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1、菜 单课时知能训练 自主落实固基础考点突破提知能高考一轮复习 新课标 英语(广东专用 ) 随堂检测紧练兵创新作文 谈写作 菜 单课时知能训练 自主落实固基础考点突破提知能高考一轮复习 新课标 英语(广东专用 ) 随堂检测紧练兵创新作文 谈写作 .单词思忆(一)基本单词1_ n损失;遗失;丧失2_ vt.& vi.打猎;猎取;搜寻3_ n减轻或解除;减轻痛苦的事物4_ n仁慈;宽恕;怜悯5_ adj.确定的;某一;一定6_ vt.包含;容纳;容忍7_ vt.影响;感动;侵袭8_ n& vt.损害;危害菜 单课时知能训练 自主落实固基础考点突破提知能高考一轮复习 新课标 英语(广东专用 ) 随堂检

2、测紧练兵创新作文 谈写作 9_ vt.& vi.咬;叮;刺痛10_ n事件;事变变(二)派生单词11_ vt.& vi.减少;(使)变变小;或变变少_vt.增加12_ vi.回答;响应应;做出反应应_n回答;响应应13_ vi.成功vt.接替;继继任_n成功_adj.成功的菜 单课时知能训练 自主落实固基础考点突破提知能高考一轮复习 新课标 英语(广东专用 ) 随堂检测紧练兵创新作文 谈写作 14_ vt.雇用;利用_n利用;雇用_ n雇员员_n雇主15_ vt.检查检查 ;视视察_n检查检查 ;视视察.短语回顾(一)根据汉语提示补全下列短语1灭灭亡;逐渐渐消失die_2和平地;和睦地;安祥地

3、_peace3在危险险中;垂危_danger4如释释重负负;松了口气_relief5保护护不受(危害)protect_菜 单课时知能训练 自主落实固基础考点突破提知能高考一轮复习 新课标 英语(广东专用 ) 随堂检测紧练兵创新作文 谈写作 6注意pay attention_7形成;产产生come_being8按照;根据所说说according_(二)用上述短语的适当形式填空9The law made for workers has helped out many peasantworkers since it _.10We should _ forming good habits of rea

4、ding carefully.11May God _ you _harm!12They live _ in that old village.13Many rare animals are _.菜 单课时知能训练 自主落实固基础考点突破提知能高考一轮复习 新课标 英语(广东专用 ) 随堂检测紧练兵创新作文 谈写作 .佳句仿练1We used to be an endangered species.(used to do sth.过去常常做某事,暗示现在已经不再如此了。)我过去常常在业余时间打篮球,但现在我对足球感兴趣了。_,but now I am interested in football

5、.2It shows the importance of wildlife protection,but Id like to help as the WWF suggests.(as引导方式状语从句,意为“按照;像那样”。)菜 单课时知能训练 自主落实固基础考点突破提知能高考一轮复习 新课标 英语(广东专用 ) 随堂检测紧练兵创新作文 谈写作 依我看来,这这工作不像你想象的那么简单简单 。In my opinion,the work is not so easy_.3But what an experience!(此句为为what引导导的感叹叹句的省略。)多么了不起的一个中国人啊!_菜 单课

6、时知能训练 自主落实固基础考点突破提知能高考一轮复习 新课标 英语(广东专用 ) 随堂检测紧练兵创新作文 谈写作 4They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago,long before humans came into being.(long before很久以前,before后边边可以跟从句。)早在我来这这儿以前我就听说过说过 他的情况。I heard of him_.菜 单课时知能训练 自主落实固基础考点突破提知能高考一轮复习 新课标 英语(广东专用 ) 随堂检测紧练兵创新作文 谈写作 .教材活用用本单元学到的词汇或句式完成下面

7、短文(每空不超过3个单词)As we know,things were not satisfying several years ago when it comes to the 1._ of wildlife.The number of some wild animals were 2._ fast.Even some wild animals died out in our country.Some rare plants and good insects were 3._,too.People are worried about the gradual 4._ of the wildli

8、fe.So both the central and local governments have been trying to do something to protect the wildlife from being harmed.They have taken some菜 单课时知能训练 自主落实固基础考点突破提知能高考一轮复习 新课标 英语(广东专用 ) 随堂检测紧练兵创新作文 谈写作 5._ measures.For example,they have built up some special 6._ so that animals have had a lot of 7._

9、places to live in peace.They have also made effective laws to ban the sales of animal fur.Besides,they are 8._ different ways to increase the income of the farmers so that they can do less harm to the wildlife around them.Happily,more and more volunteers are beginning to join in the protection.They

10、have 9._ educating more people to care for wildlife.Now it is a great 10._ that things are better and better for the wildlife in our country.菜 单课时知能训练 自主落实固基础考点突破提知能高考一轮复习 新课标 英语(广东专用 ) 随堂检测紧练兵创新作文 谈写作 .1.loss 2.hunt 3.relief 4.mercy 5.certain 6.contain 7.affect 8.harm 9.bite 10.incident 11.decrease

11、;increase 12.respond;response 13.succeed;success;successful 14.employ;employment;employee;employer 15.inspect;inspection.1.out 2.in 3.in 4.in 5.from 6.to 7.into 8.to 9.came into being 10.pay attention to 11.protect;from 12.in peace13in danger菜 单课时知能训练 自主落实固基础考点突破提知能高考一轮复习 新课标 英语(广东专用 ) 随堂检测紧练兵创新作文 谈

12、写作 .1.I used to play basketball when I was free 2.as you thought 3.What a great Chinese! 4.long before I came here.1.protection 2.decreasing 3.in danger 4.loss 5.powerful6.reserves 7.secure 8.employing 9.succeeded in 10.relief 菜 单课时知能训练 自主落实固基础考点突破提知能高考一轮复习 新课标 英语(广东专用 ) 随堂检测紧练兵创新作文 谈写作 1relief n(痛苦

13、或忧虑的)减轻或解除;减轻痛苦的事物;救济;救援物品In relief Daisy burst into laughter.(P26)戴茜如释释重负负,突然大笑起来。I felt a huge surge of relief and happiness.我如释释重负负,感到一阵阵欣慰。(朗文)This medicine provide only temporary relief from suffering.这这种药药只能暂时缓暂时缓 解痛苦。菜 单课时知能训练 自主落实固基础考点突破提知能高考一轮复习 新课标 英语(广东专用 ) 随堂检测紧练兵创新作文 谈写作 in relief 如释重负;松了口气(much) to ones relief 使某人放心(宽慰)的是feel a sense of relief 如释重负菜 单课时知能训练 自主落实固基础考点突破提知能高考一轮复习 新课标 英语(广东专用 ) 随堂检测紧练兵创新作文 谈写作 【即时应用】写出下列句子中


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