.他围绕这个事件编了一个故事。词形变化:weavewovewoventake to: 1) like 喜欢 What subject does the girl take to mos

14、t? take to 2)开始从事 He took to studying English 5 years ago. take短语: take up拿起;从事 take down取下,卸下 take in 吸收;引进;诱骗;收入 take on呈 现4. The children take to her and they become great friends,take to的近义表达法:A. prefer 更喜欢,宁愿prefer doing sth;prefer to do sth;prefer +n.B. like 喜欢like + n. like doing sth.like to do sth.like sb. to do sth. / to belike + n.+ adj.C. be fond of 喜欢F. fell like 想,愿意ide


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