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1、 AMERICAN WAR of INDEPENDENCE 1775 - 1783 Causes of the American Revolution The American Revolution began in 1775 as open conflict between the united thirteen colonies and Great Britain. 导火线:波士顿倾茶事件(Boston Tea Party) Americans felt they deserved all the rights of Englishmen. The British, on the othe

2、r hand, felt that the colonies were created to be used in the way that best suited the crown and parliament. This conflict is embodied in one of the rallying cries (战斗口号)of the American Revolution: No Taxation Without Representation!Major Events That Led to the War 1770 Boston massacre(大屠杀) The colo

3、nists and British soldiers openly clashed in Boston. This event was used as an example of British cruelty despite questions about how it actually occurred.1773 - Tea Act To assist the failing British East India Company, the Company was given a monopoly to trade tea in America.1773 - Boston Tea Party

4、 A group of colonists disguised as Indians dumped tea overboard from three ships in Boston Harbor. 1774 - Intolerable Acts These were passed in response to the Boston Tea Party and placed restrictions on the colonists including outlawing town meetings and the closing of Boston Harbor.Break outBreak

5、outT The shot in Lexingtonhe shot in Lexington 莱克星顿的枪声莱克星顿的枪声 Declaration of Independence A resolution of independence passed the Philadelphia Convention on July 2. This was all that was needed to break away from Britain. The colonists had been fighting Great Britain for 14 months while declaring th

6、eir allegiance(效忠) to the crown. Now they were breaking away. Obviously, they wanted to make clear exactly why they decided to take this action. Hence, they presented the world with the Declaration of Independence drafted by thirty-three year old Thomas Jefferson Yorktown and the wars end The northe

7、rn, southern, and naval theaters of the war converged in 1781 at Yorktown, Virginia. In early September, French naval forces defeated a British fleet at the Battle of the Chesapeake, cutting off Cornwalliss supplies and transport. Washington hurriedly moved his troops from New York, and a combined F

8、ranco-American force of 17,000 men commenced the siege of Yorktown in early October. Cornwalliss position quickly became untenable, and he surrendered his army on October 19, 1781. Treaty of Paris This treaty officially ended the American Revolutionary War on September 3, 1783 Founding Fathers The M

9、en Who Helped Found America The founding fathers were those political leaders who were part of the American Revolution and the founding of the new nation after independence was won. There were many more than five founders that had a huge impact on the American Revolution, the Articles of Confederation(联邦), and the Constitution., their names are George Washington Thomas Jefferson Benjamin Franklin James Madison John Adams Fight for Freedom


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