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1、基于网络的 英语新闻报刊阅读课程设计n介绍网络新闻报刊阅读的重要性n介绍西方英语国家的主要代表媒体及官方 网站n介绍英文报刊新闻的结构和语言特点n介绍阅读技巧及学习方法n阅读训练一、网络新闻报刊阅读的重要性新闻与一个国家的政治环境和社会氛围 密切相关,是一个国家价值观、意识形态、 政治取向的反映。网络中,新闻报刊是一类 特殊的英语阅读资源,作为一种媒体,旨在 传达给读者迅速及时,内容真实的报道,因 此新闻报刊阅读是获取外界信息的一种必要 而有效的手段。不仅如此,对于英语学习者来说,新闻报刊阅 读的重要性更体现在如下方面:n扩展视野,瞭望全球n了解社会的重要途径,学习新的沟通和表达方 式n了解国

2、际社会对中国的看法n增加阅读量,丰富阅读题材n培养有目的、有需求的阅读的能力,过滤众多 信息,快速查读n培养良好的自学能力,丰富英语自学方法二、西方英语国家各主要媒体n报纸n期刊、杂志n媒体、通讯社英国主要报纸n泰晤士报 (Times):1785年由约翰.沃尔特在伦敦创刊 ,作为英国的第一主流大报,对全世界政治经济、文化发挥 着巨大影响,被誉为“ 英国社会的忠实记录者” 。n卫报 (The Guardian) :英国全国性综合内容日报,原 名曼彻斯特卫报, 后改称卫报。该报观点倾向自由 党和工党,读者多为政界人士和高级知识子。. n金融时报 (The Financial Times) :188

3、8年于伦敦创刊 ,在英国之外的140多个国家同步出版发行,是英国金融资本 市场的晴雨表. n每日电讯报 (The Daily Telegraph) :创刊于1855年, 是英销量最大的日报,该报以“时效性”而著称,是保守。 英国主要报纸n观察家报 (The Observer): 1791年创刊,该报消 息比较灵通,常有一些独家新闻;1993年被卫报吞并 。 n每日快报 (The Daily Express):1900年由比弗布鲁克爵士 ( Lord Beaverbrook) 在伦敦创刊。 n每日邮报 (The Daily Mail):1896年创刊,是一种知识性很强的通俗日报。 n镜报 (Th

4、e Mirror) :1903年创刊,读者多为小市民 及职业层次较低的年青人,政治观点上支持工党,1985年 以前名为每日镜报(Daily Mirror) 。 美国主要报纸n纽约时报 (The New York Times): 1851年创刊,纽 约出版在全世界发行的相当有影响力的报纸,享有可靠的新 闻来源的声誉,往往被世界上其它报纸和新闻社直接作为新 闻来源。 n华盛顿邮报 (The Washington Post):美国最具影响 力的大报之一,以消息可靠、文章犀利而闻名。20世纪70年 代初通过揭露水门事件和迫使理查德尼克松总统退职获得了 国际威望,被认为是继纽约时报后美国最有声望的报纸

5、。n洛杉矶时报 (The Los Angeles Times): 1881年于洛 杉矶创刊,其影响与地位仅次于纽约时报和华盛顿邮 报,被称为美国的第三大报。n华尔街日报 (The Wall Street Journal):美国乃至世 界影响力最大,侧重金融、商业领域报导的日报。始终是美 国最高端的报纸,其读者群的平均家庭年收入是15万美金。美国主要报纸n基督教科学箴言报 (The Christian Science Monitor): 1909年创刊,由基督教科学出版社出版。在国 际新闻报道方面尤负盛名,对一些国际问题(包括中国问 题)的分析都比较客观、公正,因而受到美国中上层知识 分子的欢迎

6、。n芝加哥论坛报 (The Chicago Tribune): 创刊于 1947年,在芝加哥出版。n今日美国 (Gannett Newspapers):1982年创刊,是 美国唯一的彩色版全国性对开日报。美国晨星报返回英国主要期刊n 经济学家(The Economist) :1843年创刊,与 金融时报同属“皮尔逊父子公司”所有。 n旁观者(The Spectator) :创刊于1828年,是英 国全国性周刊中历史最久的杂志。 n新政治家(The New Statesman) :创刊于1934 年,主要发表有关政治、社会问题、书刊、电影、戏剧 等方面的评论。n自然(Nature):世界上最早的

7、国际性科技期 刊,也是世界上最权威的科学杂志之一。自1869年创刊 以来,始终如一地报道和评论全球科技领域里最重要的 突破。美国主要期刊n时代周刊 (TIME) :时代周刊是美国影响最大的新闻周 刊,有世界“ 史库” 之称。n新闻周刊 (NEWS WEEK):美国主要综合性新闻刊物之 一,对热点问题报道具有一定权威性 。地位仅次于时代 周刊。n美国新闻与世界报道 (U.S. NEWS Elizabeth搜索引擎搜索引擎分类分类 浏览浏览Johnny Depp, Vanessa Paradis split after 14 yearsAfter months of dogged rumors t

8、hat they were headed for a breakup, Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis confirmed on Tuesday that theyre no longer a couple.n The pair “have amicably separated,“ a rep for 49-year-old Depp tells CNN in a statement. “Please respect their privacy and, more importantly, the privacy of their children.”n Rep

9、orts that their 14-year relationship was on the rocks began circulating earlier this year, but Paradis, 39, reportedly brushed off the gossip as false.n The pair have two children together, Lily, 13, and Jack, 9.June 19th, 2012 04:13 PM ETShenzhou-9 docks with Tiangong-1 Chinas Shenzhou-9 capsule, w

10、ith its crew of three, has docked with the Tiangong-1 space lab.nThe coupling of the vehicles occurred at 14:07 Beijing time (06:07 GMT; 07:07 BST). nThe latest Shenzhou mission was launched on Saturday, taking the nations first female astronaut into orbit.nThirty-three-year old Liu Yang flies with

11、Commander Jing Haipeng, 46, and fellow flight engineer, Liu Wang, 42.nIt was another two hours after the docking before the astronauts moved between the vehicles.nThey first had to wait for pressures inside the vessels to be equalised before they could open the hatches.nCommander Jing led the way in

12、to the lab, followed by Mr Liu. Ms Liu initially stayed behind in the Shenzhou capsule in case of emergency.nA video camera inside Tiangong relayed pictures of the entrance of the two men, who waved into the lens. They immediately set about checking systems. nAfter 20 minutes, Ms Liu followed her ma

13、le colleagues into Tiangong, and the three then turned to the camera as a group to wave.nThis is Chinas fourth manned mission. It follows on from last years unmanned Shenzhou-8 outing which completed successful rendezvous and docking manoeuvres at Tiangong.18 June 2012 Last updated at 14:12 GMTQueen

14、 Elizabeth II 60th Anniversary: Monarch Celebrates Milestone LONDON - Queen Elizabeth II marked her Diamond Jubilee on Monday with a message thanking all those who had supported her over her 60-year reign and reaffirming her dedication to serving the British people. nThe 85-year-old monarch ascended

15、 the throne when her father, George VI, died on Feb. 6, 1952. She is the longest-serving monarch after Queen Victoria, who reigned for more than 63 years. nBefore a years worth of festivities to celebrate her milestone, the queen said she and her husband have been “deeply moved“ to receive so many k

16、ind messages about her Diamond Jubilee.n“I am writing to thank you for the wonderful support and encouragement that you have given to me and Prince Phillip over these years,“ she wrote in a message to the nation. “In this special year, as I dedicate myself anew to your service, I hope that we will all be reminded of the power of togetherness and the convening streng



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