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1、L 71-100Revision _(接)the phone Listen! They are _ to each other. She cant _ to you now? Please _ them to be quiet. What did you _ to him? say/speak/talk/tell -Who is that speaking? - _ Tom. A. I am B. It is C. This is D. That is answer talkingspeak tell sayC Ill _ home tomorrow morning. A. arrive B.

2、 get to C. go to C. reach at They _ (telephone) four times since yesterday morning. I can ask him the way, she said to _ (she). Can you _ _ _ _ _(告 诉我去的路吗)Sunshine Road? The _ (tour) found a phrase and read _ (slow).Ahave telephonedherself tell me the waytourist slowly 他把手伸进口袋,拿出一本书。 He _ his hand _

3、 his pocket and _ _ a book. He knows the way _ (good). He smiled _ (pleasant). I _ (lose) the way the other day. She saw a man _ the bus stop. I want to buy shoes _ these.put into took out well pleasantly lost at/near like These shoes _ _ _ last year.(去年流行) The shoes look _ (comfortable) , so I dont

4、 want to try them on. You must be careful when you walk _ the road. I _ _ _ (牙疼 ), I must go to the _ (dentist). Can you come _ 10 a.m. _ Monday,_ April 24th?were in fashionuncomfortableacross have a toothache dentists aton / He is very _ _ _ _. (他此刻很忙) Can you wait _ me _ the bus stop _ 10 a.m. /_

5、ten minutes? I will arrive there soon. She is _ _ _ _ (列购物清单 ). 我根本不喜欢豆子和胡萝卜。 I _ like beans _ carrots _ _ . I _ _ _ some money.(我希 望你有些钱)busy at the momentfor at untilformaking a shopping listdont like at all hope you have I wont go to the grocers _ . also/as well/either/too Please go _ and _ _ _.(

6、请上楼洗澡。) We _ _ _ at a _ _.(今晚我们会在饭店吃饭) Its _ _ .(快好了) They are_ _ _ the party.( 他们在准备晚会。) The classroom is very _ (tidy). Please clean it.eitherupstairs have a bathwill have dinner restaurant tonight nearly ready getting ready foruntidy I have already seen the film. I _ _ the film _. ( 否定句) _ _ seen

7、 the film _? (一般疑问句) Yes, I _./ No, I _. _ _ you already _? (划线提问)havent seen yetHave you yethavehavent What have done -他去过美国吗? -没有。他从未去那儿。 -_ he _ _ _ Beijing? -No, he _. He _ _ _ _. Spring in the Spring _ _ .(在映) They are still _ _ it. I am sure they cant _ it.(修理 ) They are _(try) _ (clean) it. T

8、o tell you the _ (true), I cant speak French.Has ever been to hasnthas never been there is on working on repair trying to cleantruth What about the green dress? I dont like _ . Can you show me another _ . I am not thirsty now. I _ just _ (have) a cup of tea. The Smiths _ (pack) their suitcases at pr

9、esent.it onehave had are packing bring / take He always _ me some gifts when he visits me. She always _ her umbrella with her. He _ (drive) his car _ a lamp- post last night. Lets go _ the garage and have a look _ your car. They will move _ their new house tomorrow. They will move _ .bringstakes dro

10、veintointo at to/intoin The house is for _ (sell). They _ (live) here for ten years. He _ (be) here since 2008. They _ _ 20 pounds. (值) He always _ _ _ _ .(说了算 ) He must _ (see) the doctor now. He _ always _ (be) a good neighbour. He _ (come) to see me the day after tomorrow.sale have lived have bee

11、nare worth has the last wordsee has beenwill come 请带我向他问好。告诉他我会想念他。 please _ _ my regards. Tell him I will _ _ . He is my _ (隔壁的) neighbour . There is a bar _ _ _ the station.(在隔壁) He will go to the UK by plane tomorrow.(改同义句) He will _ _ the UK tomorrow.give him miss him next-doornext door tofly to

12、 He _ (fly) to Spain last week. He will go back to school next week. (改同义句) He will _ _ school next week. There They will come back in five days time. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ they _ back?flewreturn toHow soon will come Shall we go and have a drink? (改同义 句) _ go and have a drink. _ _ _ go and have a drink? _ _ going to have? 我们有充足的饮料,别担心。 Dont worry. We have _ _ _. 购物结束后记得把篮子还给超市。 Remember to _ the basket _ the supermarket when you finish _.下雨天你最好不要开(车)太快。 You _ _ _ _ too fast on rainy days.Lets Why dont we What aboutplenty of drinksreturn to shoppinghad better not drive W


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